My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,178 The Mystery Hidden in the Relics

Although it had been decided to search for information about the power of the Star Sea from this other surviving civilization, Li Fan, the Holy Fetus, did not go to the door rashly.

After all, he spans most of the Darkest Star Sea. In order to resist the erosion of the black spot disease in the void and constantly cut his soul, his strength has been greatly weakened.

If he failed to find out the information and was accidentally captured alive by the other party, wouldn't it be a big joke?

"Since civilization can survive here, there should be ways to avoid all kinds of weird erosion in the void. I will lurk in secret first, slowly regain my strength, and then make plans."

In an instant, Li Fan, the holy fetus, had made up his mind.

First, he pointed towards the center of his eyebrows, and a restriction was set up in his already extremely weak soul. If you make the slightest mistake, you will be able to liberate yourself and your soul will fly away in an instant.

Then Li Fan hid his figure and began to explore this ocean of relics.

He did not follow the sneaky figure before, because he was afraid that it was a plan to lure the enemy deeper. Li Fan, the holy fetus, chose another direction and turned around to explore in depth.

"This void is full of dangers. If there are monks hiding, they will definitely need to use formations, restrictions and other protections. As long as you find these auras, you can follow the clues. My formation level is several generations ahead of the Xuanhuang world, and I should be invincible here. .”

This is what Li Fan originally thought.

However, after searching for more than ten days in the ocean of relics, no trace of civilization such as formations could be found. Not even a hint of life was felt.

So much so that Li Fan, the holy fetus, had some doubts as to whether the phantom he encountered before was an illusion.

But he did not give up easily, like a patient hunter, always lurking in the shadows, waiting for his prey to appear.

Another seventeen days passed, and he finally gained something.

There was a team of three monks. They wore strange armor and walked very cautiously against their backs.

And the way they appeared was really beyond Li Fan's expectation.

The position of those dead relics floating quietly in the void suddenly changed, and then a passage appeared out of thin air.

After the three people walked out, the dead relics returned to their original positions, and the entrance to the passage was closed.

Li Fan squinted his eyes and looked around, taking in all the monks' relics nearby.

After a moment, it dawned on me.

"Wonderful! It is not an isolated formation, but is transformed on the basis of these natural floating relics. It is almost completely integrated with the surrounding environment."

"More importantly..."

The Holy Fetus Li Fan slowly approached these floating relics.

"These objects from the world of broken immortals are more or less contaminated with the power of some real immortal seal characters. This forms a natural protection that can shield the monks' spiritual consciousness from their perception to the greatest extent. This is what I have said before After searching hard, the reason why they still haven't found their hiding place..." Li Fan understood instantly.

In fact, the level of sophistication of this formation is average, but after mixing and introducing the power of those true immortal seal characters that caused the destruction of all realms, it suddenly rose to more than one level. Even with Li Fan's current formation level, there is no good way to crack it.

Of course, if he ignored the possible side effects of those relics and wanted to forcefully break the formation, he could still do it. However, this goes against the plan of lurking and collecting information.

Li Fan looked at the entrance to the hidden passage and finally gave up his plan to break in.

Instead, he followed the three people and observed carefully along the way.

Apart from wearing strange armor, these three monks looked no different from the people of the Xuanhuang Realm.

It seems that they went out this time to search for supplies in this sea of ​​relics.

But what they needed seemed a little strange to Li Fan.

There seemed to be nothing in common. From magic weapon fragments to pieces of building ruins, or some monks' bones, they were all the targets of their collection.

Instead of putting them directly into the storage ring, they were tied together with a black rope and pulled behind them.

"This scene..." Li Fan was slightly stunned.

It reminded him of the scene where the Dharma was being transported in the void using golden chains to carry the fragments of the world.

"Is it possible that there is some connection between this?"

A little while later, when there were more than twenty relics tied behind them, the three monks seemed to have a disagreement.

However, in the end, under the leadership of the leader, the search was abandoned.

Taking the supplies, he turned around and flew towards the entrance of the passage.

Li Fan saw this and followed quietly.

The range that the three monks left seemed to be somewhat limited, and they were not very far from their hiding place. Soon we came to the hidden passage again.

I saw bursts of light flashing regularly on the armor of one of them.

Li Fan sensed a strange rhythmic fluctuation coming from the armor.

As if some mechanism had been touched, the positions of the surrounding dead relics changed rapidly, and the circular entrance quietly appeared.

The three monks pulled the more than twenty items together and flew into them.

Li Fan also hid his figure and wanted to enter with him.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at the entrance of the passage, a piercing alarm sounded suddenly.

Li Fan's heart skipped a beat and he attached the distraction he had prepared in advance to one of the items.

However, his own body quickly fled back.

Because of the distraction, the alarm sound did not disappear with the departure of the Holy Fetus Li Fan.

The three monks looked around nervously, but found no signs of invasion by foreign enemies, and then turned to focus on the items they collected this time.

After a short discussion, they separated the items and tried to replace them one by one.

Finally found the one with Li Fan distracted.

Instead of destroying it, he threw it forcefully towards the depths of the ocean of relics.

The source of the threat disappeared and the warning sound stopped.

The three of them just turned around and returned.

Not far away, looking at the entrance to the passage that was slowly closing, Li Fan finally chose not to force his way through.

"It's interesting, the warning method can actually detect me."

With his eyes flashing, he came to the side of the thrown relic.

"Sure enough, there is something strange. On the surface, the influence of the True Immortal Seal Script still remains. But in fact, the attached power is very little."

"For such a long time, my weak distraction has not suffered any harm..."

Taking the distraction back into his body, Li Fan casually picked up the relic and observed it carefully again.

It seems to be a magic weapon to command the flag, but the flag has decayed, leaving only a bare flagpole.

The spirituality is completely lost and it can no longer exert its original abilities.

"Why are they collecting these things?"

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