My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,176 Meeting the True Immortal Again

"Dead?" Li Fan, who was still in shock, breathed a sigh of relief.

But the slightest sense of crisis still lingering in his heart told him that things were not that simple.

Sure enough, after several rays of sword light emitted by the Holy Fetus Li Fan touched the corpse in front of him, it disappeared into the darkness in an instant like a blown out candle.

There was never any crashing roar.

The huge and withered corpse was like an ancient beast hidden in the void, devouring all beings that tried to get close to him.

A spell illuminated the surrounding space again.

This time I could see more clearly.

The overall appearance of the mummy looks similar to that of an ordinary human being, except that it is unusually large in size.

More than thirty feet tall, his hands alone are bigger than Li Fan.

It seems that he has been drifting in this void for a long time, and the clothes on his body have rotted away.

However, after careful observation, what shocked the holy fetus Li Fan even more was the mummy in front of him...

It seemed like a newborn baby.

The hair is sparse and the teeth have not grown.

There is also an ornament similar to a longevity lock hanging around his neck, and a rotten red rope is tied around his ankle.

The way it was frightened and stretched out its hands was as if it was frightened and eager to find its parents.

"The juvenile body is so huge. It's hard to imagine how big it will be as an adult."

Li Fan suddenly thought of the eternal immortal barrier beyond the abyss.

That fortress in the white mist is also known as the Broken Palm Immortal City.

It's because the entire fortress was built with the huge broken palm of Ancient Heavenly Lord floating out of the white mist.

"Maybe there is some connection between the two." Li Fan thought to himself.

After all, he has not seen any records about such a native behemoth in the records of the Xuanhuang Realm.

Although the giant died, an unknown mysterious power still lingered in his body. To continue dragging everything around you down.

"This mysterious force is probably the culprit that caused its death, and it is also the source of extreme uneasiness in my heart."

The holy fetus Li Fan pondered for a moment, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

Even though he no longer wanted to try, he still swung his sword at his soul and cut off a distraction.


After the soul became extremely weak, even the ability to endure pain was greatly reduced. Li Fan couldn't bear it anymore and screamed.

His face turned pale, and he kept breathing heavily.

There was no hesitation after that, and he bypassed the giant mummy in front of him and continued towards the depths of the star sea.

But the distraction that stayed in place, after a moment of recovery, took the initiative to float forward and touch.

As the saying goes, know yourself and the enemy, and fight a hundred battles without danger. It can be predicted that for a long time to come, the Darkest Star Sea will be a place that Li Fan needs to set foot in. Therefore, instead of blindly avoiding these dangers in the Darkest Star Sea, it is better to take the initiative and find out the reality.

Anyway, I am far away in the Xuanhuang Realm, and I still know the truth. Don't be afraid of the unbearable consequences.

After being cut out of his distraction, he was still some distance away from the mummy giant, when his vision went dark.

Completely lost perception of the outside world.

The consciousness is still there, but it seems to be locked in a cage. All around was absolute, eternal darkness.

No sound, no light, no time passing.

It's like I'm the only one left in the world.

Even the induction of the holy fetus and the deity is becoming more and more distant and dim.

The feeling between the holy fetus and the deity is also very strange.

That distraction is obviously a part of me, but the feeling of strangeness is getting stronger and stronger.

More importantly, the endless loneliness shrouded in distraction still began to slowly erode along the connection between the main body and the clone.

Only then did Li Fan realize that after being surrounded by darkness, his state of distraction seemed to be permanently fixed.

As if frozen, unable to make any move.

Not even able to commit suicide.

Holy Fetus Li Fan's expression changed slightly, and he fired several sword lights towards the distracted position.

I want to cut off the distractions and connect with myself.

But to no avail.

Just like when the sword light touched the mummy giant before, all the attacks disappeared silently.

After several attempts, he had to give up.

Frowning slightly, he felt the intrusion of the endless loneliness and felt a little relieved.

The distance between time and space still plays a certain role in restricting this extremely mysterious existence.

The erosion speed of this deity is very slow.

According to the current situation, the safety of the soul will not be threatened for a hundred years.

As for the Holy Fetus, because it is too close, the situation is not optimistic.

It is expected that it will only last for thirty days before it falls.

The time units here are the absolute time experienced by each.

"However, as I continue to stay away, the situation will continue to improve."

"Although it is still unavoidable, it can buy enough time. As long as we can see the true face of the power that caused this Xuanhuang shock, it doesn't matter even if we die."

"And the reason why I react to distractions is mainly through me. If I disappear, my side will be safe."

Thinking of this, Holy Fetus Li Fan stopped being distracted and commanded the remaining stone puppet, running at full power and galloping towards the depths of the Star Sea.

While fleeing rapidly, he was also thinking about the mysterious power that had just been encountered and enveloped the mummy giant.

Mysterious forces are attacking Li Fan, and Li Fan is also taking the opportunity to observe them.

"This feeling is not unfamiliar."

Li Fan, the holy fetus, had a flash of inspiration and already had a guess in his mind.

"True Immortal Seal Script! Another True Immortal Seal Script!"

According to Taoist Baihua, the disasters encountered by all realms in the Darkest Star Sea are not the same.

Some are [nothing], some are [chaos], some are [hungry]...

And now what the holy fetus Li Fan encountered in the void was another kind of real immortal seal script that caused catastrophe.

"Is this [solitude]? Or [solitude]?"

Li Fan had no way of knowing the truth before seeing the entity of the True Immortal Seal Script.

We can only make some guesses based on the external power of the True Immortal Seal Script.

"The True Immortal Seal Script, Cholera in All Realms. Although it is not the real entity, but is just a copy of it, it still caused countless immortal worlds in this starry sky to face annihilation."

"And among these true immortal seal characters, the word [hunger] is even closer to the path of the Immortal in the Immortal Ruins. He was inspired to sit in the ruins of the passage to the immortal world to enlighten himself, trying to understand the true meaning of the word [hunger]."

"For him, it was probably just a moment of enlightenment. But it created the terrifying existence of Immortal Ruins and caused the entire star sea to sink..."

"This is the power of [immortal] above the ordinary."

The thoughts of the Holy Fetus rise and fall.

"And now, not far ahead, there is a being that can rival the power of the Immortal Ruins Immortal."

"What exactly is it?"

There is another chapter before 12:30

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