My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,117: Formation in various realms

Zhang Fu had already heard about the horrors of the underworld.

And during the round of cruel torture he just experienced, he also deeply understood the horror of the punishment here.

After hearing Kou Hong's words and witnessing several monks being tortured to the point of becoming insane and inhuman, he knew very well that he was determined not to be able to withstand the torture here. So he decisively agreed to Kou Hong.

"If it really can't be done, the worst possible thing is to regret it and sell this person." Zhang Fu thought.

However, all his little calculations turned into nothing after reciting an oath with Kou Hong.

"True Immortal of Mercy?" At first Zhang Fu didn't care about this so-called True Immortal, but later every time the thought of betrayal emerged in his heart, an inexplicable feeling of impending disaster always arose spontaneously.

Only then did Zhang Fu finally confirm that he had really boarded the pirate ship.

Next, Kou Hong and Zhang Fu slowly began their infiltration plan in the hell.

Kou Hong would always contact every newly imprisoned prisoner in a timely manner when his consciousness was about to collapse after being subjected to inhumane torture.

Under the divine power of the True Immortal of Mercy, these prisoners seemed to have grasped the last life-saving straw and joined the joint prison escape organization without any hesitation.

Those prisoners who have been detained for a long time but still maintain a basic sense of self have become Kou Hong's main targets for united warfare.

However, these monks have been imprisoned for a long time, and they are somewhat suspicious and unwilling to believe anyone. Each piece of persuasion requires a lot of time and experience.

Fortunately, all the new members who joined the organization also participated.

Therefore, the progress of infiltrating the underworld is not too slow.

Three years later.

The wails one after another in the hell masked the private exchanges among the members of the prison escape organization.

"Brother Kou, how long do we have to wait?"

"Yes, except for the deepest part of the Hell, all other areas have been basically conquered by the brothers. On the surface, it seems that this place is still under the control of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance. In fact, as long as you give an order, Brother Kou, the Hell will be destroyed in an instant. Changed ownership.”

"In these years, with the blessing of the compassionate True Immortal, we have all recovered our strength. Some brothers have even gone one step further. One Hedao, sixteen transformed gods, hundreds of Nascent Souls... In comparison, You The defense force in the prison is simply vulnerable."

"Hehehe, it's not just that the cultivation level has been restored. With the help of the power of the True Immortal of Mercy, you can actually bring in all kinds of materials from the outside world quietly. I have almost tired of eating the delicious food that I have been thinking about for a long time."

Everyone was talking a lot, but they were all confident in their collective escape from the hell.

In the past three years, they have witnessed too many magical powers displayed by the True Immortal of Mercy, and they have already become loyal believers of the True Immortal.

The discussion lasted for a long time, and Kou Hong just spoke: "It's easy to get out of trouble, but what's more important is after you get out. Once the hell is breached, the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance will definitely react immediately and launch a large army to hunt down."

"It won't leave us much time to respond, so we need to plan our future arrangements before escaping."

As soon as Kou Hong said this, everyone was stunned.

"Future arrangements?"

"Could it be the Holy Order of the True Immortal of Mercy?"

Although it has been three years since they joined the organization. But he only knows about the existence of the True Immortal of Mercy.

They knew nothing about the organization's true name and true purpose.

So they all looked at Kou Hong expectantly.

"Yes, it is indeed a test of the True Immortal of Mercy. Only by completing the test can one truly become a believer of the True Immortal and become a member of the organization." Kou Hong's tone was full of a sense of sacred mission.

Then, he passed on a rather grand formation and a map to everyone.

"Heaven and Earth All Souls Formation?" The moment they saw the name of this formation, the monks in the hell were slightly shocked.

According to the explanation, this formation has the ability to cover the heaven and earth and communicate with all realms.

Everyone studied the map again.

The map depicts the states within the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, but it is marked with hundreds of small dots.

Divine consciousness condensed on these small points of light, and everyone was shocked to discover that these actually represented small worlds.

Kou Hong also said at this time: "The test of a true immortal is actually not difficult. It just takes a little time."

"Go to each small world and set up this [Heaven and Earth All Souls Formation]. Every time this formation is built, it will automatically connect to form a formation network. So as soon as it is completed, we will all know each other..."

Kou Hong explained seriously.

At the same time, he saw the doubts of some monks in the organization and explained: "Don't worry. These selected small worlds are all worlds where only mortals exist. With your strength, you are definitely enough to suppress them in a short time. Mercy The true immortal also gave me the [Heaven and Earth Furnace] divine item to help you transform your small world..."

"It can be said that the biggest test this time is your perseverance and faith."

Looking at the specific requirements of the test task, the monks all fell into thinking.

However, they had already been subtly influenced by the power of the True Immortal of Mercy, and they considered that once they broke out of prison, they would inevitably face the pursuit of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance. Hiding in the small world of mortals is not necessarily a bad thing.

So, without hesitation, they all quickly accepted it and began to think about the details of the plan.

After allocating the belongings of their respective small worlds, how to deal with various sudden situations after escaping from the hell has been discussed in detail.

Three months later, when the Xianmeng jailers escorted another fugitive here, they were about to put him into a high-pillar cage and suppress and torture him.

However, he was horrified to see that thousands of pillars were broken one after another in the hell.

Countless vicious prisoners, with fierce looks in their eyes, locked him in unison.

The overwhelming evil energy swept over him, leaving him stunned on the spot.

Those misty jailers and Immortal Alliance monks reacted and came to try to suppress them. They were all torn to pieces in an instant.

"Get out, don't linger!"

Kou Hong shouted, and everyone rushed out of the hell like ferocious beasts.

All defensive formations are in vain.

The prisoners who saw the light of day again roared to vent their excitement. But they did not stay where they were. Instead, after simply identifying their location, they shot towards the location of their target small world.

In almost the blink of an eye, the dark group of murderers had dispersed without a trace.

Soon after, the special envoy of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance was alerted and led a team to investigate.

Seeing the protective formation without any sign of being forcibly destroyed, his face showed anger.

Teams of black monks followed the footsteps of the escaped criminals and went to pursue them.

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