My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,194 Xuanhuang Crossing the River

"Senior Baihua, it seems that your cultivation has improved a lot?"

After a hundred years of simulation experience, Sun Erlang is no longer what he used to be. Naturally, he could see the changes that had happened to Taoist Baihua during his absence.

I couldn't help but feel awe-inspiring in my heart.

Yi Shu, on the other hand, looked with interest at the five echoing and connected rings in the sky, as well as the six bright stars surrounding the ring.

"Senior Baihua has moved two more caves. It's really hard work. These new two caves seem to be larger than the previous ones. No wonder I feel that Daqi's speed in the void is obviously much faster." Sun Sun Erlang thought to himself.

"The great start of the holy dynasty is indeed worthy of its reputation." Yi Shu could not help but say sincerely, sensing the various forces surrounding the small world that were always surrounding him.

"I think that in no more than fifty years at most, a mere mortal world can undergo such earth-shaking changes. I am really curious about your master, Xiaolangjun."

Taoist Baihua looked at Yi Shu again for no apparent reason.

But he didn't speak, just snorted coldly.

He brought the two of them to the Holy Emperor's throne and left directly.

Looking at the towering body sitting above him, Sun Erlang's heart trembled.

I originally thought that after experiencing so many real worlds in the simulated world and meeting the most powerful immortal monks from the ten immortal sects in the past, I would be more comfortable when I came back to face the master.

But at this moment, Sun Erlang knew that he was wrong.

When facing a strong person in the Immortality Realm, what Sun Erlang felt was the pressure from the gap in realms and the pressure from the strong on the weak.

But facing his master, the Faceless Holy Emperor Daqi.

The reason why Sun Erlang couldn't stop trembling physically, mentally, and even spiritually was because of the mystery of the Faceless Holy Emperor and...

It's as if high-level creatures naturally look down on low-level beings.

"Master, I'm back." Sun Erlang knelt on one knee, just like before.

Yi Shu slightly bowed his hand.

"It's good to come back. It seems that you gained a lot from this trip." The voice of the Faceless Holy Emperor Li Ping echoed in the empty and tall Holy Throne.

Sun Erlang talked about his experiences in every detail.

After listening to Sun Erlang's report, Li Ping said to Yi Shu: "Since Taiyan Sect is so polite, we can't neglect him. During this time, you can lead him around the Holy Dynasty. "

"There are no restrictions. You can take him anywhere he wants to see."

Sun Erlang was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly said: "Disciple understands."

"Let's go."

He actually had no intention of communicating with Yi Shu.

Although Yi Shu is the incarnation of Taiyan Sect's collective consciousness, he also has his own temperament.

He tilted his head slightly, looked at the Faceless Holy Emperor sitting high above him, and cupped his hands again.

Until he left the Holy Emperor's throne, the Holy Emperor did not say another word.

"A meeting is worth a thousand words. Senior, you will have the answer in your mind after you have experienced it." In order to prevent the other party from being embarrassed, Sun Erlang quickly explained.

"Okay, then let me see what's so special about this place." Yi Shu responded with the same smile.

It's just that the smile seems different from before. ….

When he saw that almost everyone in the Holy Dynasty was practicing the same technique, a trace of surprise flashed in Yi Shu's eyes.

The smile on Yi Shu's face slowly disappeared when he saw the fairy towers placed randomly throughout the Holy City, releasing spiritual energy all the time.

When he observed the [Array of All Spirits of Heaven and Earth] that connected the Great Qi of the Holy Dynasty to other small worlds, Yi Shu's expression became suspicious.

"Xiao Langjun, do you know..."

Yi Shu's words came to his lips, but he swallowed them.

Sun Erlang thought that the other party was shocked by the sight of the Holy Dynasty. Seeing that the other party's words were not spoken in the end, he did not ask further questions.

Next, Sun Erlang took Yi Shu to visit some important places in the Holy Dynasty.

land. For example, Wang Xuanba's alien beast training base and the refining site of the Sky Survey Arrow.

Along the way, Yi Shu became more and more silent.

From time to time, thick confusion and doubt flashed between his brows and eyes.

Seeing the other party's expression, Sun Erlang, who had been shocked in Taiyan Sect before, couldn't help but feel relieved and secretly proud.

"Senior Yi, is there anything else you want to see?"

Yi Shu didn't respond for a while.

He looked into the distance, as if he wanted to see all of this magical little world.

"If you hadn't said that you were going to counterattack the Xuanhuang Realm, I would have almost thought that this was some hidden secret realm in the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance." After a long time, Yi Shu suddenly said this.

"Except for the fewer monks and top experts, you are indeed qualified to challenge the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance."

"However, based on what we have seen so far, it is not enough to form an alliance with our Taiyan Sect." Yi Shu concluded.

"Xiao Langjun, the water in the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance is much deeper than you think." Yi Shu pointed out.

Sun Erlang was not dissatisfied with Yi Shu's reaction, but nodded slightly, thoughtfully.

After thinking about it for a while, Sun Erlang finally brought Yi Shu to the space where Master Yin was under the Holy Throne.

I didn't see Master Yin himself.

But just looking at the hundreds of children who were practicing here and had already established foundations at a young age, Yishu also acted a little out of sorts for the first time.

"This..." With his eyes, he could immediately see the peculiarity of these foundation-building children.

"How can it be?"

At this moment, everyone in Taiyan Sect, who was far away in Taixuan Realm, cast their eyes towards Daqi Small World.

Even the Transformation Dao Stone Mother, which was blooming with azure light at that moment, seemed to have a brief pause.

"Not long ago, there was a young man who went a step further based on [Building the Foundation with Me]. He created the Hunyuan Golden Pill." Sun Erlang said softly.

"Build the foundation with me?!" After hearing this word, Yi Shu's whole body froze instantly.

It's not an adjective, but my thinking has really come to a standstill.

Sun Erlang, who was carrying the Dao Transformation Stone, could see at a glance that this was a manifestation of the extreme computing power of the Dao Transformation Stone.


After a long time, Yi Shu blurted out.

Here, the children who are meditating hard and practicing hard are looking towards Yishu.

There was some displeasure in his eyes.

Because they were taught by Master Yin, what they have been most resistant to since childhood is the word "impossible".

Yishu realized his gaffe and coughed slightly to cover it up.

He slowly came to one of the girls with long pink and jade hair and observed carefully.

The more I looked at it, the more surprised I became.

Sun Erlang saw that Yi Shu's hand was even tightening uncontrollably.

"Outside of variables? Outside of variables?"

"No, this is not a variable, this is..."

Yi Shu suddenly raised his head and seemed to be eye-to-eye with the faceless Holy Emperor sitting in the Holy Emperor's throne.

"Xuanhuang Duhe people?!"



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