My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,116 The Overthrow of the Immortal Alliance in Prison

"Maybe we can even turn them into believers of the True Immortal of Mercy!"

He looked at the countless prisoners around him who were wailing in agony under the punishment of the formation. Kou Hong felt the same and thought thoughtfully.

"But this is a prison under strict supervision after all. If we want to achieve this, we need to consider the long term."

Kou Hong's eyes flashed, and he used the same angry voice to cover himself up again.

But this time, he deliberately appeared fitful and weak.

It seemed like I couldn't hold on any longer.

For a period of time, Kou Hong used his apparent complete surrender to divert the jailer's attention away from himself.

And he is studying the formations in detail every day crazily, and secretly saving up to improve his strength.

Now he has reacted.

The gift of the True Immortal of Mercy and the inexplicable heat that appeared in the body turned out to be the cultivation level that the monks dreamed of.

According to conventional wisdom, only monks who practice hard day and night can accumulate and become the driving force for improving their realm. But at this moment, it was like water without a source, irrigating his body endlessly.

And because of this, his strength is rapidly increasing at an unimaginably terrifying speed.

In less than half a month, he had already reached the golden elixir perfection.

This made Kou Hong even more convinced that these incredible miracles that happened to him were definitely gifts from the compassionate Immortal!

You know, it took him more than two hundred years to go from cultivating as a mortal to the middle stage of golden elixir!

But now, breaking through is only possible in the blink of an eye.

Kou Hong originally thought that the perfection of the golden elixir was already the limit. But what happened next completely broke his cognition and made him understand what true immortal power is!

As we all know, if you want to break through to the Nascent Soul Realm from the Golden Core Realm, you need to swallow the Xuanhuang Realm Cave Heaven.

Kou Hong is still in hell at this moment, so naturally he cannot meet this condition.

But three days later, something happened that shocked Kou Hong.

Because when he was running his spiritual power and inspecting himself, he discovered that an illusory cave scene was faintly emerging in his dantian!

After further careful analysis, Kou Hong was sure that this phantom in the sky was not an illusion.

But it is real!

A cave is being born inside my body!

Don't tell me, this is another gift from the Mercy Immortal.

Kou Hong quickly accepted this with ease. With the help of this nascent cave sky, he officially broke through to the Nascent Soul realm a month later!

The various changes caused when breaking through the realm were perfectly covered up by the power of the true immortal emerging from the body.

It did not cause the underworld warden to notice.

Kou Hong looked at his hands, suspicious in his dream.

The Nascent Soul Realm, a realm that he could only dare to dream about in the past, was actually achieved by him so easily.

"Supreme Compassion and True Immortal, I, Kou Hong, don't know what virtue or ability I have to deserve such great love from you."

"I will fulfill your instructions, even if I die."

Kou Hong in the shadow looked at the countless towering hells around him, his eyes gradually becoming firmer.

After entering Nascent Soul for the first time, Kou Hong's strength continued to grow automatically every day. But his main focus has been on breaking the formation and rescuing the prisoners in the hell.

"It's really difficult for me to accomplish this by myself."

"But in this prison, where can I find help?"

Kou Hong quietly observed the surrounding "neighbors" and selected suitable partners.

In this way, I don’t know how long has passed.

On this day, Li Fan couldn't help but smile when he saw the news from Kou Hong.

But he just pretended not to see it and didn't give any response.

Kou Hong continued to try several times without giving up, but finally had no choice but to give up.

"Did I make a wrong judgment?"

"It shouldn't be."

Just when Kou Hong was in trouble, a newly arrived prisoner immediately caught his attention.

This person is not a member of the Federation of All Realms. He is imprisoned here because he triggered the laws of the Immortal Alliance.

Judging from the crimes he committed, I'm afraid he will never have a chance to get out in this life.

"Now you insects are always thinking of dying to offset your sins."

"It's not that easy!"

"I will make you unable to wish for death, and you will spend the rest of your life rotting and worrying in this dark hell forever!" The monk from the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance who was responsible for escorting said through gritted teeth.

The prisoner, on the other hand, remained silent. The eyes he looked at each other were full of disdain and murderous intent.

But soon, under the suppression of the cruel formation, everyone turned into screams of misery.

When a person is in extreme pain, his subconscious speech is always closest to his true inner thoughts.

After listening to the words of this new neighbor for several days, Kou Hong confirmed that he was indeed someone he could cooperate with.

After waiting for his dying breath from torture all day, he quietly penetrated the formation and delivered the message.

The other party opened his eyes instantly, trying to determine Kou Hong's location.

It's obviously all in vain.

After some exchanges between the two parties, Kou Hong also learned his name.

Zhang Fu.

The crime was not a big deal, it was just that he stole one-third of the annual profits of Mo Lingzhou Dantang.

In the past, even if this kind of thing happened, all you had to do was spend some contribution points, find connections, and save money and eliminate disaster. It’s over.

But this time, unfortunately, one of his sworn enemies also knew about it somehow.

Report directly to the Xianmeng headquarters.

The response from the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance Headquarters was also extremely rapid this time.

Before Zhang Fu had time to clear up the relationship, the headquarters messenger had already arrived. After a simple investigation, the evidence was conclusive and he was arrested on the spot.

They didn't even go through the re-examination procedures stipulated in the past, and were taken directly to the underworld and suppressed.

Only then did Zhang Fu realize that he was probably being plotted against.

I originally thought that there would be no recovery from now on, but I didn't expect that there would be a turning point.

"Help free the criminals in Hell?"

"This is a serious crime of decapitation. Although everyone can be reincarnated now, I heard before I came in that the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance seemed to have reached some kind of agreement with the deceased Heavenly Lord. If someone commits an unforgivable sin in the Immortal Alliance, People will lose the chance of reincarnation. Really die!"

"For example, the previous members of the Federation of All Realms seem to be like this."

Not noticing that Kou Hong's body was shaking violently not far away, Zhang Fu continued: "Although I am imprisoned here, I will never have a chance to get out. But it is still better than dying."

"Perhaps someday the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance will grant amnesty to the world?"

Zhang Fu did not agree at first, and even secretly came up with the idea of ​​​​reporting the evil plotter and making meritorious service.

But what the other party said next made him change his mind.

"Here, death is a relief."

"If you don't believe it, just look at the people around you and you will know."

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