My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,149 Changes in Restoring the Foundation

"Isn't this a waste of resources?"

In front of his confidant Yan Huan, Shang Shaojun quietly sent a message to Li Fan and asked.

Then Shang Shaojun looked at Li Fan's half-smiling expression and felt something was wrong.

He coughed slightly to hide his embarrassment.

"The name Immortal Heart Curse is too ostentatious. Shaojun, you can change it to a more ordinary name and pass it on." Li Fan reminded.

Shang Shaojun thought of the skills deduced by Yan Fajue before, and said to Yan Huan: "This is the [Forging Heart Technique], which was passed down by this senior. It can protect you from the erosion of the magic sound. You should use it as soon as possible." Spread it to the whole army and make sure everyone learns it."

The name Heart Forging Jue was so common that Yan Huan didn't show much surprise after hearing Shang Shaojun's words. He just bowed down to accept the orders and tried to practice on the spot.

"They can have such a secret skill close to them, but they don't know it. It's really..."

Looking at Yan Huan's retreating figure, Shang Shaojun still felt a little emotional.

"If they knew how precious this secret technique was, they might be worried about gains and losses and find it difficult to learn it." Li Fan said.

"There are millions of people in the Qingxuan Army. Although I have ordered that it be strictly forbidden to spread the word, the leakage of the Immortal Heart Curse is probably unavoidable. Aren't fellow Taoists worried?" Shang Shaojun looked at Li Fan with confusion.

Shang Shaojun couldn't figure out the series of actions the other party performed after arriving at the Eternal Immortal Base.

Not for fame, not for profit.

"Brother Xuanhuang, I treasure my broom. Although it is influenced by fellow cultivators of Fa Ke, the inner cognition of the monks has changed unconsciously."

"In the ancient world of immortality, the grand scene of people sitting and talking, communicating and sharing with each other can no longer be seen."

"I don't like it very much."

Holy Fetus Li Fan said calmly.

Coupled with his behavior in front of outsiders, he really has a sense of extraordinary freedom and ease.

"It's passed on. As long as it goes with my wishes, so what if it's an immortal magic?"

Shang Shaojun looked at Li Fan's figure and couldn't help but feel a little lost.

Such heroic spirit is rare in the world.

Staying with such a person, Shang Shaojun even felt that he had become extremely passionate.

All matters in the Eternal Immortal Base have been dealt with, and there are no more worries.

Shang Shaojun and Li Fan stood outside the eternal immortal base, looking at the vast white mist.

"Where are we going next?"

Inexplicably, he took on the task of "saving the Xuanhuang Realm" and was about to set off. Shang Shaojun was still a little confused.

But now that the matter has come to this, he can no longer regret it.

Shang Shaojun glanced at Li Fan beside him. He was convinced that if he went back on his word at this time, the other party would definitely kill him with a sword.

"Xuanhuang's safety is tied to him. This feeling..."

"Not bad." Shang Shaojun thought to himself.

Li Fan stretched out his hand, and a small sword no longer than the length of his hand appeared in his palm.

It seemed to be sensing something and kept spinning.

Finally, the tip of the sword pointed in one direction and stopped.

Shang Shaojun looked in the direction pointed by the little sword.

"Everything that exists must leave traces. Although that mysterious figure is extremely powerful, as long as it appears in the Xuanhuang Realm, it will inevitably have entanglements with reality. By chasing him, we can find more evidence." Li Fan's eyes were burning. .

Shang Shaojun felt that what Li Fan said made sense and immediately nodded in agreement.

Little did he know that the direction pointed by the small sword in Li Fan's palm was not tracking the mysterious figure at all.

Instead, it points to the mysterious areas that have been explored one after another in Li Fan's memory.

Of course, different paths lead to the same destination. They are bound to find many evidences that the Xuanhuang Realm is being transformed there.

Just as the Holy Fetus Li Fan was guiding Shang Shaojun to reveal the truth of the Xuanhuang Realm hidden under the iceberg, in the small world of Daqi, Master Yin's experimental base had been initially set up.

"When I last met Mr. Bai back then, he once said to me that after using my foundation-building method, I might be able to become [Hunyuan Golden Pill], [Physical Body Nascent Soul], [Mind Transformation into Spirit]. Sir, you may wish to refer to this deduce the concept." The clone Li Ping said to Master Yin.

Master Yin just staged a strange drama in front of Li Ping.

The body split open, and the other self in the body struggled to crawl out.

Then he turned around and swallowed his flesh and blood body alive.

The sound of flesh and bones being chewed in the mouth echoed in the experimental base, and Master Yin's face was stained with blood.

But his face was extremely calm, and the eyes of Master Yin who was eating him were full of concentration.

It seems that he is not eating, but doing some research.

Even though Li Ping had countless memories of the past, looking at Master Yin at this moment, he couldn't help but feel a little tingly in his heart.

It has nothing to do with courage, it is really contrary to human nature.

Chewing slowly, he finally swallowed the other self completely.

Li Ping discovered that Master Yin's external realm had also dropped from the foundation-building stage to the Qi-refining stage.

At this time, Master Yin wiped his bloody hands on his clothes and explained: "If you want to deduce the next method, you must first be on the right path."

"My foundation-building method is only half successful. So I have to destroy the foundation and practice again."

He raised his head and glanced at the sky: "It might be a little troublesome, but just leave it to me."

As Master Yin said these words, Li Ping instantly felt that something seemed to be coming to the Holy Capital City.

Practicing the Qi Code of the Heavenly Emperor can melt the destiny of the entire dynasty into one.

Li Ping alone represents the Daqi Dynasty at this moment.

If any foreign object invades, it cannot escape his induction.

It was like a cold worm crawling slowly on the surface of the skin. After tentative contact, the worm stretched out its sharp thorns, trying to penetrate into Daqi's small world.

"Huh? Your place is a little self-contained. Maybe their revenge will be weaker than expected." Master Yin said at this time.

Li Ping knew that they described by Master Yin were the remnant souls of the old world.

It seems that Master Yin forcibly destroyed and changed his own state, attracting the attention of his kind.

The sound of raindrops sounded.

But no raindrops fell.

Above Li Fan's head, a thick layer of dark clouds appeared at some point.

shrouded over the test base.

The hard basalt stone ground suddenly became as muddy as mud amidst the sound of dripping rain.

One by one, pale arms suddenly stretched out from the ground.

Li Ping frowned slightly and wanted to float away.

But in this strange space that had been distorted and changed, he actually lost the ability to fly.

Fortunately, the target of these world ghosts is not him.

To him, those arms were just shadows.

Countless arms, crawlers on the ground, swarmed towards Mr. Yin.

Master Yin, on the other hand, showed a sinister smile.

He pulled out the arm closest to him, put it into his mouth, and started chewing it.

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