My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 914: The initial layout of the sect

Li Qing's process of forming pills was extremely smooth.

I didn't feel at all how dangerous it was recorded in other cultivation books, it just happened naturally.

In just half a day, he successfully entered the Golden Core Realm.

"The body of pure yin..."

Li Qing took a deep breath and realized the earth-shaking changes taking place in her body.

All the yang energy was transformed, and the last obstacle disappeared. Li Qing felt that her new body had reached a state of perfect harmony.

The speed of spiritual energy operation has almost doubled, and even the understanding of skills and magical powers is a level higher than before.


And his golden elixir is also different from the common appearance recorded in the classics.

Like the moon in the sky, it exudes cool white light. The body of the elixir is even more covered with mysterious Taoist patterns, which highlights the extraordinary nature of this golden elixir.

All kinds of changes made Li Qing very happy.

"In terms of cultivation talent, even Zhao Ruoxi is far inferior to me now."

"And my golden elixir is in even better quality."

"It's a pity that all this is still hidden from view. It cannot be exposed."

Li Qing knew very well that once the changes in him were noticed, the true magical effect of [Nilun Jing] would be revealed. It will definitely cause unimaginable madness!

When the time comes, I'm afraid that the inner sect's transformation gods and Hedao masters will all come to snatch it!

Compared with the great path of attainment, the mere matter of gender reversal is not worth mentioning at all!

"Until I have enough power to protect myself, I still have to hibernate."

Taking out her clothes and putting them on again, Li Qing's aura of being a strong person in the golden elixir gradually dissipated.

No one would have thought that this outer disciple, who was only in the Qi refining stage a year ago and suffered severe physical and mental injuries, would now have entered the palace and entered the spiritual path for the first time!

Li Qing, who returned to the outer gate and lurked, soon encountered an unexpected dilemma.

It was already difficult for him to draw Yin Qi from those outer sect female cultivators for his own cultivation.

After careful consideration, Li Qing decided to show some cultivation and enter the inner gate of Dao Dao Sect.

And after some careful decision-making, he also chose the target as his master.

The same Yuehua lineage as Senior Sister Zhao, transformed into the Immortal King Huo Jingtong!

In fact, with Li Qing's current qualifications, she would not be favored by Huo Jingtong under normal circumstances.

But Li Qing had already found out clearly that Huo Jingtong was a serious face control person.

Li Qing believes that her increasingly beautiful appearance and strong charm can be exuded inadvertently through every gesture.

It is not difficult to become a disciple of Huo Jingtong!

The most important reason why Huo Jingtong was chosen as the target was that this woman was extremely talented and had not practiced for more than a hundred years, but she had already entered the state of becoming a god.

Moreover, she is dedicated to the Taoism. She has rarely had contact with male monks since she started practicing, and she is still a virgin.

His disciples are all young female cultivators.

As a place for his Li Qing to develop secretly, it is perfect!

A dangerous light flashed in Li Qing's eyes, and she secretly began her conspiracy.

If an outer sect disciple wants to become a disciple of the inner sect's deity-turned-immortal king, it will naturally require some operations.

Like a patient hunter, Li Qing waited for the right opportunity for more than three months.

On this day, Sima Jing, Huo Jingtong's youngest disciple, accepted the sect's trial mission and had to go to the Yinfeng Valley thousands of miles away to pick the Soul Yin Pearl.

Before Sima Jing left, Li Qing found her through a good relationship with a female nun in his outer sect.

Chu Chu pitifully told her story and begged Sima Jing to take him with her.

"The Yin Wind Valley is the most yin place. Maybe I can absorb enough yin energy there to completely take off my appearance as a man."

Sima Jing was still a little hesitant at first, but seeing Li Qing's expression of tears, she finally softened her heart and agreed.

Sima Jing was only in her twenties and was already in the late stage of foundation building.

But his experience was too shallow. On the way to Shadowwind Valley, he was quickly swayed by Li Qing's sweet words.

The relationship between the two heated up rapidly, and Sima Jing also regarded Li Qing as a confidant. And often lamented the unfortunate experiences that happened to Li Qing.

"Qingqing, don't worry. When we get to Yinfeng Valley, I will find a few more Soul Yin Pearls for you." Sima Jing promised, patting her chest.

Li Qing gratefully grasped Sima Jing's tender hands and refused to let go.

Sima Jing's cheeks were slightly red, but she did not break away.

However, this innocent little girl did not know that her whereabouts to Yinfeng Valley had been leaked by Li Qing to Wei Lu, a male cultivator from another lineage of the Dao Sect who had coveted Sima Jing for a long time.

This Wei Lu is a lustful person just like Qin Shou. She repeatedly pursued Sima Jing but was rejected, so she felt resentful.

This time I got the news that Sima Jing was going out alone, and I was ready to move. I couldn't stand the instigation of people around me, so I finally made up my mind.

A good show of a hero saving a beauty is going to be staged. A group of people were sent out, pretending to kill people, seize treasures, and rob wealth and sex. He stepped forward at the critical moment, defeated the gangsters, and won the hearts of beautiful women.

When Wei Lu was plotting secretly, he never thought that he was also a part of Li Qing's conspiracy.

Just like Li Qing's plan, at the most critical moment of picking soul beads in Yinfeng Valley, a group of uninvited guests suddenly appeared.

Although Sima Jing is very powerful, she also has many magic weapons to defend herself. But being outnumbered, and having to take care of the weak Li Qing, she gradually became exhausted and fell into a disadvantage.

Seeing that he was about to be completely defeated, Li Qing suddenly said resolutely: "Jing'er, don't worry about me! Leave quickly!"

Later, in order not to become a burden to the other party, Li Qing used words to attract the attention of the besieging people, just like hitting pebbles with stones.

Keep provoking and draw their offensive towards you.

The pressure on Sima Jing's side was reduced, but the strength gap between Li Qing and these gangsters was too big. Within a moment, he was already seriously injured.

This was after this group of people listened to Wei Lu's instructions and did not kill him.

Seeing Li Qing dying, Sima Jing almost shed tears.

Before Wei Lu had time to appear, Sima Jing used the secret method of burning jade and stone to briefly burst out the strength of the golden elixir realm. He temporarily forced everyone back, and then fled to the depths of Yinfeng Valley with Li Qing.

Wei Lu looked ugly and ordered everyone to pursue him quickly.

Li Qing, who was on the verge of death, looked at Sima Jing who was holding her and crying, and said that she had a secret technique that could not only restore her injuries, but maybe even go a step further.

It's just that this secret technique is a bit special and requires Sima Jing's cooperation.

If Sima Jing didn't want to, he wouldn't force it.

Sima Jing, who was dazzled by love and extremely naive, agreed immediately without saving her life.

After some unparalleled and hearty secret skills.

Sima Jing looked a little tired, but she had a happy smile on her face when she saw Li Qing, who was once again full of energy and had even broken through to the foundation building stage.

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