My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,181 Destroying the Soul Invisibly

"Yes, Tianshu Academy has always disagreed with the research on world-destroying power, and has been suppressing it violently over the past few years. I don't know how many monks have become the nourishment of the [Sacred Tree] because of this. If it weren't for the fact that they have been unable to survive in recent years, I It seems like they won’t compromise.”

"Think about it this way, it only took over five hundred years for Duanxian Tower to make such great progress. Tianshu Academy has been in power for nearly ten thousand years, but has been doing nothing. As a result, the Immortal Boat is getting worse and worse day by day. Tianshu Academy deserves to be damned."

"The world of Xianzhou is about to change. We brothers should make plans early. Maybe we can take this opportunity to get rid of this sinful body..."

The three of them looked at each other and saw the ambition in each other's hearts.

However, the whispers ended in a deserted place.

When they returned to the original valley, they became taciturn and looked aggrieved again.

After returning to Elder Xiang Gou, he came to live in a wooden house in the valley.

There are also a hundred monks living here.

Every once in a while, some of them would go out on the fairy boat to collect the relics of the World Destruction.

The Immortal Boat people seemed to be extremely afraid of the Dark Star Sea in the outside world. They always looked uneasy before each mission.

As for collecting relics, the casualty rate is indeed very high.

It's not that they suffered any actual harm in the sea of ​​stars outside the Immortal Boat, but every time they go out, the lifespan of the Immortal Boat people seems to be greatly reduced.

The wrinkles on the face of this monk named Zhao, Zhao Tianjiang, have become noticeably deeper after going out twice.

"No wonder I don't see any young monks here, they are all middle-aged and elderly people." Li Fan suddenly felt enlightened.

There are hundreds of people in the valley, but they don't practice on weekdays.

In addition to undertaking the task of going out to collect relics, there is no need to do anything else.

From their daily chats, Li Fan also collected a lot of information about Xianzhou.

This valley was called the "Sin Suppression Valley" by them, which was the place of exile for monks who violated the laws of the Immortal Boat but did not commit crimes that would lead to death.

The purpose of collecting world-destroying relics is to eliminate the sins on one's body.

When you have finished making up for your merits, you can leave this place and live a normal life again.

In their hopeful words, Li Fan got a glimpse of the daily life of the Xianzhou people.

All matters, big and small, in Xianzhou are under the jurisdiction of [Xianshu Yuan].

Ordinary Xianzhou people don't have to worry about survival. Xianshu Academy will provide certain survival materials in a fixed amount every year.

But it’s just enough to survive.

In the Immortal Boat, there are strict controls on the total population and the number of monks.

Not only does it require approval to give birth to the next generation, but even practicing cultivation is limited to certain places.

In addition to drawing lots to obtain cultivation qualifications, you can also obtain them by making outstanding contributions to Xianzhou.

It's like going out to salvage World Destruction relics.

In this Sin Suppression Valley, the vast majority of people have no cultivation.

That's why they have a huge fear of going out.

As mortals, they are able to move freely in the darkest star sea and remain immortal because of the secret immortal armor of the Immortal Shu Academy that they wear when performing their missions.

In addition to ensuring your own safety, you can also identify those relics that are qualified and can be exchanged for merit. ….

As for what the Immortal Shu Yuan wants to do with these world-destroying relics...

Naturally, these people at the bottom of the Xianzhou people will not know this clearly.

"It seems that this fairy boat is even more divided than the Xuanhuang Realm."

"The information that can be gathered here is limited, so we have to find a way to leave this place."

His current distraction power is too weak and cannot be consumed.

It is almost impossible to cross the void of the Immortal Boat by yourself.

The green invisible road in the void will only appear with permission. Those who usually try to approach the void will only be broken into pieces and turned into nourishment for the fairy boat.

So Li Fan's distraction has been lurking and waiting.

Chance. However, what he didn't expect was that before the opportunity came, a disaster awaited him.

The reason was that the three people from Zhao Tianjiang and Zhao Tianjiang who were lurking nearby suddenly fell ill.

At first, Zhao Tianjiang thought he was a little tired and lay in bed for several days.

Later, I couldn't fall asleep at all. I started to feel itchy all over and couldn't sit still.

Zhao Tianjiang seemed to have remembered something, and there was endless fear in his eyes.

But he didn't tell anyone else about it.

He even suppressed his discomfort, showed his face several times in front of everyone, and took the initiative to apply for an outing to collect relics.

Until he couldn't stop coughing and black spots began to appear on the surface of his skin, Zhao Tianjiang hid in the house and refused to come out.

Holding a jade-like magic weapon, I don’t know what I’m doing.

After that, blood continued to flow out of the seven orifices, and the smell of blood began to spread, and finally the matter could no longer be concealed.

"Hey. Time is running out, so let's send him back as soon as possible to reunite with his family."

"It's true that fate is unpredictable. Lao Zhao is considered to be the strongest among us, but he still cannot avoid being infected with the strange void disease."

"I even hid my physical condition for a while, just to save some merit for Xiao Zhao before he died..."

Everyone sighed, showing a look of sorrow.

Elder Gou didn't have any mood swings at all. He just went about business and sent Zhao Tianjiang away.

Soon Xianzhou sent people to Suppress Sin Valley to take Zhao Tianjiang's position.

After Zhao Tianjiang died, the other two monks who were with him developed symptoms soon after, and unfortunately died tragically.

In the Valley of Suppression, everyone lamented that they were unlucky.

But only Li Fan knew that they might have died of the so-called strange void disease one after another because Li Fan was distracted and lurking around for a long time.

"This Immortal Boatman's body..."

"I'm so fragile. I can't even bear the little void breath that my distraction carries. If I come in, wouldn't I be a source of devastating infection?"

Li Fan was speechless.

It was not his intention to kill three people.

In fact, he crossed most of the Darkest Star Sea and stayed in the void for too long.

I am afraid that the soul has already been contaminated by some mysterious power in the void.

Although his soul is strong, he is not afraid of being infected by these mysterious powers.

But the fragile Xianzhou people might not be able to survive.

In the Valley of Sin, it seems like ten years have passed.

The entire fairy boat is like a pool of stagnant water, without any fluctuations.

The opportunity that Li Fan was distractedly waiting for never came.

Until this day...

Elder Gou, who had always been stern and unsmiling, suddenly changed his face.

All the members of the Sin Suppression Valley were called out.

Qi Qi pulled them outside the valley, seemingly waiting for the arrival of a certain big shot.

Everyone in the valley was worried, but Li Fan was distracted and sensed a powerful aura approaching quickly from a distance.

"The Hedao period?"

"More than that. But it's not as oppressive as the Immortality Realm."

"Huh? Also mixed with a trace of the power of the True Immortal Seal Script?"



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