My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,185 The Holy Master passes on to the Tao

While Li Ping was communicating with Master Yin, the life signs of the black-haired young man who had discovered a path to the [Hunyuan Golden Pill] were rapidly declining. In the end, it completely lost the breath that a living thing should have.

But there was no death.

The black-haired boy was still sitting there quietly, his physical and spiritual energy functioning spontaneously.

Majestic and mysterious.

"It's a pity that I couldn't hold on. I completely assimilated with the cave consciousness and lost myself." Master Yin sighed, his face full of regret.

"His original strength was too weak, and the target he chose was inappropriate. If he had chosen the slightly smaller cave next to him, he might have been able to survive."

Li Ping's eyes also stopped on the black-haired boy and did not leave for a long time.

"What's his name?"

"Qu Wentian."

"Good name. But there is still one thing I don't understand." Li Ping's voice echoed in the empty secret room here, "With the foundation-building realm, can you really seize the fortune of the cave? The name of the disappeared cave is [Yuanhuang] .Although it doesn’t look big from Daqi, the scale of Yuanhuang is almost half that of Daqi’s small world…”

"Maybe it's because this kid is gifted." After being silent for a long time, Master Yin couldn't think of a reason, so he could only reply like this.

"You have to know that people are different. Some things that we seem to be unable to accomplish are just casual in the eyes of others. This [Hunyuan Golden Pill] path opened up by Qu Wentian, although It is destined to only be used by a very small number of people, but it also inspired me."

Master Yin looked at Li Ping and his expression turned solemn: "You are right. If we want to completely dismantle the dominance of Chuanfa and Xinfa, our Xinxinfa must not be a niche and difficult path."

"The way of practice that spread the Dharma back then was able to spread throughout Xuanhuang like a prairie fire in an instant. It continued despite the suppression of the ten sects and eventually replaced it. Isn't it because it has almost no threshold? Everyone can do it. Cultivation is the attribute that the new method should have.”

"I thought about it. The reason why Qu Wentian was able to break through the realm on the basis of [Building the Foundation with Me] was because he took away the creation of the Dongtian World. In turn, it can be deduced that the creation of the world should be the [Hunyuan Golden Pill] the most critical factor.”

Master Yin spoke faster and faster, and his expression became a little excited.

"Nothing is fake, everyone can practice it, the world is created..."

"By combining these three necessary conditions, you can get a glimpse of the real ideal Hunyuan Golden Pill!"

Master Yin waved his hand, and phantoms of childlike faces appeared in front of the two of them.

"Seizing the creation of the world is not for the sake of creation itself. It requires the evolution of creation. The creation of the world is a mysterious and difficult-to-understand existence for ordinary people. It can only be forcibly possessed through [devour] and turned into a part of oneself. Then slowly realize it.”

"But if there is a sage teacher who can teach you everything you need to know about the creation of the world in detail..."

"I think even a young boy can understand the way!" Master Yin said firmly.

Looking at Li Ping's disbelieving eyes, he said: "My method of building foundations seems so complicated and unbelievable to outsiders? But for those I teach who have been exposed to it since childhood, and in their understanding, the world's In the eyes of children who only have this kind of cultivation method, it is not that difficult to learn. Especially when the first of them [Building the Foundation with Me] is successful, it is like the bottleneck is broken and successful people appear one after another."

"The same is true for [Building the Foundation with Me], and the same is true for [Hunyuan Golden Pill]."

"What's more, new and new methods should vary from person to person. If you imitate the transformation of the world in your own body, you may not necessarily pursue the ultimate. After all, the world is big and small, and the talents and potential of monks are also high and low. It is enough to fully realize one's own potential..."

"The only thing I need is to find such a [Holy Master] somewhere. Not only does my understanding of the world reach its peak, but I can also patiently share my understanding with others without any secrets..."

As Master Yin spoke, he looked at the Destiny Holy Emperor in front of him.

"Although I would like to be the master of the world, but..." Li Ping paused slightly.

“I don’t understand the ways of the world well enough myself, so how can I teach others?”

"I think in the entire Xuanhuang world, the only one who is qualified to be this teacher is Chuanfa Tianzun, right? Let Chuanfa create his own rebellion?"

"Fellow Taoist's path to the [Hunyuan Golden Pill] needs to be carefully considered."

Master Yin was unable to refute, and a trace of unwillingness and confusion flashed in his eyes.

Li Ping came to take advantage of the good news, but returned after being defeated.

Leaving Master Yin where he was, he returned alone.

Taoist Baihua, who hurried over and thought Xuanhuang Realm was attacked by the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance and was searching for enemies, was comforted.

And rewarded her with some [Golden Source Power] as a reward.

As a pure crystallization of cultivation, golden source power is a great tonic for Baihua, who is a pure energy body.

Baihua first thanked him, and then solemnly absorbed it.

"Eh? Fellow Taoist, what you gave me this time..."

After swallowing the golden source power, Taoist Baihua turned into an unbelievable exclamation before he could finish a complete sentence.

"Why is it so dense?"

"Even like..."

"The essence of source power?!"

Baihua Taoist looked at Li Fan in shock.

Her glazed body became more dazzling and solid at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Years of hidden injuries have been slowly repaired, and even those who were captured by the fishing pond and have not disappeared even after escaping, and any connections with the fishing pond seem to have become minimal under the wash of the golden source of power.

Correspondingly, Taoist Baihua looked at the faceless Holy Emperor in front of him, and his extremely profound figure was slowly imprinted in his heart.

Li Ping didn't explain anything, leaving Baihua with a mysterious back.

"Is he already so close to the realm of true immortality?"

"How can it be?"

Baihua was extremely horrified, but the golden source of power that was far beyond the ordinary surging in her body seemed to be the best evidence for her guess.

As a clone, Li Ping's realm has naturally not surpassed that of his original self.

Still stuck in the Nascent Soul realm, even most of the combat power comes from the great fortune of the Holy Dynasty, and his own strength is pitifully weak.

The reason why he was able to create a golden energy essence that was infinitely close to the essence of source power was because of a group of special people.

Under the Holy Emperor's throne, deep underground.

It was dark, without a trace of sunlight.

However, there is a group of people living here who are not affected at all.

In addition to normal daily life, the most important task every day is to pray to the stone statue of the Holy Emperor.

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