My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,118 Wanlingyu Zhenxian

As for the underworld, such a large-scale escape incident has already existed in name only.

After the transfer of the remaining prisoners was completed, even the entrance to the hell was not covered again.

It just fell into disuse.

Time passes slowly, and no one comes here anymore. It was as if the world had forgotten about it.

I don't know how long it took, but Li Fan's figure slowly appeared.

"I was suppressed in the deepest part of the hell, and even I couldn't see my face clearly."

"The transfer requires three Dharma transmitters to come in person..."


Instead of escaping with the group of escaped monks immediately, Li Fan hid directly at the entrance. The purpose is to explore clearly the object imprisoned in the deepest part of the hell that has not been accessible in the past three years.

It's not that the deepest formation is so brilliant that Li Fan can't crack it, but that the jailer responsible for the custody there is actually three Hedao monks working together.

It seemed that just to suppress that prisoner, even when the hell prison above was broken and countless murderers escaped, they remained indifferent and did not stop them.

When the team from the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance arrived and during their transfer, Li Fan was able to see the prisoner.

Li Fan felt vaguely familiar.

However, it is covered by the secret method and cannot be completely determined.

"It is still not appropriate to cause another disturbance before the All Souls Formation is completed."

"Let's wait and find out in the next life."

"The only thing we need to do now is to wait for the opportunity and watch the world turn upside down!"

Li Fan looked to the horizon in the distance, and seemed to see the array of all spirits lighting up in the world of thousands of mortals.

The great formation of heaven and earth and all spirits shown to the murderers was actually not the complete name of the formation.

This formation is the result of three years of deduction by the Final Disintegration Disk.

It represents the highest level of formation formation that can be deduced under the current state of the Xie Li Disk.

Taking the great formation of heaven and earth and all spirits that originally covered the spirit wood world, the empire, and the beast world as a prototype, and after further derivation, the world-shattering formation was created.

The full name of the formation is [All Souls of Heaven and Earth, All Living Beings Refining Gods].

The main function of this formation is also the reason why Li Fan worked so hard to liberate the prisoners in the hell and make them work for him.

It’s the four characters of [all living beings refining gods].

It is similar to the Divine Refining Formation of All Beings used by Senior Brother Zhan Zhang in Ningyuan City's Song Hesong.

The formations kill and injure with the thoughts of all the spirits of heaven and earth and countless sentient beings.

However, after Li Fan's revision...

More than a hundred billion times stronger.

Because the materials that need to be consumed are hundreds of billions of times more.

At that time, Song Hesong used the power of a city of mortals to almost force Senior Brother Zhang into a desperate situation and was forced to reveal the secret of the immortality of the Purple Pill.

And Li Fan used thousands of small worlds and trillions of creatures in the Xuanhuang Realm just to stop the Faceless Immortal for a moment.

The Spiritual Wood Realm was destroyed by the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, and during the three years he had been hiding in the underworld, Li Fan had been thinking and reviewing the final plan to destroy the world.

After all, this is the first time to compete with the power of a true immortal. Even if you borrow the power to fight and watch the immortal fight from the mountain, it means endless risks.

After all, these two are truly transcendent immortals.

Rather than a single-minded practitioner in the foundation-building period.

If it is really so easy to scheme, how can it be worthy of the name of a true immortal?

Once it fails, it will be a situation that is beyond redemption.

Especially after experiencing the siege of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, showing an unexpected trump card, and directly annihilating the Lingmu Realm, Li Fan became more cautious than ever about the plan to destroy the world.

Take all possibilities into consideration.

As a result, he discovered a problem that he had previously ignored for granted.

In Li Fan's original idea, he first aroused the power of the Immortal from the Immortal Ruins, and then used this otherworldly power to cause the reaction of the Faceless Immortal.

Indeed, creatures always react subconsciously to things that threaten them.

In the simulation prediction, the Faceless Immortal and the Immortal of Immortal Ruins should first see each other and fight together.

And the initiator of this matter, Li Fan, was ignored.

But this is only ideal.

In the unlikely event that they become immortals, their thinking patterns will no longer be the same as those of mortals.

Or perhaps, he sensed the [reality] presence in Li Fan.

Instead of targeting an equally matched opponent at the first opportunity, why not target Li Fan first?

If you don't make any preparations and are targeted by the True Immortal at the wrong time, you may not even have time to escape to the Netherworld and return to the True Immortal by force.

The more he thought about it, the more difficult it became for Li Fan to sleep and eat.

So he finally decided to at least find a way to delay this time for him.

And the [All Souls of Heaven and Earth, All Living Beings Refining Gods] formation is the final answer given by the dissociation disk.

The gap between immortals and mortals, true immortals and immortals, is vast.

But when the quantity reaches a certain level, terrible qualitative changes can occur.

"Falling into the endless sea of ​​trillions of living beings' thoughts, even a true immortal will surely be shaken for a moment."

"This little bit of dazzling energy I got for me is the only chance I have to escape."

The power of a true immortal can indeed destroy Xuanhuang instantly.

However, it really developed as Li Fan predicted. After locking Li Fan, in order to catch this scheming ant, the true immortal would not directly destroy the Xuanhuang Realm.

This gave Li Fan an opportunity to take advantage of.

"Haha, there are thousands of mortal worlds and countless thoughts of living beings."

"This is such a huge force. But no matter how I deduce it, it can only stop them for a moment."

"This absolute gap in strength..."

"It's so desirable."

Li Fan put his hands behind his back and remained silent.

Constrained by the power of the Faceless Immortal, those vicious prisoners will definitely complete the construction of the formation honestly.

Li Fan doesn't need to worry about this.

But once the formation is built, it will be beyond their control.

"The day when all sentient beings' divine refining formation is completed, it will be the day when Xuanhuang's world will be destroyed."

"Soon, within a year."

During this period, Li Fan only had to wait patiently.

At the last moment of this life, Li Fan still had some finishing touches.

He first came to Tianling State, the original Five Elements Great Cave Heaven.

Since the Five Elements Cave Heaven, which had been gestating for who knows how many years, was swallowed by Li Fan, a new Five Elements Cave Heaven began to be born in the invisible void called [Root of Heaven and Earth].

But this process is particularly long.

It is only now that the prototype of the cave has begun to appear.

Li Fan walked in the void, using his magical power to distort the way of heaven and comprehend the principles of heaven and earth.

Feeling the rhythm like the beating of his heart, Li Fan narrowed his eyes and waited carefully for the real prompt.

And from this rare treasure that he was born with, Li Fan felt a faint feeling of dissatisfaction.

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