My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 915: Like a wolf entering a sheep's den

It didn't take long for Wei Lu and his party to follow the traces and find the two of them.

However, they never expected that in a short period of time, the prey they were chasing would transform into hunters.

After breaking through to the foundation building stage, Li Qing's combat power almost doubled.

And his attacks were ruthless, even causing more damage than Sima Jing in the later stage of foundation building.

You know, this group of people is just taking money to do things.

Seeing that nothing could be done, they immediately backed down.

But Wei Lu was anxious at this time and couldn't help but stop them.

During the brief moment when they were confronting each other, Li Qing seized this precise opportunity and directly punched out Wei Lu who was hiding in the darkness. And revealed his true face.

Wei Lu was exposed and his expression changed drastically.

Sima Jing was also trembling with anger, and murderous intent emerged in her eyes for the first time.

The matter has reached this point, and it cannot end well no matter what.

Wei Lu felt cruel and promised all his wealth to persuade the cowering gangsters again.

The two sides fought together again.

After no longer holding back, Li Qing and Sima Jing suddenly fell into a disadvantage.

At the critical moment, Li Qing seemed to have made another breakthrough during the battle, causing a riot of Yin energy in Yinfeng Valley.

The two took the opportunity to escape.

Next, Li Qing and Sima Jing fought and retreated, retreated and fought.

War feeds war.

In the process, the tacit understanding between the two became stronger and stronger. As if they were connected to each other, the combined attack almost doubled their actual combat power.

In the end, relying on the favorable geographical location of Yinfeng Valley, the counterattack was achieved.

Seeing Sima Jing's disgusted eyes, Wei Lu opened and closed his mouth, as if he wanted to say something else.

But before he could speak out, he was already crushed by Li Qing.

The crisis was resolved, and with the help of Li Qing, Sima Jing subsequently completed the sect's trial mission.

The two returned to the sect together.

As for what happened in the Dark Wind Valley, although Wei Lu had planned something evil in the first place, after all, the two of them just wanted to vent their anger and kill each other directly.

In order to avoid punishment from the sect, Sima Jing finally did not mention the matter to anyone after Li Qing's persuasion.

The disappearance of Wei Lu, a foundation-building disciple, did not attract much attention. Soon forgotten.

Although they are already inseparable, they still need to be more restrained when in public.

Sima Jing returned to the inner gate and reported her orders to her master.

At the same time, he began to think about how to persuade his master to take Li Qing into his sect. In this way, the two of them can meet often in the future.

Li Qing, on the other hand, hid her identity, quietly came to Fangshi, and used the spiritual stones collected from Wei Lu and others to buy some elixirs to hide their cultivation.

It wasn't until half a month later that Sima Jing's master Huo Jingtong couldn't stand the tough talk and finally agreed to meet Li Qing.

It seems that Huo Jingtong is still a little concerned about the fact that Li Qing was castrated and changed from male to female.

However, all these scruples disappeared when she saw Li Qing in person.

Li Qing knelt down in the hall, lowering her head and waiting for Huo Jingtong to ask questions.

Unexpectedly, after a long time, Huo Jingtong didn't respond. Li Qing thought her plan was miscalculated, and when she couldn't help but look up, she realized that the other party was still staring at her blankly.

"Uh-huh." Huo Jingtong is a cultivator of gods after all. Compared to the little girl Sima Jing, the city is still deeper.

"Jing'er has told me everything. You can go down now."

He did not reply to Li Qing on the spot, but said calmly.

Li Qing bowed respectfully and turned to leave.

But judging from the other party's consciousness that has been locked on him, Li Qing knew that things were stable.

Sure enough, seven days later, he received a notice from the sect and officially joined Huo Jingtong's sect.

Although the outer sect female nuns were very reluctant to leave Li Qing.

But I also silently bless you in my heart.

Li Qing also promised to come back often in the future.

After a lot of farewell, Li Qing moved into the Yuehua Mountains.

Those outer sect female cultivators missed Li Qing a lot. As a result, they all started to practice, and many people broke through the bottleneck that they had been facing for a long time and were able to join the inner sect. I got my wish and can visit Li Qing often.

This is something for later, let’s not mention it for now.

Huo Jingtong's lineage lives on Liuyue Peak of Yuehua Mountain.

It's not far from Leng Yuefeng where Senior Sister Zhao is.

However, Zhao Ruoxi was still in seclusion at the moment, so Li Qing naturally had no plans to visit Leng Yuefeng.

There are hundreds of female disciples on Liuyue Peak.

The vast majority of them are inexperienced virgins.

When Li Qing came here, it was like a mouse falling into a rice vat.

However, he had great perseverance and refrained from acting recklessly.

Instead, start practicing the techniques taught by Huo Jingtong.

The true biography of Yuehua's lineage, "Yuehua's Hundred Changes".

It is indeed the top skill of the Dao Sect, and it is much better than the side skills that Li Qing had collected before.

Li Qing thought about it over and over again and was overjoyed.

Moreover, when he tried to practice, he was even more surprised.

The pure yin body transformed by [Ni Lun Jing] seems to have unique advantages for practicing "Moonlight Hundred Changes".

After seven days of seclusion, he had practiced this technique to the point where it was consistent with his own realm, which was the early stage of the Golden Elixir.

Moreover, Li Qing also found that practicing two exercises would not be a burden to him.

Even the two complement each other and promote each other.

This made him, who was already practicing at an alarmingly fast pace, once again have room for improvement.

For the next period of time, he spent his free time dealing with Sima Jing, and spent all the rest of his energy on cultivation.

It wasn't until Ni Lun Jing and Yue Hua Bai Bian were all cultivated to the early stages of the Golden Elixir that they stopped.

After counting, Li Qing was shocked to find that only three months had passed.

You must know that after the golden elixir, the speed of ordinary monks' practice can often be measured in years.

It is common to stay in retreat for more than ten years at a time.

Like him, he doesn't rely on any external objects, and even spiritual stones are not consumed much in the process of cultivation. It only takes three months to reach the bottleneck from entering Jindan for the first time...

Simply unheard of!

Fortunately, the bottleneck Li Qing felt made him feel a little more at ease.

"The pure yin body in its current state does not seem to be enough to support the continued practice of Ni Lun Sutra."

"More and more pure Yin Qi is needed."

Li Qing's eyes flashed.

The figures of hundreds of beautiful female cultivators with different temperaments on Liuyue Peak could not help but appear in his mind.

These are all excellent materials for him to practice his skills!

However, this is the inner gate of Dao Dao Sect after all.

His early stage cultivation of the Golden Core was not enough to allow him to act recklessly.

If someone discovers that he is messing around, he will probably be revoked on the spot and expelled from the sect.

So Li Qing decided...

Start directly from the top of Liuyue Peak, that is, his master, the god-transformation monk Huo Jingtong!

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