My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 906 Li Fan denounces the Heavenly Doctor

Although it is completely incomprehensible why the Heavenly Doctor suddenly appeared here.

But since the last time he was "looked at, heard and asked" by the Heavenly Doctor and he almost failed to succeed, Li Fan had already rehearsed countless times in his mind what to do when he met the Heavenly Doctor again.

Therefore, in the flash of lightning, Li Fan has made what he considers to be the most correct choice.

My mind was empty, and my thoughts seemed to have stopped.

However, such an abnormal performance instantly attracted the attention of the Heavenly Doctor.

He first tapped Han Zhong lightly, and a few silver lights appeared in an instant.

Like silver needles, Han Zhong was completely sealed in space.

The expression on Han Zhong's face froze, and even his thoughts were frozen at that moment.

Then the Heavenly Doctor looked at Li Fan with his turbid eyes, with a playful expression on his face: "Be so careful..."

"This little friend, have we met before?"

Li Fan didn't think at all, he already made a subconscious reaction.

"Stop talking nonsense, everyone will punish you for a scum like you!"

Li Fan looked upright and shouted angrily.

Then he fired several rounds of the Great Five Elements Nirvana Sword Light!

Moreover, in this black sword light, the elements originating from the Tiansha sword intention were greatly increased!

Facing the oncoming sword light, the Heavenly Doctor did not dodge.

Looking at the extremely familiar sword intent, his eyes fluctuated slightly.

No matter how he moved, the originally straight trajectory of the hundreds of black sword lights began to bend on their own.

All gathered into the Heavenly Doctor’s outstretched left hand.

The Heavenly Doctor casually squeezed them into a black ball, and Li Fan also lost control of them.

This miraculous method shocked Li Fan.

This time it wasn't pretending.

But he quickly reacted and continued his performance.

"Old thief!"

Seeing that his attack was so easily blocked by the opponent, Li Fan showed grief and anger and cursed angrily.

Then he pointed towards the Heavenly Doctor's eyebrows, but his figure simultaneously turned into light and retreated violently.

But Li Fan was shocked to find that Han Zhong's originally small house suddenly became infinitely large. No matter how much he flies away, he can't leave here!

"Heavenly Killing Sword, Yunshui Fantasy Dream Technique..."

"What else can you do?"

Faced with Li Fan's frequent insults and rudeness, the Heavenly Doctor did not get angry.

Instead, he looked at Li Fan with complicated eyes and asked slowly.

"Bah! Don't let the thief try to get anything out of me! I am unlucky if I fall into your hands today! Kill or behead me, please do as you please!" As if he knew he was no match for the Heavenly Doctor, Li Fan gave up the argument. of.

He spat at the Heavenly Doctor with disdain and said with dignity.

"Hmph..." The Heavenly Doctor shook his head slightly.

But he was not surprised by Li Fan's performance.

"After so many years, they still haven't changed at all. They still hate me so much..."

The Heavenly Doctor chuckled.

Li Fan was furious: "The blood feud will last for thousands of generations!"

"Young man. If I were told that I am a good person, would you believe it?" The Heavenly Doctor was not angry, but looked at Li Fan with a smile and asked.

Li Fan looked at the Heavenly Doctor carefully again.

White hair, kind eyebrows and kind eyes. If you look at it purely from his appearance, he really doesn't match up with the bad guys.

But Li Fan still snorted coldly: "Old thief, don't try to bewitch me! You know people, they know faces, but you don't know the heart!"

The Heavenly Doctor laughed dumbly, and then asked: "You can even believe what a madman says, why can't you believe me?"

Li Fan's expression changed.

Before Li Fan could answer, Tianyi continued: "If I were really a bad person, how could I still let Tian Jue live well until now? He is so crazy that he can't figure it out, and you can't figure it out either?"

Li Fan's expression suddenly froze, as if he was lost in thought. Judging from his expression, he was indeed a little confused.

"Sometimes, things are not as simple as they appear. Even if you see it with your own eyes, it is the same." The Heavenly Doctor sighed slightly, and there seemed to be endless vicissitudes in his tone.

Li Fan was silent, obviously not being easily convinced by the Heavenly Doctor's few words.

But the Heavenly Doctor didn't seem to care.

"It doesn't matter, I will sort everything out soon."

He said this to himself.

He seemed to be talking to Li Fan, but also seemed to be talking to himself.

"The young man has a good character, but he is too reckless. You should be more cautious in doing things in the future, and make decisions before taking action." The Heavenly Doctor commented, just like the teachings of the elders in the family to their children.

Then he took out a jade slip out of thin air and threw it towards Li Fan.

This jade slip does not look like an ordinary item, with nine golden lights of sacred aura surrounding it. When it passed through the air, it even caused the layers of space to tremble.

Li Fan subconsciously took the golden jade slip and looked at the Heavenly Doctor with a look of surprise on his face.

"It's always good for young people to read more books."

"Okay, let me get down to business."

The Heavenly Doctor didn't take it seriously and turned his attention to Han Zhong, who had been frozen.

The white-haired old man narrowed his eyes and looked focused.

A silver needle appeared silently in his right hand, and then shot it with a snap of his finger, heading towards Han Zhong's Tianling Gai.


The silver needle penetrated into his bones, and Han Zhong, who had been completely frozen, suddenly struggled violently.

The Heavenly Doctor's expression remained unchanged as he fired several silver needles to control Han Zhong.

Li Fan suppressed the urge to read the golden jade slips in his heart, and his mind was empty.

He just kept observing the Heavenly Doctor's movements attentively.

When his body was filled with ninety-nine and eighty-one silver needles, the expression on Han Zhong's face completely froze.

It showed a ferocious and twisted appearance, and its eye sockets, mouth, and nostrils seemed to have been eroded by something, melting into dark hollows.

A creepy invisible aura flowed out of Han Zhong's body along these holes.

Even with the seal of the Heavenly Doctor, Li Fan felt an inexplicable sense of crisis in his heart.

My eyelids are twitching, as if a disaster is about to happen!

He calmly retreated behind Tianyi, and now the sense of crisis was slightly relieved.

The Heavenly Doctor didn't pay attention to Li Fan's little movements and took out a jade bottle.

The mouth of the bottle was aimed at Han Zhong's head and he tossed it lightly.

This jade bottle seemed to have the function of absorbing invisible breath. Slowly, the source of Li Fan's sense of crisis gradually disappeared.

Han Zhong's body also completely turned into nothingness during this process.

After everything was over, the Heavenly Doctor took back the jade bottle and sealed it with great solemnity.

"What is this?" Li Fan couldn't help but ask as he looked at the jade bottle in the Heavenly Doctor's hand.

"This is a disease." The Heavenly Doctor sighed slightly.

"This little guy doesn't know whether his luck is good or bad. He found the Eye of the Beast and left the Xuanhuang Realm. As a result, he contracted this disease."

Li Fan couldn't help but think of the dryness and decay that occurred in his soul when he first came into contact with Han Zhong.

"Sick?" Li Fan was thoughtful.

The Heavenly Doctor looked at Li Fan.

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