My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,202 The Immortal Calamity Wind Tribulation Appears

On the way, Sun Luyuan could clearly feel the imminent movement of the Infinite Mirror in his arms, as well as the familiar uncontrollable roar of his younger brother Sun Luyao. They were suppressed by force and were not released until they returned safely.

"Brother, give it to me quickly! I can't bear it anymore!"

The mirror kept shaking violently, and Sun Luyao's smoky black shadow seemed to be blown and twisted by the hurricane.

"calm down!"

Sun Luyuan gave a low shout and skillfully sacrificed a drop of his own blood to calm his brother's mania.

Then he took out the mirror that was taken out from the ruins of Baishi Winter.

The aura of the same ancestral origin shows that the main body of the mirror is the fragment of the infinite mirror. But it was reforged and turned into a separate magic weapon.

Sun Luyuan carefully removed the remaining restrictions on the mirror before throwing it to his younger brother.

The restraints disappeared, and the darkness floated greedily above the mirror.

A dark beam of light erupted from Sun Luyao's mouth, corroding this ancient relic.

As the mirror slowly disappeared into the black light, the somewhat ancient and broken infinite mirror where Sun Luyao's possession was located was changing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The traces of time slowly disappear, and the sense of antiquity no longer gives people a sense of vicissitudes of life.

The infinite mirror surface is filled with a heart-stopping luster from time to time.

It made Sun Luyuan feel slightly frightened.

"Is this the power of immortal weapons..." He thought to himself, and couldn't help but look forward to his younger brother's performance after he woke up from being swallowed.

The actual owner of the Infinite Mirror, Li Fan, who was hiding in the mirror, could witness the transformation of the Infinite Mirror more intuitively.

In other words, recovery.

The [Infinite, Hongmeng Square] formation, which originally had many deficiencies, was slowly being completed.

As if there was a core, an indescribable magical power kept pouring out of the formation like a stream.

Nourish the worn-out body of Wuliangjing.

This is also the reason why in the eyes of outsiders, this fairy weapon takes on a new look in the blink of an eye.

Along with Li Fan's distraction, everyone benefited. Transformation from distracted mind to divided soul.

Li Fan even had a feeling that if he kept taking the opportunity to absorb the energy in this infinite mirror, given time, the distraction could even grow to the point where it would be stronger than the main soul!

You know, Li Fan's journey to where he is now is one step at a time, with an extremely solid foundation.

Not to mention the theoretical accumulation of multiple reincarnations, the Five Elements Great Cave Heaven and Xuanhuang's birth and death are all the essence of Xuanhuang Realm.

The peak of Hedao realm created on this basis can be equaled by the energy in this broken mirror!

Even if it was just about the soul, Li Fan was greatly shocked.

He expressed the same emotion as Sun Luyuan: "Is this the power of immortal weapons?"

The energy emerging from the infinite mirror looks like order and vitality.

However, just when Li Fan thought it would completely repair the Wuliang Mirror, the Wuliang Mirror suddenly fell to the ground uncontrollably.

The mirror projected a ball of light and shadow, covering the underground secret room.

The screen flashed by quickly.

The prophesied scene shocked Sun Luyuan and Li Fan.

The peaceful Xuanhuang land was shrouded in flames of war.

The monks of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance were fighting with another unknown force.

The light arrows flying all over the sky caused earth-shattering explosions wherever they hit.

A giant with shining golden light was fighting with a black-haired naked man inextricably.

Affected by their power, even the white mist barrier between heaven and earth was twisted and broken.

What is even more frightening is that on this battlefield, there is another person wearing black imperial robes whose face cannot be seen clearly.

Standing above everyone.

Opposite him, another figure was equally blurry.


As if extrapolated to the extreme, the images projected by the Infinite Mirror suddenly became distorted.

Then a burst of intense white light erupted.

After the light disappeared, it was filled with deathly darkness.


The infinite mirror that had just improved had another crack.

Sun Luyao let out a scream, and the black shadow was forcibly sucked into the territory.

"younger brother!"

Sun Luyuan recovered from the shock in an instant, his expression changed, and he was about to pick up the Infinite Mirror.

However, the moment he got closer, his hand suddenly retracted as if it had been burned by a blazing flame.

Sun Luyuan looked at his extended right hand solemnly.

In just a short period of time, it seemed as though thousands of years had passed. The skin and flesh were shriveled and wrinkles appeared.

It's not just the physical body.

Sun Luyuan felt that part of his soul had truly experienced the passage of time, and it would be difficult to return to its original appearance.

This is true for just accidental touching, let alone Li Fan being distracted in the Infinite Mirror.

When he saw the future of the Xuanhuang Realm spontaneously deduced in the Infinite Mirror, Li Fan was shocked and wanted to take a closer look.

But then the fatal sense of crisis that suddenly appeared in his heart made him unable to care about it at all.

This power of annihilation was hidden in the deepest part of the Infinite Mirror. Even Li Fan, who had basically mastered it, was not aware of it until it exploded.

And it came so fast and explosive.

As if even the years could wear it away, the Wuliang Mirror, which had just absorbed the fragments and regained its strength, experienced hundreds of millions of kalpas of wind and frost, and became decayed again.

At the core of the Infinite Mirror, the Hongmeng Jian Square Formation seemed to have been blown by the strong wind.

Some intact structures have become broken again.

Li Fan was naturally unavoidable when he was distracted.

It was just a wisp of residual god, but it would soon be like a candle in the wind, completely dissipating.

Fortunately, first, he had already refined the Infinite Mirror in general using the formation refining method. Staying in the mirror, with the help of the power of the infinite mirror, it has a little more resistance.

Second, at the critical moment when he realized that he was distracted and would soon be defeated, Li Fan instinctively recited the Xuanhuang Immortal Heart Mantra silently.

Although it is impossible to retrieve the worn ones, it greatly slows down the speed at which distractions disappear in this storm.

After persevering for a long time, the terrible internal disaster finally slowly dissipated.

Li Fan noticed that it was not disappearing.

Instead, he returned to the depths of the Infinite Mirror and lurked again.

At this time, Sun Luyuan's anxious voice came slowly.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

However, Sun Luyao was too seriously damaged and was unable to respond.

Sun Lu saw the situation and reacted very quickly.

Immediately brought the Wuliang Mirror into the Sun Family Essence and Blood Pool.

Although it is a pool of essence and blood, there is no fishy smell at all. On the contrary, it is filled with the fragrance of heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

The water in the pool is not blood red, but a colorful dream like neon, like a stream of light from the sky.

After soaking in it, Li Fan, who was already distracted by his age, felt relieved.

"Why is it consumed so fast?" Sun Luyuan was surprised when he saw how quickly the water in the blood essence pool changed color.

But then he gritted his teeth and left, apparently to collect blood and essence again.

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