My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,184 The Hunyuan Golden Pill is Completed (Complete Chapter)

"That talisman seems to be able to absorb the power of the free immortal seal characters. You should be able to use it as a cover."

"But it is the method used by Duanxian Tower for its first appearance. Even in the [Zhengdao Academy], which is known as the source of Xianzhou Taoism, there is no relevant record."

Li Fan's distracted gaze suddenly fell on Zhao Xian, who was sleeping soundly.

"Xuanxianzhou has a strict hierarchy, and many people have never even left their own continent in their entire lives. A solid fortress still needs to be broken down from the inside."

He was distracted and lightly pointed at Li Fan and Zhao Xian's forehead.

In a daze, Zhao Xian seemed to have had a long dream.

In the dream, the dispute between Duanxian Tower and Immortal Shuyuan could not be decided for a long time. The struggle is becoming more and more intense, and the methods are becoming more extreme. Ultimately leading to a devastating disaster. The fairy boat fell into the depths of the sea of ​​relics and disappeared into ashes. No one survived on the immortal boat, including Zhao Xian himself.

Waking up from his nightmare, Zhao Xian, who had always been open-minded and optimistic, took a long time to recover and his face turned pale.

Without him, that dream was too real. Zhao Xian could still remember some details in the dream so clearly that it gave him the illusion that he had gone back to the past.

"In the dream, ten years later, the Immortal Boat Salvage Team found a treasure called [Yan Fa Jue] in the sea of ​​relics. Different techniques can be deduced at every moment, and they can even be deduced directionally according to conditions. For the ownership of Yanfajue, Duanxian Tower fought with Xian Shuyuan. In the end, it was temporarily kept by our Zhengdao Academy. Although the Academy harvested an unimaginable amount of skills during this period, it also caused troubles in the future. The seeds were laid.”

"As an elite disciple of the academy, I am fortunate enough to have studied some of these techniques in my dreams."

""Dinghai Divine Sword"..."

Zhao Xian subconsciously activated the contents of the exercises in his dream.

After a moment, his expression suddenly changed.

"How can this be?"

Zhao Xian recalled the more advanced content of the technique.

"Taikang Geng Jin Sword Qi", "Heavenly Emperor Qi Code", "Two Qi Illuminating Gods and All Heavens' Nirvana Technique", "Infinite Tianshuli Divine Technique"...

Unparalleled skills that shocked the past and the present appeared in his mind one after another.

Word by word, extremely clear.

The movement of Qi brought about by silently reciting these exercises and sentences also made Zhao Xian realize that these were not the existence of his imagination at all. But it is a genuine and supreme magical power!

"No one in the entire Zhengdao Academy can deduce these techniques, let alone me..."

Zhao Xian's heart was beating wildly.

"Is it possible that I really went back to the past from the future?"

For most of the day, Zhao Xian was unable to accept this reality. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't figure out why such bizarre things happened to him.

Since I can’t think of it, I won’t think about it.

Zhao Xian's thoughts quickly focused on the ending of the fairy boat falling to death in his dream.

"If that's true..."

"I must change everything." Zhao Xian clenched his hands subconsciously.

After experiencing too many cruel things in his dream, young Zhao Xian has become much calmer. What if he doesn't make a habit of using [Wanwenlu] to search, because he knows that every statement and browsing trace he makes in it are all under the surveillance of Zhengdao Academy.

"The incident of the Immortal Boat falling to death is too shocking. Do not tell others, even to Master. We must not let the Zhengdao Academy, an organization that will be completely destroyed in the future struggle, know about it, otherwise no one will There is no guarantee that they will take more extreme actions or even cause the fairy boat to be destroyed in advance."

Zhao Xian paced back and forth in the room, his mind running rapidly. Since the big dream, he seemed to feel that his thinking had become much more flexible.

"Master is right, the Immortal Boat must have and can only have one helmsman. However, the conflict between Duanxian Tower and the Immortal Shuyuan is irreconcilable. If they are allowed to fight among themselves, the destruction of the Immortal Boat will be inevitable."

"The best way is to cut through the mess quickly and give one side an overwhelming advantage in a short period of time."

Zhao Xian's eyes flashed: "Although some of the personal details in the dream are blurred, my memory of future exercises and secret techniques is very clear. With the blessing of these data that are decades ahead of me, I have Confidence helps one of the parties unify the immortal boat. As for who to help..."

After slowly recalling the actions of the two major organizations in the dream and their governing philosophies, Zhao Xian finally decided to choose Duanxian Tower.

"Now that Duanxian Tower is showing its impressive power, it is the time when it is short of people. As long as I show a little talent, I can sneak in easily."

"The current strength is still too weak and needs to be improved as soon as possible. Fortunately, in my mind, there are too many magical skills now."

"As long as there are enough resources, it is not a problem to break through the two realms within one year."

Zhao Xian closed his eyes and meditated, already prepared to shock the Zhengdao Academy after leaving seclusion.

What he didn't realize was that beside him, an invisible and faint figure was staring at him.

This figure was naturally Li Fan's distraction.

"Without the restriction that practitioners cannot practice together, countless exercises that I have seen in the past can be of maximum value here."

"Compared to the dangerous Xuanhuang Realm, this fairy boat is really like a paradise."

Li Fan, who was always constrained in the Xuanhuang Realm, was now making waves on the Xuanxian Boat, but he felt as if he could maximize his unique skills.

After crossing more than half of the star sea, I encountered the Xuanxianzhou civilization hidden in the ocean of relics, and then finally found a breakthrough and lurked.

My dear, there is more to come after this chapter. Please click on the next page to continue reading. There will be more exciting chapters later!

It took about more than a year for Li Fan to be born.

And because the flow rates in different regions of the Star Sea are different, in the Xuanhuang Realm, less than half a year has actually passed.

In half a year, the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance has recovered from the great shock in the Xuanhuang Realm that day.

The twisted white mist barrier between heaven and earth has all returned to its original state.

The monks' memories of that disaster gradually became blurred. Everything seemed to be back to where it started.

In the small world attached to the Xuanhuang Realm, in the Great Qi of the Holy Dynasty, the changes in the past six months can be described as changing with each passing day.

[Changing with each passing day] is not just an adjective. But in the sky at the beginning of the Holy Dynasty, there really appeared a wonderful scene that could compete with the sun and the moon.

It was centered on five blurry rings, with more and more shining stars.

It's clearly visible even in daylight.

And at night, Daqi's original starlight was completely suppressed.

According to folklore, the five rings symbolize the five direct disciples of His Majesty the Holy Emperor.

The stars that appear one after another around the ring represent the many heroes who have emerged in Daqi.

This rumor is not unfounded, but has sufficient basis.

Just three days ago, the entire people of Daqi saw with their own eyes that a shining star near the ring in the sky suddenly burst out with a thousand times its usual light.

Then it turned into a beam of light and shot straight towards the Holy Throne in the Holy Capital City.

The vision lasted for half a day before the pillar of light that penetrated the heaven and earth dissipated without a trace.

After that, people were also shocked to realize that the star in the sky also disappeared and came to the world.

The disciples of the Holy Emperor can cause such wonders, but what about the Holy Emperor himself?

After the Holy Emperor's martial arts performance caused turmoil in the world half a year ago. People once again started discussing and speculating on the Holy Emperor's powerful strength. Only in private of course.

With the start of the entire Holy Dynasty, the worship and trust in the Holy Emperor has almost reached the terrifying level of unity.

At this moment, the Immortal Holy Emperor in the hearts of the people of Daqi was frowning and staring at a white-haired young man sitting cross-legged in front of him with his eyes closed.

Unlike folklore, Holy Emperor Li Ping was not surprised at all after the beam of light that was said to be the appearance of the star fell from the sky three days ago.

On the contrary, the shock gave rise to anger and vigilance.

Because he immediately discovered the true image of the light beam: outside the Five Elements Great Cave, one of them was laboriously carried by Baihua Taoist to outside the small world of Daqi, and acted as a giant cave that drags the world to move quickly in the void...


And the culprit of this incident is in Daqi, in the Holy City!

However, Li Ping had no idea about this matter before this! How can Li Ping, who calls himself the Holy Emperor of Destiny, accept this?

In the past six months, while the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance was busy quelling the disaster and appeasing people's hearts, Taoist Baihua, without cultivating day and night, fervently transported some caves from the Xuanhuang Realm to this place.

Perhaps it was because of the mighty power of the sea of ​​stars that shook the Xuanhuang Realm that it became much easier for Baihua to carry these caves. Even so, not sleeping for half a year made Baihua almost exhausted. I couldn't hold on any longer, so I hid in the Five Elements Cave to recuperate.

Unexpectedly, the cave was bombed.

Taoist Baihua's expression was extremely ugly, and he immediately ran out of the Five Elements Cave without caring about recovering from his injuries.

And Li Fan had already identified the real culprit in this matter.

Before he could attack, Master Yin's words made him turn from surprise to joy and all his anger disappeared!


"Successfully practiced [Hunyuan Golden Pill]!"

Even though he was the Holy Emperor, the moment he heard Master Yin's words, he couldn't help but feel shocked and slightly lost his mind.

Hunyuan Golden Pill, as the realm after "Building the Foundation with Me", is a link in the New New Law and an important part of Li Ping's plan to subvert the Tianzun system of transmitting the law.

This first step is particularly difficult to take. Once you step out, it will bring about many unimaginable changes.

When Li Ping summoned Master Yin to come to Daqi to study the new method, he actually didn't have any big plans in mind. It's just a try-it-all mentality.

After all, Tianzun’s new legal system will remain standing for thousands of years.

How can it be so easy to destroy its foundation?

Li Ping envisioned that the derivation of the new law would at least be calculated in units of ten years or hundreds of years.

But he didn't expect that just half a year later, Master Yin would give him a big surprise.

At the same time, Li Fan had doubts and vigilance in his heart.

He did not start to ask questions, but shifted his gaze from the black-haired boy to Master Yin, waiting for his answer.

Master Yin ignored Li Ping and just looked at the young man who was practicing intoxicatedly, admiring him endlessly.

"The breath of the world..."

Li Ping's eyes wrinkled slightly.

The black-haired boy gave him a strange feeling.

It is true that he is one of the several children who cultivated with me, and now he has indeed achieved a realm breakthrough.

The erratic and elusive fluctuations in strength made even Li Ping feel a little elusive.

However, the young man's vitality was too weak.

It's not like the vigorous and prosperous state after breaking through the realm. Instead, it's like a candle in the wind, precarious.

It seems that life will disappear completely in the next second.

After a long time, seeing the pain on the black-haired boy's face, Master Yin sighed: "I will take away the fortune of the world with my body..."

"Why is it so difficult? Although I have achieved the Hunyuan Golden Pill, I have suffered backlash. If I can't bear it, the only way out is death."

Li Ping automatically skipped the second half of the sentence and focused on the first half of Yin Shangren's words.

My dear, there is more to come after this chapter. Please click on the next page to continue reading. There will be more exciting chapters later!

"Seizing the fortune of the world with one's body? Is this the key to cultivating the Hunyuan Golden Pill?" Li Ping asked.

Master Yin was silent for a while, and then replied: "You have also seen the situation. It is indeed a breakthrough, but the risks involved are almost as high as death..."

"The new law should not take this path."

Master Yin told Li Fan about the process of understanding the Hunyuan Golden Elixir by chance.

"What is Hunyuan?"

"To build the foundation with me is to build the foundation of practice with your complete self. If people want to go further in the world, they need to seek answers from the world, heaven and earth."

"To seize the creation of the world with one's body is not to directly devour the heaven and earth like spreading new laws..."

"Although the actual effect is actually about the same." Master Yin said suddenly and stopped abruptly.

Looking up at the afterimage of the cave that had disappeared in the sky, Master Yin continued: "To achieve Hunyuan, you don't take away the specific matter and energy, but you take over the [creation] of the world."

"The Great Dao is fifty, Tianyan is forty-nine. Because of the one that escaped, the world has additional variables, so the world can still be full of vitality after countless years."

"But if the escaped one is taken away..."

"That beam of light between heaven and earth just now was their fate."

"Of course, there are some reasons why I took action. If there is no outside intervention, I am afraid it will take nearly a hundred years for the changes to appear. I am here to help this child, otherwise I will use my foundation-building body to try to seize the world, even if it is just Even if you are a cave heaven, you will lose yourself in the battles in the cave world." Master Yin glanced at Li Ping and had no intention of apologizing.

"This guy is really amazing if he can think of things that I can't think of."

From what Master Yin said, Li Ping also vaguely knew about this so-called [Hunyuan Golden Pill].

As the Lord of the Daqi World, he has observed and come into contact with many small worlds more closely, so he can better understand the meaning of Yin Shangren's words.

"The world is like the human body. This idea of ​​seizing the world's creation and achieving one's own Hunyuan Golden Elixir is indeed feasible."


Li Ping pondered for a moment, then secretly shook his head in rejection.

"This step is too exaggerated!"

"Swallow the world with my human body. Even I may not be able to do it."

"The new law should be a universal law that everyone can practice."

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