My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,170 The Suspicious Immortals in the Star Sea

In fact, the word "maybe" can be removed.

If the Xuanhuang Realm is really shaken as a whole next, then it is almost certain that it was caused by a certain behavior of Li Fan in this life.

"The source of the vibration in the Xuanhuang Realm should come from the suction power of the Immortal Ruins."

"The key is here. What virtue and ability do I have that can actually have an impact on the Immortal Ruins?"

The scenes he experienced in this life flashed quickly before Li Fan's eyes.

After eliminating all impossible options, Li Fan was left with several suspects.

In the abyss, the mysterious figure re-implanted into the fragments of the world.

In the realm of death and life, there is an invisible existence that collects the corpses of monks.

as well as……

The migration and transportation of the Five Elements Cave Heaven.

With Li Fan's own strength, neither the original body nor the clone can change the Immortal Ruins in the slightest.

But what he does can affect and change the fate of those powerful beings that can shake the Immortal Ruins, thus causing deviations to occur.

"It only takes a little more than a month, just wait patiently."

The holy fetus Li Fan remained silent.

While the Immortal Alliance was in a state of emergency preparation, the same was true for the Holy Dynasty.

Not long ago, an edict was issued that the Holy Emperor would test his magical powers in the void outside the Great Qi. It may cause some shock, but this is normal and there is no need to panic.

The people of Daqi now worship the Holy Emperor to an almost fanatical level.

What nature says is what it says.

After hearing this, the people not only did not feel nervous or frightened. On the contrary, he was looking forward to the power of the Holy Emperor's magical moves.

In the underground chamber of the Holy Throne.

Master Yin was looking at Li Ping.

"The little guys you sent me last time are indeed very talented. Some are even smarter than I thought. Two of them have successfully built a foundation on me. The others are not far away."

"If you accept [Building the Foundation with Me] from the beginning as the only and most correct method, it will indeed be of great help to your smooth practice."

Master Yin first summarized the recent achievements, and then suddenly changed the subject: "I've been feeling a little uneasy lately. I heard that you want to test some magical powers? Try to stay as far away as possible, and don't destroy this small world. "

"I quite like it here." Master Yin said calmly.

Li Ping nodded in agreement, but thoughts were surging in his mind: "Master Yin is the ghost of the world, parasitic in the Xuanhuang Realm. He has a faint feeling in his heart. It seems that the Xuanhuang Realm is really going to encounter some disaster."

Time passed slowly amid the anticipation.

And without anyone knowing, hundreds of stone puppets quietly flew into the sky of the Xuanhuang Realm.

At the edge of the world, one step away is deep into the void.

It is still within the scope of the Xuanhuang Realm and will not be sucked away by the suction force of the Immortal Ruins.

And from a high position, one can observe the overall macroscopic picture of the Xuanhuang Realm.

These puppets were naturally made by Li Ping.

There is no special purpose, it is just used to observe and record this Xuanhuang Realm shock event.

The puppet floats quietly in the air, waiting for the target event to come.

The day of prediction is getting closer and closer.

On this day, suddenly, Li Fan himself was in the Yanfajue space, Li Fan was the holy fetus outside the abyss, Li Fan was distracted in the infinite mirror, and the holy emperor Li Ping was in the great start of the holy dynasty.

Everything was felt in an instant.

They all looked towards the sky.

In the life when Tianxuan Soul was locked, Ji Hongdao once killed a monk in a state instantly, and forced the Immortal Realm Yixin Tianzun to return to the Five Elders Association by killing them all together.

At that time, the Xuanhuang Realm suddenly felt lighter because of the sudden lack of anchors from many monks.

Constantly trembling, roaring and roaring.

All the living beings in it feel the sense that a disaster is imminent and they will die in the next moment.

Li Fan had experienced this feeling personally at that time.

But now, this feeling is more than a hundred times stronger.


Without any warning, the Xuanhuang Realm began to shake violently.

It was like there was a giant tearing the whole world apart with both hands.

Cracks emerged from every corner of the earth, and then spread rapidly towards both sides. In an instant, the originally flat area became full of scars.

Countless mountains split from it, and some even collapsed entirely, falling into the abyss that suddenly appeared underground.

If everything that happened on the surface didn't scare the monks living in the Hanging City.

Then what happened next to the white mist barrier made all the monks in the Xuanhuang Realm tremble uncontrollably.

The white mist barrier that stretched between the sky and the earth, and seemed to never change, actually bent and broke.

The white mist overflowed from the originally fixed area and spread towards the surroundings.

Wherever it passes, it devours the life span of all living beings.

State boundaries changed as a result.

And with the help of the eyes of hundreds of puppets high in the sky, Li Fan could see more clearly.

The element-devouring white mist rolled away as if it was attracted by something outside the Xuanhuang world.

However, it seems that due to some kind of force, the white mist cannot leave the Xuanhuang Realm.

It was precisely because of the pulling of the two forces that the white mist barrier broke.

The heaven and earth changed drastically, and the spiritual energy also became violent.

Li Fan clearly saw the storms, flames, thunderbolts, floods in the Xuanhuang Realm below...

All kinds of disasters suddenly come.

Fueled by the rioting spiritual energy, it was a hundred times or a thousand times more powerful than usual.

But the Xuanhuang Realm is still shaking.

This disaster seems to be far more lasting than imagined.

The Immortal Alliance monks finally took action.

They flew out from various suspended cities to calm down the spiritual energy riots, while also trying to repair various abnormalities caused by the violent shaking of the Xuanhuang Realm.

They were struggling as the earth shook.

But indeed, there is no fatal danger.

It's just that the shock of the world will eventually make the living beings in it feel uncontrollable fear.

Most of the monks could only go blank and pray in their hearts that the disaster would pass quickly.

Apart from that, nothing can be done.

Li Fan has seen a real world-destroying scene.

The slight shock was nothing compared to the Immortal of Xianxu who destroyed Xuanhuang with one glance.

Therefore, he was able to ignore the changes in the world and observe very calmly.


"This is the source of suction that causes the heaven and earth to vibrate..."

Li Fan suddenly felt a trace of disharmony in his heart.

With a thought, the hundreds of stone puppets at the edge of the world floated away from the edge and came to the endless void.

Without the protection of the Xuanhuang Realm, the puppets were affected by the strong suction and moved uncontrollably in a certain direction.

However, as they moved away from the Xuanhuang Realm faster and faster, Li Fan also confirmed the anomaly he noticed.

This time, the suction force that caused the huge shock in the Xuanhuang Realm did not come from the Immortal Ruins.

But it comes from the depths of the darkest star sea!

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