My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 905: Surprised to See Heavenly Doctor

The objects connected by golden chains were shrouded in hazy brilliance.

Can't see the details clearly.

But this light group is undoubtedly huge.

Judging from its size compared with Chuanfa, it is almost the same size as half of the Xuanhuang Realm!

However, the transmission method seemed to be dragging this giant thing without any pressure at all.

There was no fluctuation in the expression on his face, like ice that had been frozen for thousands of years.

Behind him is a huge ball of light, which is like a comet flying upside down.

Flying quickly through the endless dark void.

After a moment, it completely disappeared from sight.

The scene of the Water Mirror Technique ended here, but Han Zhong did not stop talking.

"What I just described is just one of the scenes I saw during the long years of being trapped."

"In fact, I have met the Dharma Master Tianzun more than once."

Han Zhong said, and used the Water Mirror Technique one after another.

So in front of Li Fan, more than a dozen light curtains suddenly appeared.

The scenes displayed on each light screen are very similar, but slightly different.

They all use golden chains to spread the law and drag the light group behind them.

The difference is that the light clusters are larger or smaller.

"These pictures are so similar."

"So much so that I even wondered if I was delusional because of despair."

Mr. Han also looked at the scene he drew with doubts on his face.

Li Fan knew clearly that this was definitely not an illusion.

The Dharma-transmitting Heavenly Lord can be imagined through the stone statues we have seen before.

But the golden chain behind Chuanfa...

Han Zhong only has the cultivation and knowledge of the Jindan stage. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be absolutely impossible to draw it out of thin air!

Because Li Fan had seen this kind of chain before.

It is the golden chain that floats across the starry sky in the memory of Xuantian Dharma King Ji Yuzhen!

Floating across the starry sky, you can use this golden chain to capture the cave sky and the small world.

So naturally, Li Fan had a reasonable guess.

"What is being dragged behind the teachings is other worlds?"

"He left Xuanhuang and traveled through the Darkest Sea of ​​Stars just to collect the remnants of the world of immortality?"

In an instant, many thoughts came to Li Fan's mind.

"What's the purpose of doing this?"

"Where are these realms of cultivating immortals now?"

"Is it possible..."

"It's not enough to spread the law to control the Xuanhuang Realm. I also want to devour more other realms of cultivating immortals to take this one step further."

"This is how you can break through to the realm of true immortality?!"

Combining the recently collected Xuantian Sect information, Li Fan deduced what seemed to be the most reasonable conclusion.

Just when Li Fan was silent and thinking secretly.

Seeing that Li Fan had been silent, Han Zhong thought that he also thought that he had hallucinated in his long-term despair.

So he hesitated for a moment, and then added: "Actually, besides the old man Chuanfa Tianzun, I have also met another person."

"I have never seen that person before. And he only appeared once..."

"That's why I think what I saw might not be my hallucination."

With that said, Han Zhong used the Water Mirror Technique again.

The picture that appeared on it shocked Li Fan's heart!

Because what was flying in the void was one of Li Fan's psychological shadows.

Heavenly doctor!

The Heavenly Doctor flew away in the darkness, with white holy light emerging from his body.

It's not like the transmission method, there's something behind it being dragged by a golden chain.

He just kept flying and stopping, pinching his fingers as if he was calculating something.

After successfully identifying the direction, he flew away in a hurry.

"The Heavenly Doctor can actually get rid of the attraction of the Immortal Ruins?"

"How can it be?"

The moment he saw the heavenly doctor, this idea came to Li Fan's mind.

While shocked, he quickly glanced at Han Zhong.

He even began to wonder if this was a conspiracy fabricated by Han Zhong against him.

Although the true strength of the Heavenly Doctor is unknown, in Li Fan's heart, he has never dared to underestimate him.

Even if he is now said to be invincible in the realm of immortality, he dare not say that he can survive in the hands of the heavenly doctor.

The identity of the Heavenly Doctor is extremely mysterious.

Can issue tasks through Tianxuan Mirror.

But except for the mission of Yunshui Tulu, Li Fan was unable to find any clues about him in the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance at other times during his reincarnation.

It seems that although he also belongs to the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, his situation is different from that of ordinary monks.

It's more like Emperor San Tapir, who holds a position similar to "guest minister" and usually doesn't show up at all.

And the ability of the Heavenly Doctor is also extraordinary.

The secret technique of "looking, hearing, asking, and understanding" can peek into the hearts of monks. Apart from the heavenly doctor, Li Fan has never seen it from other monks.

But even though he had overestimated the true cultivation level of the Heavenly Doctor as much as possible, Li Fan never expected that the Heavenly Doctor could ignore the constraints of the Immortal Ruins just like the transmission method.

Leave the Xuanhuang Realm and travel in the darkest sea of ​​stars!

"You can actually do things that even the powerful people in the Immortality Realm can't do..."

"after all……"

Li Fan was shocked.

But soon, he calmed down.

"No. This does not necessarily mean that the Heavenly Doctor's strength has surpassed the realm of immortality."

"Although the Immortality Realm is powerful, the price is to be deeply bound to the Xuanhuang Realm."

"Unless they achieve transcendence like the Dharma, they will never be able to leave the Xuanhuang Realm in their lifetime."

"This is the same even if there is no Immortal Ruins."

"This does not mean that immortal monks cannot resist the suction of the Immortal Ruins."

"But Heavenly Doctor, this person, has not achieved immortality. Perhaps because of this, he can leave the Xuanhuang Realm and come in and out freely."

Slowly sorting things out, Li Fan's mentality gradually relaxed.

But Han Zhong, who had always been observant of words and expressions, was unable to peek into the changes in Li Fan's heart.

Li Fan's unchanging expression failed to make him guess anything.

Now he continued with regret: "I have never seen anything other than the scenes I have just described."

"I don't know how long I stayed in that invisible bubble. Most of the time I faced absolute darkness."

"I kind of admire myself for not going crazy over it."

"And, I also found that in that bubble, I didn't even show signs of aging."

"Originally, I thought that if I suffered from such claustrophobic torture forever, it would be better for me to commit suicide."

"Not long before the results, for some reason, the bubble seemed to have encountered something."

"Shrinking while constantly vibrating..."

"I thought I was dead," Han Zhong said happily, "I didn't expect that before the bubble completely collapsed, with a bang, I actually returned to the Xuanhuang Realm."

"Of course, when I saw the endless plain, I didn't know that it was Jiushan Prefecture. It was only after I met the monks from the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance to inquire about it that I found out."

Han Zhong told his adventures exactly as they were.

While Li Fan was still thinking, he suddenly heard Mr. Han say in a shocked tone: "You are..."

But not to myself.

Li Fan was horrified. He looked back and saw that a figure quietly appeared in the house without knowing when!


Heavenly doctor!

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