My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,124 The meaning of anchor point

A dark black robe with nine golden dragons embroidered on it, entwined with each other.

The crown hangs down, covering the face, making it difficult to see clearly.

"As expected of the Holy Emperor of Destiny, it is difficult for mortals to hope for the beauty of a dragon."

Sun Erlang felt Li Fan's gaze, his body trembled slightly, and he lowered his head subconsciously.

At the same time, he said in a seductive voice: "Teacher, this disciple is incompetent. He just broke through to the first level of Qi refining stage yesterday."

"With just the little spiritual energy gathered in the palace, it is not easy for you to complete the introduction of energy into the body in such a short period of time." Li Fan did not blame, but nodded and comforted.

Hearing this, Sun Erlang looked even more guilty: "If it weren't for the [Xuanhuang Immortal Heart Curse] taught by the teacher, I'm afraid I would still be affected by the miasma in my body at this moment, and it would be difficult for me to reach the path of immortality."

After Sun Erlang said this, he kowtowed a few times in great gratitude.

Li Fan didn't stop him.

When Sun Erlang stood up again, he asked calmly: "How is the overall progress of the Imperial Army learning the Immortal Heart Curse?"

"As of yesterday, a total of one hundred and sixty soldiers have successfully entered the army and shed their mortal bodies. The rest who failed to pass the test have been dealt with." A trace of unbearability flashed in Sun Erlang's eyes, but he quickly covered it up.

"You will be my main force in conquering all realms in the future. You need to work hard day and night to practice without slacking off."

"As for the spiritual energy problem, you don't have to worry. In three days, you will personally take this fairy boat and go to Dongfang Xuyuan."

Li Fan pointed casually, and a ten-foot wooden boat appeared in front of Sun Erlang.

The whole body of the wooden boat was engraved with silver lines, exuding a mysterious atmosphere.

"It is really the most precious treasure of the Immortal Family. Master is so confident in handing over this kind of treasure to me." Sun Erlang felt shocked and quickly nodded in agreement.

And the immortal boat flew into his arms.

A feeling of being commanded by an arm suddenly appeared in Sun Erlang's heart.

"Go down." Just as he was experiencing the mystery of the fairy boat, Li Fan's voice sounded at the right time.

Sun Erlang bowed and left.

Li Fan was the only one left in the entire back garden of the palace.

Under the crown, the faceless face in the shadow looks strange and eerie.

"Haha, if this world is destined not to last too long and it is not an attempt to simply teach the Dharma to others, I am afraid it will take a long time for me to discover that the [Xuanhuang Immortal Heart Curse] is not restricted by the inability to practice the Dharma."

"Is it because the Immortal Heart Curse does not belong to the category of skills, or is it because Xuanhuang Tiandao has given preferential treatment to Xuanhuang Great Heavenly Lord?"

"No matter what, the plan to select a suitable person to succeed Xuanhuang Great Heavenly Lord in the future will be much easier than imagined."

Li Fan's thoughts slowly turned, and he ducked and came to the [Holy Throne] standing in Xuanjing City.

The slightest amount of spiritual energy nourished Li Fan's body.

This prevents him from regressing due to lack of spiritual energy in his current late stage of foundation building.

Li Fan, who has been reincarnated for more than a hundred lives, has reached the state of divine transformation and is comparable to Hedao monks, has now returned to the foundation-building state. But the world in his eyes is different from the past.

For example: Daxuan, a small mortal world, is not without spiritual energy at all. After all, it is still connected to the Xuanhuang Realm.

It's just that because of the special structure of the small world itself, coupled with the blockade of the Immortal Formation, the spiritual energy is extremely thin, almost nonexistent.

The monks cannot use it in ordinary ways. Only those animals with long lifespan, accumulated bit by bit over time, can capture spiritual energy in a limited way.

Just like the giant snake hundreds of feet long on Lihe Mountain.

"The entire world's spiritual energy has been extracted, and it can only sustain a foundation-building monk barely surviving..."

"It's okay to go and borrow it from Xuanhuang Realm."

The Taiyan Zhou that Li Fan handed over to Sun Erlang had some new formations added to it. The purpose is to automatically fly into the Xuanhuang Realm, absorb the spiritual energy, store it, and then return.

Sun Erlang inside the Taiyan Boat was naturally unable to see clearly what was outside the boat. All he needs to do is to bring the flying boat to the ruins.

Although with Li Fan's current level of formation, it would be difficult for anyone to detect the act of stealing the spiritual energy of the Xuanhuang Realm under the cover of the formation.

But after all, it is not a long-term solution.

If you want to create something out of nothing and generate spiritual energy, you still have to rely on Tao Yizhong.

The Taoist insect is a strange beast that Li Fan cannot create.


Ignoring the prompt of [Real True] to keep the previous life option, Li Fan looked at his panel.

Name: Li Fan

Realm: Late stage of foundation building

Biological age: 20/399

Mental age: 1399/9999

Void recharging progress: 3%

Anchor recharging progress: 0%

Current number of anchor points: 3

Currently available number of anchors: 1

Binding items: Xuantian Mirror Origin (remnant), Taiyan Boat, Ten Thousand Beasts Crystal, Ten Thousand People Essence and Blood, Transformation Stone, Final Dissociation Disk

"My biological age has returned to the 399 years that should be expected in the foundation-building realm, but don't worry about it. I should have returned to my true form long before my deadline is approaching."

"The upper limit of mental age, even if it has broken through to become a god, has not increased accordingly. It seems that it has reached a threshold..."

Li Fan just glanced at them and ignored them.

Focus on the number of anchor points and bound items.

The number of available anchors was originally 2, but after absorbing the newly born Five Elements Cave Heaven, it became 3.

As for now, only one remains.

That's because Li Fan used blank anchor points to complete the replacement of bound items.

"The Golden Chapter of Qianji Yuhuan" became the origin of Xuantian Mirror.

The ruined monument (damaged) turned into a crystal of all beasts.

The anchor point was originally hard to obtain, but in the process of absorbing the nascent Five Elements Cave Heaven and generating the anchor point, Li Fan gained a new understanding of the essence of the anchor point.

The wonders of heaven and earth, the method of golden elixir, and the Nascent Soul Cave.

The reason why you really need to absorb these things to serve as anchors is probably because you are really trying to complete your understanding of [foreign objects].

Just like the Tianxuan Mirror completes its own sublimation by measuring the heaven and earth, Huan Zhen simply and crudely absorbs experience through devouring it.

"So it's exactly the opposite of what I thought before."

"The closer something is to the essence of the world, the more charging progress it will provide. Foundation-building rare objects and law golden elixirs are too thin and cannot meet the real needs."

"So the number of anchor points generated by absorption is limited."

"On the contrary, the Nascent Soul Cave, the Transformation of the General, and even the Soul of Heaven and Earth will provide a lot of charging progress."

"With the behemoth of Xuanhuang Realm as nourishment, the number of anchor points is not a problem that needs special worry for the time being."

So Li Fan directly used the anchor point replacement function without hesitation.

The origin of Xuantian Mirror was obtained by chance in the previous life.

And the crystal of all beasts...

In his last life, before finally launching his world-destroying plan, Li Fan went to various small worlds to conduct a final inventory.

The Wheel of Ten Thousand Beasts is what you gain from the Empire and Xu Ke.

Li Fan's thoughts slowly drifted back to that time.

"The Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance raided and the federation headquarters was destroyed?" Xiao Qing's face turned extremely pale after hearing what Li Fan said.

"If I hadn't cut off the connection between the Lingmu Realm and you in time, I'm afraid the empire would have been reduced to ruins by now." Li Fan sighed slightly.

The emperor's daughter and Xiaohong looked at each other, both filled with fear.

"But you don't have to worry too much. Although the Lingmu Realm was destroyed, most of the members of the headquarters escaped safely and hid temporarily. When the storm passes, the Federation will be able to revive in an instant." Li Fan remained calm. coaxed.

After hearing this blatant lie, the Empire and others felt at ease.

Li Fan came to the Empire's treasure house while listening to the report from the Empire and others about the current situation.

To sort out the plot, there will be an update today.


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