My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,125 Bad Version of Sky Surveying Arrow

All the research results of Chapter 1125 of the inferior version of the Sky Surveying Arrow Empire in my main text volume of Simulating the Road to Immortality are kept as backups here.

Li Fan walked through this huge treasure house until he reached the end, where the furnace of beasts was located, and then turned around.

Take out an object and look at two people.

It's just that the pressure that the palm-sized disk exuded inadvertently made Xiaoqing and Xiaohong tremble, and they couldn't help but have the urge to kneel down.

"This is?"

They suppressed their body's instincts and looked at the disc in Li Fan's hand with a look of horror on their faces: "The Wheel of Ten Thousand Beasts?"

Life and death depended on each other's thoughts. This feeling immediately reminded them of this rumored treasure of the monster clan.

However, after they stared at the disc for a long time, they still discovered something was wrong.

As monsters, their bloodline memories contain the memories of their ancestors about the wheel of beasts.

But it was obviously different from what Li Fan was holding.

The real wheel of beasts has a more ancient and ancient atmosphere.

And this one in front of me...

It does have a certain control over them.

But even if they fight tooth and nail, they may not be able to escape. There is still a big gap between the lack of freedom of life and death in the rumors.


Qing and Hong both had this idea at the same time and looked at Li Fan with surprise and uncertainty.

"You guessed it right. It is a replica created by the elders of the Federation based on the research information on the Wheel of Beasts that you provided previously."

"In addition to being able to suppress all beasts, it also has other functions, which is also the main purpose of my coming here this time."

Li Fan sighed suddenly: "The Lingmu Realm was destroyed. Although the loss of personnel was not large, we escaped in a hurry, but we were unable to bring out many precious materials and research materials in time."

"So after learning from the pain, the elder decided to activate the backup plan of all worlds and copy and save all the valuable things in each small world..."

Before Li Fan finished speaking, Xiao Qing and Xiao Hong's expressions had already changed.

But Li Fan continued to say calmly: "This is also for your own good. After all, your empire's self-defense ability is really poor. As long as the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance randomly dispatches one or two Hedao monks, you can be completely destroyed."

"Leave a civilization seed in the Federation. Even if something unexpected happens, it can be rebuilt quickly."

Li Fan fiddled with the disc in his hand and looked at the countless frozen specimens of exotic beasts in the empire's treasury: "Your greatest wealth is actually the various exotic beasts you have cultivated over the years. I know you all know how to do it." There is more than one backup, I will only take one of them.”

Having said that, regardless of Xiao Qing and Xiao Hong's reactions, a ray of light shone from the disk and swept across these frozen beasts.

Everything that was illuminated disappeared instantly.

On the disc in Li Fan's hand, the shadows of those strange beasts seemed to appear faintly.

It seems that these frozen beasts were absorbed and preserved. In fact, they have long been directly decomposed by the disc beam. At the same time, the structure, bloodline, organization and other information of these strange beasts are all included in the disk.

"The monsters in the world all come from [Emperor Yi]."

"And these strange beasts in the empire are all cultivated and derived from the monster beasts of the past. It is said that everything is inseparable from its origin. As long as you master this information, you can create all the strange beasts 'out of thin air'."

As the number of collected information on strange beasts increases, more and more ghost figures appear on the disk.

Not only is the aura it exudes more majestic and powerful, but the image of the disk itself has also changed as a result.

It becomes more and more similar to the real Wheel of Beasts in Xiaoqing and Xiaohong’s memories.

While Li Fan was collecting the backup copies of the alien beasts, he couldn't help but marvel at the wonder of creation.

Except for some exotic beasts that are targeted and deliberately bred. The birth of most of the strange beasts in the empire is basically due to various coincidences.

Different bloodlines intertwine and mutate, and new species mutate into different offspring.

It seems endless.

"Infinite possibilities." The words spoken by Emperor Yishou in the illusion of Fallen Immortal suddenly appeared before Li Fan's eyes.

When Li Fan was about to take in the information about a frozen beast as usual, he suddenly stopped.

Because he felt a familiar aura from this strange beast.

"Sky Survey Arrow..."

Xiaoqing and Xiaohong saw Li Fan pause in his movements and where his eyes fell, and they immediately understood.

He quickly explained: "This strange beast is the core of the arrow that the envoy told us to study before. We named it [Split Sky]. We had seen similar monsters in the Beast Control Sect back then, but It is far less ferocious and fast than it is now. Moreover, it has a strong self-awareness and is difficult to control."

"The offspring that have been cultivated so far are still far behind the mother body that was handed over to us by the envoy. Therefore, it has not been reported."

Li Fan searched and found a similar group of people next to the Sky-Breaking Beast.

"If the core is lacking, I can use formations to make up for it. Even if it doesn't reach the damage of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance's real sky-scanning arrows, half of it is still very practical." Thinking like this, Li Fan took all the information about these sky-splitting beasts into the circle. In the plate.

My thoughts return to the present.

The disc that carries the essence of the empire's research is naturally the [Ten Thousand Beasts Crystal].

With the level of weapon refining in Tianji Realm and the detailed information about the Wheel of Beasts obtained from Xu Ke, it is not difficult to create a replica.

"Condensing the entities of alien beasts from the beast crystals requires a lot of spiritual power. My current cultivation level in the late stage of foundation building cannot support it. But I just need to wait for Sun Erlang to drive the Taiyan boat and return from the Xuanhuang Realm."

"With Dao Yizhong and Likong, Daxuan has the capital to conquer other small worlds."

Going to the Nether Realm requires the You clan members to initiate a special ritual.

Although Li Fan easily suppressed the You tribe in his previous life, that was because he possessed the Five Elements Great Cave Heaven and his real combat power was still higher than the ordinary Hedao.

In this life, Li Fan, who is already in the True Immortal's Network, cannot easily improve his realm.

Just relying on Daxuan Realm, the You clan people are not that easy to deal with.

Therefore, it is necessary to improve the combat effectiveness of Daxuan's army and civilians as much as possible, as well as to improve the level of Li Fan's own [Celestial Emperor's Qi Code].

Li Fan stood on the [Holy Throne] and began to think about suitable targets for conquest.

A month later, Sun Erlang successfully drove the Taiyan boat back.

It also began the first step of Daxuan's sublimation into the world of spiritual power.

As the first heaven and earth oven was successfully built, spiritual energy began to spread within Xuanjing City.

The Daxuan Forbidden Army was the first to feel the presence of spiritual energy.

One night passed, and all the hundreds of forbidden soldiers who carried the [Xuanhuang Immortal Heart Curse] successfully introduced the Qi into their bodies and embarked on the path of cultivation.

The leader among them, Sun Erlang, relied on the power of [Seating Immortal Technique] to advance to Qi Refining Perfection time and time again.

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