My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,195 No one can save the world

Years ago, when he first learned about the theory of Due Sect, Yi Shu, like most of the Taiyan Sect monks, absolutely scorned it.

When a disaster comes, instead of actively looking for ways to deal with it, you choose to be a coward and place your hopes on some illusory person who will be the one to cope with the disaster. This is completely unfounded and unpredictable.

However, as both members of the Ten Immortal Sects and under the tutelage of the Great Master of Tiandu, the inheritance of the Du'e Sect has already appeared in ancient times. Being able to survive for so many years shows that it does have its own special reason.

It's just that outsiders can't see the mystery of Du'e Sect.

Today, when Yi Shu came to the Great Qi of the Holy Dynasty, which seemed to pop out of the cracks in the stone, he saw many technologies that could rival the top level of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, as well as techniques that were completely different from today's cultivation methods and could completely subvert the traditional methods. Fa Tianzun is behind the new method that is the foundation of Xuanhuang Realm.

Yi Shu's mind couldn't help but recall the words of the Du'e Sect back then.

At that time, the great calamity was beginning to appear. The core of the ten immortal sects gathered together to discuss possible countermeasures.

All the sects expressed their opinions, but the Du'e sect had a very negative attitude.

"Everyone, what is called a disaster is inevitable. If it can be avoided through some struggle, then what kind of disaster is it?" Lu Chengheng, the leader of the Du'e Sect, looked at the situation as if it had nothing to do with him.

"Is this the reason why your Du'e Sect places those [World-Seeing Eyes] everywhere?"

Xia Houyan, the most grumpy Lord of Wuding Prison, looked evil and retorted on the spot.

"Xiahou, you don't understand. This is a necessary means to wait for the [Xuanhuang Duhe people] to appear." Lu Chengheng said lightly.

"Bullshit Xuanhuang Du'e people, in the face of disaster, all living things will be destroyed. Everyone is dead, where can this savior pop up?" Xia Hou almost cursed.

"Are you questioning the Archmage's inheritance?" Lu Chengheng said just one sentence and rendered Xia Houyan speechless.

"Aren't there still you guys?" Lu Chengheng smiled, and then said meaningfully, "The Xuanhuang Realm is not so easy to be destroyed. If there is any immortal world in this sea of ​​stars that can survive to the end , then it must be our Xuanhuang."

Upon hearing this, the leaders of the ten sects did not refute.

After a brief silence, perhaps to appease everyone, Lu Chengheng briefly explained: "The theory of overcoming disaster is not nonsense. Measuring calamity, birth and death, are part of the cycle of heaven and earth. Even the great calamity of the immortal world may not be true. It’s as expected by the immortals.”

"You are all in panic all day long. What about the Archmage? Can he be touched at all?"

The leader of the Taishang Sect, Xuanji, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke at this moment: "The great mage's merits are related to nature, and he can walk on the ground even in the fairy ruins. He doesn't care at all about the disaster that leads to the destruction of the Xuanhuang Realm. We can't. Brother Lu , you choose to escape from the world, and I will not stop you. But in the face of disaster, you cannot completely do nothing."

Looking at everyone's attention, Lu Chengheng finally nodded and made a compromise.

However, Lu Chengheng's last words made everyone present fall silent again.

"One day, you will know that our Du'e Sect is right."

At this moment, spanning thousands of years, the Taiyan Sect's collective consciousness and Yishu body suddenly remembered Lu Chengheng's words.

After briefly understanding the principle of "Building the Foundation with Me", Huandao Stone Mother brought this variable into the future derivation of the Xuanhuang Realm.

The originally clear future seemed to have encountered a chaotic storm and became blurry.

Even with Shi Mu's now miraculous computing power, she became a little confused for a while.

Taiyan Sect has actually tried to deduce new methods that can subvert the teaching system.


Creation out of nothing is not the same thing as future deduction based on existing data.

The Hudao Stone Mother only judged that this possibility was indeed possible. But the probability is too small.

Even compared to the beginning, the probability of Chuanfa surviving under the siege of the Immortal Realm is even smaller.

In addition to the difficulty of creating a new method, what is more important is the omnipresent impact of the method on the Xuanhuang Realm.

Just like the monks will gradually forget about the disasters in the Xuanhuang Realm and infinitely ignore the changes in the terrain that have been taking place in the Xuanhuang Realm for thousands of years.

Deriving new and new methods is not only the ultimate expression of one's own creativity.

It is also a struggle with the influence of the spread of the law.

Therefore, in the derivation of the Taoist Stone Mother who is very clear about how powerful the Heavenly Master is now, the probability of a new method being born is naturally infinitely close to zero.

However, something far beyond the possibility of deduction happened just like that.

In a corner of the Xuanhuang Realm that no one knew existed, there was a force that was only born recently.

New and new methods have not only appeared quietly, but have even developed to the golden elixir stage!

It was so earth-shattering that it caused the slightest lag in the derivation of the Huandao Stone Mother.

Because according to all the currently known factors, it is impossible to find out the reason why the new law can be born at this point in time.

It can only be explained by the Xuanhuang Duhe people who are outside common sense and are not among the variables.

The ten sects also had some private discussions about the Xuanhuang Du'e people.

An almost unanimous conclusion was drawn: If this so-called Dueren really existed, it was either from outside the Xuanhuang Realm or the reincarnation of a strong man.

The local monks who grew up by themselves want to save the world from falling...

Totally impossible.

No matter how talented you are, it won't work.

The environment of the Xuanhuang Realm has been unable to create the foundation soil that can resist the Heavenly Lord of Transmission.

"What is the origin of this faceless Holy Emperor of Daqi?"

At this moment, Yi Shu, or Taiyan Zong, had no more contempt in their hearts.

Instead, he treats the Holy Dynasty Daqi as a force that is equal to, or even one level higher than, his own.

And, really deducing the possibility of an alliance with the Holy Dynasty Daqi.

As one of the rulers of the Xuanhuang Realm in the past, he is now suppressed by the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance of Chuanfa Tianzun and can only live in the small world of Taixuan. It is impossible to say that there is no dissatisfaction in Taiyan Sect.

Even though they no longer need the territory and resources, what they once had was deprived of them. This resentment still lingers in the Taiyan Sect's consciousness like a nightmare.

"In the past, the Dao Dao, Taishang and other sects, although they appeared to compete with the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, in fact they had already joined the same trend and were no different from the lackeys who spread the law."

"But he must have not completely surrendered like us. What is missing is an opportunity."

The emergence of the Great Qi of the Holy Dynasty, especially the emergence of new and new laws, gave Taiyan Sect a glimmer of hope.

However, after all, it is a sect that has survived ancient disasters.

Any decision related to fate must be made with caution.

There’s still one chapter left at 12:30

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