My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,177 Civilized Survivors

By comparing the speed of time in the Xuanhuang Realm, Holy Fetus Li Fan can roughly judge the distance to the destination.

When the time flow rate ratio between the two sides slowly dropped to three to one.

The Holy Fetus Li Fan knew that the unknown existence he was seeking this time was just ahead.

On the way forward, in addition to the mummified giant, he also encountered other things from the ancient world of destroyed immortals.

Including, but not limited to, the remains of monks and the ruins of buildings.

Li Fan even picked up some magic weapons that monks had used.

However, after floating in the void for too long, all of them have lost their spirituality and cannot be used.

But judging from the way the magic weapons are refined and their appearance characteristics, they come from various different worlds of immortality.

These garbage-like "clutter" seemed to be because the two forces in the void had reached a certain delicate balance and were not attracted towards the Immortal Ruins.

Or maybe it's being pulled deeper into the sea of ​​stars.

Instead, he stayed here quietly.

As if forgotten by the whole world.

The further you go, the more garbage there will be in the void.

These are all bits of evidence that different worlds of immortality once existed in the past.

Uncertain whether these sundries were still contaminated by the power of the True Immortal Seal Script, Li Fan did not dare to touch them.

He just controlled the puppet and sword body and kept avoiding them.

As a result, the speed will inevitably slow down.

"Fortunately, my guess is correct. The closer I am to the mighty power of the star sea, the weaker the influence of the [Du] character formula on me."

"We are temporarily out of danger of being embezzled."


After all, the power of the True Immortal Seal Script cannot be underestimated.

Although he was not completely eroded, the holy fetus Li Fan also felt various changes in his behavior and thoughts.

For example, the idea of ​​escaping from everything may arise in your mind for no reason.

For another example, Heijian Tianzhiqi, who was the foundation of cultivation in his body, actually had a slight estrangement from himself.

From a secular perspective, this is simply unbelievable.

You must know that after the Holy Fetus Li Fan swallowed it and turned it into his own Dao Foundation, they became one and the same.

People are like swords, and swords are like people.

But the power of the True Immortal Seal Script can forcibly restore this fusion.

"A complete loner?"

"Are you lonely?"

There was even a hint of other uneasiness in Li Fan's heart.

Will this power of loneliness have an impact on me and [Huan Zhen]?

Although [Really] is of high enough status, my strength is still not satisfactory at the moment!

Even if there is only this possibility, this risk is not something Li Fan can bear.

Li Fan, the holy fetus, gradually made some decisions in his heart.

"Even if you waste this opportunity to explore, you can't let the power of loneliness affect me."

"I will end my life before there are any signs."

With this thought in mind, Li Fan, the holy fetus, swallowed the last soul-nourishing treasure, and then activated the Soul Burning Technique.

The speed suddenly increased, and he quickly shuttled through the gaps of garbage scattered in the void.

These relics from the ancient world of immortality formed an endless ocean that seemed to have no end.

The nourishing power in the body has been almost exhausted, but it still cannot break out of the sea.

"These sundries can be saved..."

"Then, will the fragments of the past world of immortality be preserved relatively intact?"

Wandering in this ocean of relics, the holy fetus Li Fan suddenly remembered the actions of spreading the Dharma and the heavenly doctors to carry the fragments of the world from the sea of ​​stars and mending the Xuanhuang Realm.


Just as he was meditating, Li Fan's heart suddenly tightened, because he actually felt a divine consciousness in the void locking onto him!

He shouted loudly and looked towards the source of the lock.

The feeling of locking disappeared instantly, and only a blurry figure was seen, flashing quickly and disappearing into the darkness.

Li Fan, the holy fetus, came to the place where the figure originally appeared with a gloomy face.

"Not some mysterious and weird existence, but a living person?"

"In the Darkest Star Sea, apart from the Xuanhuang Realm, are there other civilizations that cultivate immortals and survive?"

The holy fetus Li Fan was extremely shocked.

Not only because he felt the aura of that figure, but also because the other party took the initiative to leave a message.

In Li Fan's opinion, there is something inexplicable and strange. It is not obvious that only monks can use the spiritual memory.

"Bingsan, New Year's Day on the seventh day?"


Li Fan looked at these two short sentences and fell into deep thought.

"It should be some kind of secret language. But this is a common language in the world of immortality. It is definitely the surviving monks."

Although he has not been able to see the mighty power of the star sea that caused Xuanhuang's shock during this trip, knowing that there is another kind of civilization in the star sea is of great significance to Li Fan.

"For so many years, in order to survive in the Darkest Star Sea, in addition to the resources that can ensure survival, the most important thing is to be able to resist the suction of the Immortal Ruins. And this place is located at the delicate balance point of the two forces, creating a safe zone .”

"This also shows..."

The holy fetus Li Fan's eyes flashed, looking at the unknown monk's spiritual consciousness to take a note, but he was very cautious and did not reply.

"The power of the star sea that can compete with the Immortal Ruins did not suddenly appear recently."

"It was because of some kind of accident that it suddenly erupted violently. Only then would it be sensed by the Xuanhuang Realm far away from the Immortal Ruins."


The figures of the Immortal Ruins and the Heavenly Master of Transmission appeared in front of Li Fan's eyes again.

These two people have been traveling in the Darkest Star Sea for a long time, so it is obvious that they cannot be unaware of this.


Because of the power of loneliness, the holy fetus Li Fan became a little cold in his heart. After learning about the new fire of civilization, he regained his eagerness to take action.

But he was forced down by Li Fan.

"Even if we haven't come into contact with it yet, it's obviously not easy to survive in such a harsh environment."

"Moreover, the laws in Darkest Star Sea are more complete than those in Xuanhuang. The upper limit is higher. These people have been here for so long..."

"Strength cannot be underestimated."

However, Li Fan had no intention of worrying about Xuanhuang Realm.

Monsters from the Xuanhuang Realm appear frequently, and they are even blessed by new methods from the Heavenly Master who spreads the Dharma.

But here in the sea of ​​ruins, supplies are scarce. If the two sides really want to fight, Xuanhuang Realm will definitely crush them.

"But I was overly worried. We are so far away from each other. If it weren't for chance, even meeting each other would be a luxury."

The idea of ​​a cage fight between the two remaining civilizations in the Dark Star Sea was temporarily forgotten.

The first problem facing Li Fan now is that he doesn't have much time left.

It is to continue to advance into the depths of the sea of ​​ruins to find the source of the power of the star sea.

Or are you trying to make contact with the civilization here?

Without too much thinking, after a short period of thinking, the holy fetus Li Fan decided.

Choose the latter.

"They have lived here for a long time, and they must have a better understanding of the power of the star sea."

“Instead of running around like headless flies, it’s better to ask people.”

The eyes of the holy fetus Li Fan flickered.

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