My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,169 Tianzun suddenly summons

"Young Master, is this No. 1 Economics from [Era]?"

On the way to Tianshu Prefecture of Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, Holy Fetus Li Fan asked this question that he had suspected for a long time.

Shang Shaojun paused and seemed not surprised that Li Fan knew the secrets of the Immortal Alliance related to [Era].

He replied in a low voice: "Yes and no."

"As far as I know, the Immortal Alliance did use [Era] to cultivate a group of dead warriors. But after all, those people were not born in the Xuanhuang Realm, and they lacked a little bit of spirituality."

"Although they all showed shocking talents during the simulation process of the era, when they really came to the Xuanhuang Realm, their actual performance was far behind. They were used as cannon fodder who were not afraid of death, which was quite good. Suitable. But it's hard to hold a big responsibility." Shang Shaojun shook his head slightly.

"But later, the Immortal Alliance found a way to improve it. Brother Li, does he know that every preacher has his own exclusive little world?"

Li Fan, the holy fetus, responded: "I heard something."

"Each preacher divides a part of the small world under his command to form a [prehistoric world]. It is said that it was a truly cruel and chaotic world, and every hundred years, the creatures in it will be thoroughly cleansed. Only Within a hundred years, only those who receive collective praise from the communicators will be spared.”

"Brother Li, you have to know that the creatures in the [Ancient World] are either conscious souls carefully selected from the [Era], or they are the unique geniuses in the world of their respective Dharma transmitters. Those who can stand out in such an environment … You can imagine what they’re capable of.”

Shang Shaojun's tone was solemn: "This is the origin of the first economics."

"From the era, to the [primordial world]. The First Economy stepped forward step by step, and finally gained the attention of all those who taught the Dharma. He used the treasure left by the Heavenly Lord to reshape his body. Even because of his deep trust, he was even allowed to There is no need to erase the memory of previous experiences. Even though he currently does not hold any specific position in the Immortal Alliance, no one dares to despise him."

"So, this No. 1 Economics is really a bit of a legend." Li Fan, the holy fetus, sighed after listening to Shang Shaojun's introduction.

But then he became a little confused: "We are going to find such a person like this... Aren't you afraid of being kidnapped by him and sent to all the Dharma transmitters?"

Shang Shaojun laughed loudly: "Brother Li is too worried. Not to mention that I had adventures with No. 1 Jinglun back then, and our relationship was not bad. The reason why No. 1 Jinglun is deeply trusted by those who teach the Dharma is because he has been since After being created, the depth of his soul will forever be marked with the mark of loyalty to the Immortal Alliance. The more experience he has and the stronger his strength, the deeper this mark will be."

"This is what he said personally. But he doesn't care about it himself. Instead, he regards it as a great honor. Isn't everything we do for the Alliance of Ten Thousand Immortals? If he knows that the Alliance of Ten Thousand Immortals has many conspiracies hidden secretly, he will definitely He will not choose to ignore it. With his temperament, he will even go there personally to verify what we said." Shang Shaojun looked confident.

However, things did not go as smoothly as expected.

"What? The first economy is not here?"

"Obviously we have made an appointment before!"

Outside Jinglun Mansion, Shang Shaojun and Li Fan were stopped.

Shang Shaojun's face was ugly, and he was feeling the pressure of a Hedao monk.

Although the two guards in front of the door looked a little pale, they could still maintain their composure and explained: "My lord, make atonement. In fact, the Lord temporarily received the secret order of the Immortal Alliance and set off in a hurry. The matter was urgent, so he didn't even bother to say hello. …”

Shang Shaojun tried it and used the communication talisman to contact First Economics again. Sure enough, no one asked.

He looked at Li Fan and knew that he couldn't force it, so he had to give up with a cold snort.

"I think it's not that First Economics disappeared on purpose, but that something really important happened." Li Fan whispered.

"Yes. I know the character of First Economic Lun, and I won't pretend to shirk it. I just don't know what happened to the Immortal Alliance. If First Economic Lun is called upon urgently, it will be a big deal." Shang Shaojun murmured.

The first goal failed, and the two of them planned to change their route to find Ji Hongdao in Tianyu Prefecture.

Unexpectedly, Ji Hongdao was also transferred away by an appointment.

The two looked at each other and stopped looking for the person for the time being.

"Something is wrong. Let me find someone to find out." Shang Shaojun frowned.

But on Li Fan's side, the distraction hidden in the infinite mirror has quietly taken action.

He quietly stole a Tianxuan small mirror from the Sun family and urged Wuliang to spy on the information inside.

As expected, Tianxuanjing already knew about the changes in the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance.

But this result surprised Li Fan inexplicably.

"The Heavenly Master Chuanfa has sent a message that there may be some shocks in the Xuanhuang Realm recently. The Immortal Alliance needs to prepare countermeasures in advance."


"Since the founding of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, there have been only a few occasions when the Dharma Master has taken the initiative to send messages. The Dharma transmitters attach great importance to..."

After cutting off the prying eyes of Wuliang Mirror and comforting him for a while, Li Fan fell into deep thought.

He was not sure whether the event [Tianzun's Communication] had happened in previous reincarnations.

However, there will be some turbulence in the Xuanhuang Realm, which has never happened in the many lives Li Fan has experienced.

"The Heavenly Master Chuanfa specially sent a message to explain that the coming shock cannot be too small. If it is caught off guard and unprepared, it may cause widespread panic."

"But the transmission of the law is just a message, and the fact that I have not rushed back shows that this turmoil will not really cause a devastating blow to the Xuanhuang Realm..."

"The turmoil predicted by the teaching will be about a month from now. We will know then whether it is a unique event in this world."

Shang Shaojun also found out the result.

Naturally, it's not as detailed as the one stolen from Tianxuan Mirror, but it's pretty much the same.

"The entire Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, from top to bottom, has been mobilized. Presumably the relevant orders will be sent to the Eternal Immortal Base soon..."

"Brother Li, what do you think?"

Li Fan, the holy fetus, pondered for a moment and said: "What you and I want to accomplish cannot be achieved in a day. Since the entire Xuanhuang Realm is about to face a crisis, we should start preparing to deal with this matter."

"The Qingxuan Army cannot be leaderless. The Abyss might have another sudden change. Why don't you and I return to the Eternal Immortal Base first and wait and see what happens?"

Li Fan's suggestion was approved by Shang Shaojun.

The two of them ended their journey in a hurry and returned to the Broken Palm Immortal City.

Looking at the quiet and deep abyss not far away, the figure that appeared at the bottom of the abyss appeared before the eyes of the holy fetus Li Fan.

"Maybe the special thing about this life is related to these little actions of mine?"

Li Fan frowned slightly, a little confused.

There is another chapter around 12:30.

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