My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,119 The bloody formation rises

My Simulated Road to Immortality Text Volume Chapter 1119 The [really true] emotion aroused by the bloody formation was something that Li Fan had felt to some extent in the past.

The tremor when meeting the eternal relic for the first time, and the longing when facing Mr. Bai's skull.

And now, when Li Fan tried to "feed" Hua Zhen with the newly born Five Elements Cave Heaven, Hua Zhen also received feedback again.

"Not very satisfied. In other words, it's barely acceptable."

A cold light flashed in Li Fan's eyes, and countless red threads flew out of the cave in his body, like billions of tentacles, piercing into the void of [The Root of Heaven and Earth].

From this mother body, snatch the right to belong to the newborn cave sky.

The root of heaven and earth is only responsible for the simple nurturing of the cave sky, so when this creation that was destined to be separated from itself was slowly deprived by Li Fan, it did not cause much fierce resistance.

On the contrary, it was Chusheng Dongtian himself who seemed to sense something.

He tried his best to exert all his resistance, trying to stop Li Fan from being devoured.

But how can a newly born baby compare to a strong adult brother?

There is no suspense.

The newborn cave sky was pulled into the shadow of the five-element cave sky like a background picture amid the constant slight roar.

Until it is completely engulfed and disappears.

"Buzz buzz..."

There was a sharp tinnitus in Li Fan's ears, and the picture in front of him seemed to become dim for a moment.

After everything returned to normal, Li Fan looked at his real panel.

"Currently available number of anchors: 3"

"It is indeed possible to add one more. After swallowing the golden elixir law cannot satisfy Huan Zhen's appetite, the next step is to use the higher-level Nascent Soul Cave Heaven."

His guess was verified and a usable anchor point was added at the same time, but Li Fan did not feel very happy.

Instead, he kept recalling the emotion [really] just now.

It is tasteless to eat and a pity to throw away. But under Li Fan's insistence, he finally swallowed up the newborn cave.

"We are in the cave now, so what do you want in the future? A small world, a world of cultivating immortals? Or the changes in the world and the soul of heaven and earth under the new legal system?"

"But no matter what, it's time to whet its appetite. Picky eating is not a good habit."

In the dark void space, Li Fan was independent out of thin air.

After thinking for a long time, he slowly left.

Coming out of the [Root of Heaven and Earth], Li Fan then went to where the bloody river was.

Due to the protection of the remaining power of the fishing pond, this place has still not been discovered by the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance. The surviving monks in the stronghold are the last members of the Federation of All Realms.

They had already known the news that the entire army of the Lingmu Realm headquarters had been destroyed. Although they were sad and angry, none of them had their faith in the compassionate True Immortal in the mortal world shaken.

Because they can still feel the omnipresent great power of the True Immortal of Mercy during meditation.

The monks sent by Li Fan to search for historical fragments in the bloody river were basically young people full of passion. The cultivation base cannot exceed the early stage of Jindan at most.

The Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance is powerful. Although they have a strong desire for revenge, they also know that they are no match at all.

So he could only lie dormant and accumulate strength secretly.

Without the support of the headquarters and all their previous reliance, they could only pin their hopes for revenge on the vast bloody river.

With firm belief and regardless of the loss of their own lives, they devoted themselves to it again and again.

Try to find out the secret.

In three years, only thirty-three people survived out of the original more than one hundred people.

Moreover, all of these survivors have suffered great losses in life span.

Even at such a young age, his hair is all gray, like an octogenarian.

However, they were not without gains.

Li Fan studied the insights they summarized.

"Compared to those who are purely motivated by profit, those who carry unforgettable hatred can better maintain their sanity during the exploration of the bloody river."

"The long river of blood is projected, and there seems to be a mutual attraction of likenesses. For example, our group of Avengers can more easily observe those monks in history who also harbored overwhelming hatred."

"In addition to simply recording light and shadow, it may also be possible to bring out things that have existed in history. It seems to be the embodiment of the power of [The Blood River]. However, the probability of triggering is too low. Since the creation of [Xunyou], this kind of The phenomenon only occurred once. The conditions required to achieve the goal are being studied..."

Li Fan wrote down all these extremely valuable research materials.

At the same time, I also remembered the name of the monk who was responsible for diligently organizing and recording these results.

Chen Chen.

"That's right. Before, this person was not very impressive among the crowd. It was only then, under the desperate situation that the Federation was destroyed, that he finally showed his leadership skills."

"It's a material that can be made. It can be reused in the next life as soon as possible. Well, let me see which small world it comes from..."

After achieving his goal at the Bloody River, Li Fan did not show up to disturb him.

Instead, let this group of people continue their own mission.

Anyway, one year later, the outcome will be the same.

Li Fan left quietly and went to Lijie, Empire, Netherworld and many other places.

Completed the harvesting of results, and repeatedly tested and verified his escape plan.

The long river of time is rushing forward.

On this day, Li Fan, who was tinkering with a small Tianxuan mirror, suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance.

The first great formation of heaven and earth and all spirits was built.

Li Fan's gaze instantly penetrated the layers of space barriers and came to the mortal world where the formation was located.

The monks responsible for the construction of the formation here were excited as they felt the reward cultivation coming from the True Immortal of Compassion in their bodies.

After receiving the guidance from somewhere, he immediately launched the formation without any hesitation.

The scale of the mortal world here is larger than that of Li Fan's hometown Daxuan.

However, as the great array of heaven and earth spirits was activated, the originally blue sky was suddenly stained with a strange blood-red color.

The blood kept spinning back and forth in the sky, like a paintbrush, and finally turned into a weird and terrifying giant bloody eye.

The giant eyes looked indifferently at all the living beings below, like the eyes of gods.

All the creatures in the world felt an inexplicable feeling of extreme fear in their hearts at this moment.

Under instinctive fear, their bodies couldn't stop trembling and collapsed to the ground.

Even though nothing has happened yet, despair has already spread across the land.

Of course, there are not those who dare to resist this giant bloody eye.

But all they can do is point their fingers at the sky and curse in incompetent rage.

And the monk who single-handedly created the formation of all spirits in this world was staring blankly at the giant bloody eye in the sky.

He muttered to himself: "No, no, how could this happen?"

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