My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,203 Xuanhuang is dangerous

Li Fan, who was surviving the disaster, began to recall the terrifying power in the Infinite Mirror just now.

"Is this why the Infinite Mirror is broken?"

"The feeling it gives me is even better than those few real immortal seal characters."

"Although what I have seen so far are all imitations of the real immortal seal characters. But what is in the infinite mirror is just the remaining aftermath."

"Could the disaster in the fairy world be related to this?"

Even though he was filled with curiosity, Li Fan didn't want to delve into it at the moment.

The existence that can destroy the fairy world is definitely not something he can deal with now.

"It only remains in the Infinite Mirror. Even if it is induced and released, it will only cover a city at most."

"Only at critical times, it may be of some use."

Li Fansi thought.

"It's no wonder that a dignified immortal weapon could be possessed by the remnant soul of a foundation-building monk. The annihilating storm is really too terrifying."

"The immortal weapon that originally belonged to the Wuliang Sect and was located in the Xuanhuang Realm has undergone such a change..."

"Doesn't that mean that this disaster happened in the Xuanhuang Realm?"

"The aftermath can damage the immortal weapon. If it happens, it will definitely not leave any traces."

Li Fan thought for a moment, and he suddenly thought that the two major events that changed the history of the Xuanhuang Realm might be related to it.

One is the inexplicable disappearance of Xuantian King Xuanyuan Hong.

The second is to encircle and suppress the current transmission method that only has Hedao cultivation, and the six top Immortality Realm cultivations have disappeared.

"The cultivation of these people is already at the top of their time."

"In the Xuanhuang Realm, ordinary things cannot hurt them at all. Unless..."

Li Fan's heart moved slightly.

"Power beyond the ordinary."

Li Fan again thought of the Tiandu Archmage who came to the Xuanhuang Realm after the catastrophe and has been stationed in Daoyuanzhou since he was injured.

"Was his arrival really a coincidence?"

At this moment, Li Fan couldn't help but have deep doubts in his heart.

This incident also gave Li Fan a wake-up call.

Even though his perspective has been able to extend beyond the Xuanhuang Realm and reach the other side of the star sea, there are still existences in the Xuanhuang Realm that he cannot see through and cannot yet reach.

No matter what you do, be careful again and again.

As his thoughts surged, Sun Luyuan had already returned in a hurry.

Refining a large ball of blood essence and several materials and adding it to the blood essence pool.

The water in the pool, which was already a little dim, became overflowing with light again.

Li Fan also became concerned about the condition of Wuliang Mirror.

Almost back to the state before absorbing the debris.

But after all, it is more complete. Li Fan believes that the situation will improve to a certain extent after Sun Luyao wakes up.

Moreover, Li Fan also briefly got a glimpse of the more complete Hongmeng Square Formation. Not to mention the perfect restoration, there is still no problem in making some repairs.

Three days later, Sun Luyao, the immeasurable mirror spirit, finally briefly woke up from his slumber.

"Brother, I need something."

After reporting the repairing formation materials, he passed out again.

Sun Luyuan looked at the supply details sent by his brother and hurried to collect them.

During this period, the Chen family of Medicine Hall had been paying close attention to Sun Luyuan's movements, fearing that Sun Luyuan would be forced to retaliate.

However, Sun Luyuan seemed to have forgotten about this matter, walking in and out as if he was busy with some urgent matter.

This confused the Chen family.

In addition, Chang Ye, their backer and the preacher of the Dharma, has never been able to contact the Immortal League headquarters.

Therefore, the Chen family also chose to stay put and wait and see what happens.

Under Sun Luyuan's collection regardless of cost, the required materials were soon complete.

It looked like it was absorbed by Sun Luyao, but in fact it was Li Fan who was distracted.

As the fragmented core of the formation recovered, the situation of Wuliang Mirror slowly stabilized.

After hearing what happened to his younger brother, Sun Luyuan frowned.

"Brother, I wonder if you still remember the ancient ruins where we found this mirror?"

Sun Luyao was slightly startled.

"Before, I thought that the ruins were just ancient ruins that had experienced changes over time. But when you put it this way..."

Sun Luyuan looked a little ugly: "That place seems to have been destroyed by the obliterating storm in the mirror..."

"Maybe it was because of the previous release that we two brothers had the opportunity to take advantage of it. Otherwise, with our cultivation at the time, how could we have conquered this mirror."

Sun Luyao recalled the past scenes and slowly came back to his senses.

"It is possible. I still remember that there were almost no valuable things found in the ruins. The only things that could be recognized by Tianxuan Mirror were also very low in recovery contribution..."

"You can rest in peace and recuperate. I will go back to the ruins of the past to investigate after a while. The entrance there is extremely secret, and there is only a ruins left. After so many years, it should not have changed much. Maybe I will find something. "Sun Luyuan said in a deep voice.

"Brother, be careful." Sun Luyao did not dissuade him, but warned him.

"And the Chen family..." Sun Luyuan suddenly snorted coldly.

He recalled the scene that Wuliangjing had inexplicably deduced before.

"The force that is inseparable from the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance seems to be the Great Qi of the Holy Dynasty that my younger brother found out about before."

"So, Tianxuanjing's prediction still has a certain basis."

"Both the two great wonders made such predictions..."

"It seems it's time to try to get in touch with the other party."

Naturally, Sun Luyuan would not come to the door personally from the beginning.

After all, the Holy Dynasty Daqi has not openly been hostile to the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance yet, so he asked his confidants to inquire first before making the next specific decision.

In comparison, the Infinite Mirror, which was originally thought to be a treasure, has now become an abnormal disaster that may break out at any time, which worries Sun Luyuan even more.

My younger brother has become the Infinite Mirror Spirit, and it is definitely impossible to give him up.

Sun Luyuan made some preparations and planned to go back to the ruins of the past.

What happened to Baishi Dongtian made Sun Luyuan know that the Chen family must still be secretly monitoring him.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Sun Luyuan directly contacted an old friend.

Ji Hongdao!

"Old Ji, there is something I want to ask your help for..." Sun Luyuan contacted him through the magic talisman.

Soon, Ji Hongdao arrived at the door of Sun's house.

"Hahaha, Old Sun, I can finally repay the favor I owed you back then." Ji Hongdao laughed.

"I heard that you and the Chen family of Medicine Hall had a conflict recently?" When he came into the house, Ji Hongdao suddenly lowered his voice.

"Yes, the treasure that Lu Yao stayed in was somehow known to the Chen family." Sun Luyuan said truthfully.

Ji Hongdao understood clearly.

"Don't worry, although they have the support of the preacher, you also have the support of the cameraman behind you, Lao Sun."

"This time their actions are exposed. They will definitely not dare to do anything again in a short time."

Sun Luyuan said solemnly: "The murderer is dead, no matter what, I will bother you, brother, when I go out this time."

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