My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,182 Dive into the Immortal Boat Alone

"It's the word [hunger]..."

Li Fan was distracted by the vague fluctuations coming from the Xianzhou Hedao monk not far away and made a quick judgment.

He didn't get close, but stayed inside the cabin to observe.

"Elder Yan..." Elder Gou, who usually had a straight face, was nodding and bowing in an extremely flattering manner at this moment.

Everyone in the valley was slandering, but they didn't dare to show it. They even lowered their heads and didn't dare to look directly at the Hedao monk in front of them.

After all, in the eyes of mortals, Hedao monks are almost the same as the legendary immortals.

"Gou Xun, I heard that five people died in Zhensu Valley some time ago?" Elder Yan asked in a deep voice.

Gou Xun's body trembled and he responded continuously: "There is such a thing. It's just that those sinners were unlucky. They only went out to work two or three times before their condition worsened and they died. However, the Sin Suppression Valley itself did not go out. What kind of trouble..."

"Huh! No luck..." A cold light flashed in Elder Yan's eyes without explaining too much.

The huge spiritual consciousness instantly enveloped the entire Sin Suppression Valley.

"Sure enough, this place has been polluted."

Elder Yan's expression suddenly darkened, a little starlight appeared on his fingertips, and then he pointed toward the residential area of ​​Sin Suppression Valley where Li Fan was distracted.

The endless light and heat destroyed everything within range.

Outside the fairy boat.

Li Fan, the holy fetus who was hiding and comprehending in seclusion, raised his head slightly.

"As expected of a civilization that has been able to survive in the darkest star sea for so long, it is so cautious."

"It seems that if you want to sneak in, you must solve the problem of being a large source of infection. Otherwise, no matter how well you hide it, it will cause a large number of people around you to die, and it will be exposed incidentally."

"My soul has been in the darkest sea of ​​stars for too long. It's hard to get back, so I still have to cut out a ray of distraction to lurk. With my previous experience, I can do this..."

For the next two full months, no Xianzhou people went out to collect World Destruction relics.

But for the almost endless relics from the outside world, it is obviously impossible for them to give up.

So Li Fan finally waited for the new collection team again.

According to previous experience, Li Fan was distracted and mixed in the relics, and followed into the fairy boat.

Only this time, Xianzhou was obviously much more cautious in handling the relics. When staying with the relic, the Xianzhou monk always kept wearing armor. The relics were moved to a sealed space. After they left, a vague shadow of a talisman appeared above the space.

"This is……"

The talisman emits a faint light, illuminating the more than ten relics below.

Although Li Fan was also bathed in light, he was not affected in any way.

Just looking at the surrounding relics, the power belonging to the true immortal seal characters that is about to dissipate is absorbed into the phantom of the talisman above through this dreamlike light.

Even when Li Fan was distracted, he felt that all the mysterious powers lingering around him were sucked away by the talisman.

It didn't take long for the power attached to the more than ten relics here to completely disappear. Really turned into worthless garbage in the sea of ​​stars.

The talisman flashed faintly and left the space.

"For the power of the True Immortal Seal Script, the Immortal Boat's utilization is a little higher than I imagined."

The space here was completely sealed, and Li Fan couldn't escape even if he was distracted. But he was not in a hurry.

Someone will definitely deal with the remaining "garbage".

As Li Fan expected, two days later, two monks in the Qi refining stage walked in under the leadership of a foundation-building monk.

"Bring these things to the boat."

"Be careful. Although the world-destroying power of these things is no longer there, they are still genuine antiques. The fact that they can remain in the star sea for so long shows that their materials are very good. Send them all to [Star Forging Workshop] Go, maybe you can use the waste." The foundation-building monk ordered.

The two Qi Refining monks are only fifteen or sixteen years old. He looks like he has no experience in the world.

Li Fan was distracted and thought for a moment, then attached himself to one of them.

Following the three people, they left the confined space, took a small spaceship, and arrived at the so-called [Star Forging Workshop].

It was a closed ring-shaped building made of unknown white metal.

In the center of the ring is a blazing fireball.

The terrifying heat waves constantly churning on the surface of the fireball are telling of the huge energy contained within it.

You can vaguely see flames from time to time, being sucked into a small hole in the circular building.

The person responsible for reception in the Star Forging Workshop does not look like an ordinary human being.

Instead, it was a strange half-human, half-animal being with a red body, two horns on its head, and a long tail trailing behind it.

The three people seemed to be very afraid of it. After putting down their things, they couldn't wait to leave in the airship.

After a lot of tossing, they finally returned to their home.

It is called [Zhengdao Academy].

It is also a single continent floating in the void.

The academy is towering, reaching into the sky.

They went to the lower level of the academy to find their master.

The master of the three of them is a Nascent Soul monk named Zhao Wuji, who is already gray-haired.

When he saw the three people returning, he put away the book and magic weapon he was reading, and asked kindly: "Is everything done?"

The three of them bowed their heads and responded: "Back to Master, everything has been taken care of."

"Do you know why I asked you to make this special trip?" Zhao Wuji asked again.

The three of them were stunned and didn't know how to answer.

"Not long ago, the Sin-Suppressing Valley was razed to the ground. All the survivors in the valley were taken away and isolated for observation. It is said that the cause of the incident was that the Sin-Suppressing Valley went out to collect relics in an irregular manner, which caused the [World Destruction Power] spread."


"This set of procedures was set by the Immortal Shu Academy and has been like this for the past thousands of years. Even if there are occasional mistakes, it has never caused any big trouble. This time it caused such a big fuss." Zhao Wuji suddenly stopped talking. live.

At this time, the foundation-building monk among the three suddenly realized: "Master, are you saying that this is Duanxian Tower taking the opportunity to launch an attack?"

"That's right." Zhao Wuji showed a teachable look, "It's not just Sin Suppression Valley. Next, all the spheres of influence of the Immortal Shu Academy in the Immortal Boat will face the impact of the Duanxian Tower."

"The Immortal Shu Yuan has been in power for too long, and those who are jealous of the leadership of the Immortal Boat have also been waiting for too long."

Zhao Wuji sighed slightly.

Zhao Wuji's three disciples all had different expressions after hearing this.

The Foundation Establishment disciple's eyes moved as if he was thinking about something.

One of the two qi-refining disciples lowered his head and carefully considered the master's words.

But the other one, who was also distracted by Li Fan, looked completely indifferent.

He was wandering far away, as if in a daze.

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