My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,151 Really foundation building solution

So when Li Ping heard Master Yin's foundation building experience, Li Fan also knew it at the same time.

"Bury everything in your past and build an infinite path for the future?"

Li Fan was silent.

He suddenly thought of his [really] rare treasure.

Judging from his previous behavior of "building the true foundation for hundreds of years" and successfully building a part of the true foundation into the foundation of the new law, it should really have become one with him.

"In other words, if I want to complete [Building the Foundation with Me], then I must include the complete truth..."

As soon as this thought came out, Li Fan himself felt a little ridiculous.

When it is really activated, everything in the world turns into reality and returns to the record anchor point in an instant.

Even true immortals are no exception.

"After Master Yin uses me to build the foundation, he can freely apply the law of remnant souls of the world that built him. In the same way, if I succeed in building the foundation..."

"There is no need to rely on Huazhen anymore. All restrictions on anchor points, charging, etc. can be ignored. In a single thought, the world comes and goes, and you can return to any time point you want at any time..."

"This ability."

"I'm afraid there is no stronger foundation building period than this, right?"

Li Fan shook his head secretly.

"It creates a paradox."

"If I already have this kind of ability, what new methods should I pursue? Punching and passing the method, and stepping on the faceless are just casual things."

"If there is no special method that can help me understand the true nature of analysis in advance, this is a dead end for me."

"Sometimes, having too strong a foundation is not necessarily a good thing."

Li Fan inadvertently glanced at the location of the Museum's Divine Collection Hall.

When discussing with Master Yin before, the other party once proposed a feasible method to steal Mr. Bai's skull.

Tune the tiger away from the mountain and trick the Emperor San Tapir out of the Immortal Alliance headquarters.

The forged skull was then used to replace the original.

"Mr. Bai paid the price of his own life. After the world was reversed, all the spirituality in him also dissipated. He became no different from the bones of ordinary mortals."

"Um...except the texture is a little firmer."

"So as long as an identical skull is made and exchanged without breaking the restriction, it is possible to get Mr. Bai's skull back unknowingly."

"This is true in theory, but in practice..."

Master Yin shook his head and never mentioned the matter again.

But Li Fan never forgot.

He was also very sure that there was nothing unusual about Mr. Bai's bones.

Not only Master Yin, but also the ghosts of this world cannot detect anything strange.

Even Tianxuan Jing only gave the lowest price of 1 contribution point after Mr. Bai's rib appraisal.

"But skulls are an exception."

"With the eternal memory of Mr. Bai, it is impossible to be ordinary."

"During the process of using Eternal Remembrance, it cannot be returned to reality. There is no way to bring Eternal Remembrance back and use it in the next life. So..."

A faint light flashed in Li Fan's eyes.

"The best way is to create a relatively safe environment that others can't take into account, just like the one who stole Xuanhuang in the previous life."

"What does the Emperor Santapir care about in terms of the method of inducing the tiger to leave the mountain? Maybe we can find the answer in the Fallen Fairyland."

"And the headquarters of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance was stolen, and there was no time to take care of the situation..."

"The conspiracy to spread the law was exposed, and he was forced to appear in the world, attracting the attention of the entire Xuanhuang world."

A rough plot line instantly added shape to the original plan.

"With the overwhelming and unpredictable power of Chuanfa, it is definitely unrealistic to rely on pure strength to force him to show up and explain. The only way is to use the Xuanhuang Realm he cares about as a threat..."

"Only this time, I don't have to be the bad guy."

On the chessboard, all the chess pieces are in place, waiting for Li Fan to slowly place the pieces.

Just when Li Fan was hiding in a dark corner, making various ulterior plans.

The distraction that he originally split and attached to Wu Ninglu discovered something quite interesting.

This Wu Ninglu is actually pregnant!

While she was concentrating on her practice, Li Fan was distracted and examined the fetus in her belly in detail, confirming that it was indeed the descendant of Sun Ang of the Sun family, the identity Li Fan occupies.

"However, it was sealed by the other party using a secret method and stopped growing."

"This woman is also interesting."

After this period of observation, Li Fan discovered that Wu Ninglu was not as ordinary and brainless as Sun Ang seemed.

She seemed to have another purpose in marrying into the Sun family.

The news that Sun Ang had broken through to the realm of Hedao was accidentally leaked, causing Sun Ang to be forced to participate in the mission of guarding Yan Fajue for five hundred years. Just to drive Sun Ang away.

But all the benefits that Sun Ang sacrificed himself to obtain were all advantageous to this woman.

With the help of these precious materials, she practiced with all her strength.

The progress of practice in one month was higher than in the past three years.

Even Li Fan was distracted and faintly noticed that in a short time, she would be able to break through to the perfection of becoming a god.

But on this day, Wu Ninglu, who had been hiding at home and practicing in seclusion, finally showed his flaws.

As if he suddenly changed into a different person, Wu Ninglu walked towards the mirror in the room and kept stroking his face with his slender fingers.

His eyes were blurry, but from time to time there was a trace of viciousness flashing through his eyes.

"Sister's life is really good, her cultivation speed is even faster than mine..."

Wu Ninglu's expression changed again, and his smile disappeared: "Wu Ninglu, you are crazy! Now that you are on me, you are not afraid of being discovered by the Sun family!"

She kept her voice as low as possible, but the trembling body showed the anger in her heart at the moment.

Wu Ningjiu once again gained control of her body, still smiling: "Sister, I'm not as boring as you think. Without the instructions of the elders, how could I dare to contact you so easily?"

"Listen, we have received the latest news that the treasure will be returned to the Sun family within three months. At that time, you need to find out where the treasure is hidden."

Wu Ningjiu's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally became inaudible.

Wu Ninglu, who had returned to normal, looked uncertain, and finally chopped off his foot, seemingly determined.

From beginning to end, Li Fan, who watched this scene in his eyes, was distracted and suddenly became interested.

"Sun family treasure? I've never heard of anything extraordinary from the Sun family."

The distraction turned into a gossamer, lurking into Wu Ninglu's sea of ​​consciousness.

Although she has been trained to have strong protection against the intrusion of spiritual consciousness, how can she escape Li Fan's deliberate attack?

Not long after, Li Fan found the answer he wanted.

This made him, who was originally just bored and slightly interested, become a little serious.

"It turns out to be the same as the Kungan Bone Hand. It is suspected to be an existence transformed from an immortal weapon?"


This treasure of the Sun family also has the supreme power that belongs to the legendary fairy weapon.

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