My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1150: Burying the deceased and starting a new path

The clone Li Ping clearly saw that there was no blood flowing out of those arms that were torn to pieces by Master Yin's teeth.

It was just black pus.

In the pus, painful faces like tiny tentacles emitted sharp, penetrating wails. However, Master Yin turned a blind eye and swallowed it directly.


Yin Shangren's skin seemed to have been cut open with a sharp knife, and the tentacles that he had swallowed emerged from his body again.

But this time, all the faces turned into those of Master Yin!

Li Ping hid in the corner of this alienated space and quietly watched the changes in the field.

On the surface, it seems that Lord Yin is engaging in cannibalism like crazy.

In fact, it is the blending and collision of different residual world laws.

However, what is different from the fusion process of the laws in the Abyss is that the parts of the abyss are carefully selected and intended to be integrated into the Xuanhuang Realm.

And here...

Chaos, disorder, destruction.

It's like being thrown into a garbage dump and frantically killing each other for the slightest chance of survival.

The battle between world ghosts did not last long.

Perhaps because this world is not in the Xuanhuang Realm, or because of the blessing of the Great Qi Holy Dynasty, the ghosts who came are much weaker than the people of Yin.

All the arms on the ground were swallowed by him.

The cracked surface of his body slowly began to heal.

"It's been a long time since I've enjoyed this kind of delicious food. I really miss it."

Yin Shangren's voice was no longer the strange double voice before, but returned to a normal human voice.

However, the aura that he exuded inadvertently made Li Ping, who had already achieved the full combat power of transforming into a god, feel like a light was shining on his back, and he was secretly shuddering.

However, Master Yin was not hostile. After solving the hidden worries of the ghost, he directly started practicing "Building the Foundation with Me".

Li Ping narrowed his eyes. From his perspective, the law fluctuations around Master Yin were rapidly attenuating.

It didn't disappear inexplicably, but it was slowly absorbed into Master Yin's body.

Master Yin's figure changed like a smoke screen. Faces that had been absorbed by him reappeared on the surface of his skin.

The panic kept wandering around, struggling to break out of the body.

It seemed that Master Yin's body was bulging with hundreds of tumors at the same time that could explode at any time. Terrible and terrifying.

But Master Yin was extremely determined.

Sitting cross-legged quietly without any panic.

Slowly, those faces seemed to be pulled by some force and returned to the body.

The sarcomas disappeared one by one, and Mr. Yin's appearance gradually became normal.

When the overflowing aura of law that Li Ping sensed completely disappeared. Master Yin suddenly opened his eyes.

His eyes were different from the crazy and possessed ones in the past. Now they were like a deep pool, clear and calm.

"Build the foundation with me." He looked at his hands and was lost in thought.

"How do you feel?" Li Ping asked.

Master Yin did not answer, but pointed directly at Li Ping.


Nine long golden dragons suddenly appeared, roaring and protecting Li Ping.

At Li Ping's feet, a quagmire appeared at some point.

Li Ping's whole body was being swallowed up by the quagmire quietly.

In Li Ping's senses, the overall fortune of the Daqi Holy Dynasty was constantly being lost, as if someone had poked a small hole in it.

Although the loss of luck is very slow, there is no way to block it for a while.

The golden dragon circled and released its protective light, protecting Li Ping from the quagmire.

He did not fight back, but praised him: "Sir, you are good at what you do."

Master Yin waved his hand, and the quagmire under Li Ping's feet disappeared instantly: "This is the most vicious curse and resentment when the world is dying."

"If it were in the past, if I wanted to turn out the curse, I would be greatly affected. At least I would become delirious for more than half a year. But now..."

Master Yin put his fingers in front of his eyes.

At his fingertips, the quagmire suddenly resurfaced.

Just being firmly bound and swimming within the range of the index finger.

"Everything in the body is the foundation of practice."

"You can do whatever you want, you can get there with just a thought." Master Yin murmured.

Next, Master Yin explained to Li Ping in detail his feelings after establishing the foundation with me, as well as his understanding of the path of "New New Law".

"Tianzun Tianzun's new method is actually based on the original practice system, and it inexplicably puts a shackles on everyone in the world. As long as you practice, this shackles will become a part of you. And all the passes on the road ahead will also be blocked. Holes of a specific shape were dug out.”

"Only by wearing shackles and following a specific shape can you pass through it."

As Master Yin spoke, words appeared out of thin air one by one in front of him. Spontaneous gathering and recording.

"And with my new foundation-building method, I am integrating the shackles imposed on me into myself!"

"On the pass ahead, no matter what difficulties you encounter, you can adapt to them with your own changes..."

Master Yin described it very carefully, and Li Ping also listened very carefully.

"For example, if you also want to practice [Build the Foundation with Me], then I'm afraid you have to refine and absorb all of this dynasty into your body..." He said suddenly.

Li Ping thought for a moment and realized something: "If this is the case, I am afraid that my Heavenly Emperor's Qi Code and Daqi's billions of subjects will all stay at the moment they were absorbed by me."

"Use me to build a foundation, bury all my past, and achieve an infinite future path..."

Master Yin clapped his hands and praised, "That's exactly it!"

The text in front of me finally took shape, forming a thin booklet. Master Yin held this book in his hand with a very happy expression on his face.

Even if it is my own summary of my experience, I am no longer familiar with it. Master Yin also read it several times with great joy.

But looking at the blank page that followed, a look of embarrassment appeared on his face.

"Hunyuan Golden Pill. What is Hunyuan?"

Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, Immortal Alliance Headquarters.

Since Yan Huan left, no second outsider has come to Yanfa Space.

Obviously, the impact of the last curse attack has not passed yet, and Yan Huan just did something special last time.

Five hundred years of guarding time is not so easy to pass away.

Therefore, Zhang Xu and Hua Yueye, the two guarding elders, both have their own unique skills to kill time.

Zhang Xu created a mortal world in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Then he closed his awareness and threw himself into it. Go to reincarnation and experience all kinds of wonderful lives.

Huayueye, on the other hand, differentiated into another self.

The "two people" sat and discussed, discussing with each other.

No one knows me better than myself, so we are in harmony with each other, so we are so happy.

As for Li Fan, he was not as playful as them.

While studying the latest formation derivation results of the final dissociation disc, he also monitored the experiences around the holy fetus and clones.

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