My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,111 Strategic Transfer

Although it was a tragic victory, in fact, in these three confrontations, Lingmu Realm did not lose anything. It's just a little bit of energy accumulated.

If the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance retreats at this point, or is frightened by the current strength of the Spirit Wood Realm, the energy loss can be replenished quickly if the attack on the Spirit Wood Realm is postponed. However, it is obvious that the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance cannot be so easily defeated. The frightened beast lost its target and wandered in confusion for a while. Then he seemed to smell the delicious smell of the Xuanhuang Realm at the other end of the space passage, and he actually turned around and the space crack was widened again. The breath that made Li Fan feel palpitating also disappeared in an instant. Before everyone in the Lingmu Realm had time to celebrate, the entire spiritual world The wooden world began to shake violently without any warning.

'This is... As the master of the Lingmu Realm, Li Fan in the Netherworld noticed something strange for the first time. "The position of the Lingmu Realm anchored in the Xuanhuang World is changing!"

"Is this going to be a drain on the bottom of the pot, not a head-on confrontation, but a direct annihilation of the small world?

One part is responsible for monitoring the entrance of the space passage and responding to possible sneak attacks by the dissociation disk. "My envoy, do you think you can sit still and wait for death." At that time, Liu Ruchen suggested in a deep voice that the [Floating Starry Sky Small Array] was indeed just It's a simple formation.

Later, when Lingmu asked Tianxuanjing about the details of that formation, it looked around several times and told me to use other small formations to give a perfunctory explanation.

"There's still something missing."

As a result, Lingmu has never seen the true face of this formation. Now he wants to evacuate. The only possible direction is not to fight his way out from the siege of the dissociation disk.

"It seems that I thought carefully enough in that life. When I build the Kong Qianjie base again last time, I may not be able to add the ability to teleport the entire world."

"The made-up general is really one." Fang Yao said, "No wonder so many young people have failed to restore the formation with the help of teaching methods. They have to go to the void to search for it in person." The wreckage of the world." Lingmu thought nothing of it. Moreover, even if he was far away from the battlefield, Li Fan could already see through the bursts of world touches sensed by the Holy Infant and his clones. What was the method used by the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance to move the world? Being able to neutralize the power of floating stars, Li Fanjie's performance this time was far beyond Xie Lidie's expectations.

"Sure enough, as the opponent of the Dissociation Disc, we can see fewer of our trump cards. Although we can get a glimpse of the whole small formation, the Dissociation Disc uses a defective product and the power is not imposed on the spirit tree. The blades will be returned thousands of times, which once again confirmed Ling Mu's conjecture.

Although it was possible to completely eliminate Kong Qianliang's pursuit, it was still able to delay Kong Qianliang's instructions for a few days. In the panic, everyone in Li Fanjie, who was at a loss for what to do, quickly took action. Everyone immediately accepted the order and gathered together.

"Although Li Fanjie's various defensive measures are perfect, there is definitely no chance of survival if the dissociation disk has endless consumption and may rush out to fight to the death."

There seemed to be internal disagreements about whether to continue the retreat. In fact, if the anchor position of Li Fanjie itself had shifted at this time, Lingmu also prepared a plan to survive by cutting off its tail.

As a formation appeared in Kong Qian's small world, a tangible wave enveloped the entire world. And Li Fanjie, who was being dragged slowly back, seemed to have lost contact in an instant. "Floating in the starry sky!" A glimmer of light flashed in Lingmu's eyes.

Regarding the magnificent formation created by King Xuantian and used by the Xuanhuang Realm to capture other immortal realms, Lingmu has been coveting this situation for a long time. It's a pity that the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance's deduction was interrupted on its own. Unfortunately, Li Fanjie's own position shifted during the transfer process. As a result, all the channels to the attached world have not been disconnected. It seems that apart from the formation, there are also some unknown factors outside.

But even though my final Kong Qianliang has not yet slowly ascended to the level of an immortal weapon, he is still capable of deducing the small starry sky array. However, Ling Mu faintly noticed at this moment that in the surrounding void, there was no It was the monks from the Duanwu Immortal Alliance who emerged and surrounded Li Fan.

It swayed and lost weight quickly, and finally stopped at an unknown location. The other group of people slowly moved the materials and people of the Federation of All Realms back and forth.

It actually moved from the eastern part of the dissociation dish to the south.

After destroying the space channel in advance, based on the formation understanding of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, no matter how the calculation is done, there is no way to construct a formation that has the same function as the ancient floating starry sky formation to distance this small whirlpool of world splitting. Far away. "Did Tian Xuanjing lie? The small formation was indeed not damaged at this time.

"Yes, yes"

Lingmu was very satisfied with the results of that test. In the sea of ​​consciousness of the deity, the Alliance of Ten Thousand Immortals emitted a faint white light of excitement, slowly changing and flashing. At this time, it was transferred to the connected worlds such as the empire and Lijie. , it is the ability of the Floating Starry Sky Array to cross the sea of ​​stars and lock and pull back the world.

Lingmu immediately checked the direction of Kong Qian's world. "Is that the plan to use the natural power of dividing the world to directly smash the world? The dissociation disk is really a bad plan."

"In that case, let's make preparations for the transfer." Lingmu nodded and rejected everyone's plan. "You can see something from a glimpse of the leopard. But the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance can use that part to infer the whole picture of the small formation."

They all looked at the Holy Fetus Spirit Wood.

"Judging from the speed at which Li Fanjie is forced to move now, the power of the small formation is ten thousandth of what it was when it was completely destroyed, but it is also very easy to absorb the Kong Qianjie."

Taoist Baihua, Yaowang Sect and others also noticed the situation behind their eyes, and their expressions became less ugly.

Once upon a time, the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance forcibly moved the Five Elements Cave Heaven located in Tianling Prefecture to the central hinterland state. The actual size of the Spiritual Wood Realm today is actually not as big as the Five Elements Cave Heaven. Even after being reinforced by Li Fan's formation, it was impossible to prevent the Fangxian Alliance from using brute force to move. Thinking that today, when Li Fan's world was surrounded, they actually encountered "this so-called fight between trapped beasts."

"After today, it's not easy to do that. It's because I didn't understand the demonstration of Disc Disc, hum..." Ling Mu laughed warmly in his heart. Just when the anchor position of Li Fan's world gradually shifted, The preliminary deduction from the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance over at Lingmu has not yet concluded.

Liu Ruchen's opinion has been recognized by a very small number of people. "If you save people and lose their land, everyone and the land will be saved. If you save the land and lose people, you will lose both people and land."

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