My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 916: Zong Yin suffers from selenium on the speedy road

It is not easy to capture the mind of a monk who transforms into a god, even if the other party is a virgin who has no experience in the world.

For half a year, Li Qing has been patiently playing the role of an obedient disciple.

Except for the occasional flirtation with Sima Jing, the rest of the time he was restrained and courteous, and behaved politely. Just try hard to practice Yuehua Baibian.

Li Qing is extremely handsome in person. After the Yuehua Baiyuan is completed, the charm it brings is superimposed with the effect of [Reverse Ethics Sutra].

Coupled with his thoughtfulness, his ability to deal with others has reached its peak.

So although he had just become a disciple, Li Qing had already become the most popular monk in Liuyue Peak.

As they spent time together day and night, the female cultivators gradually forgot the fact that Li Qing was actually a man.

Half a year later, on this day, Li Qing, who had been waiting for a long time, finally came to a perfect opportunity.

Huo Jingtong's master, the Great Elder of the Dao Dao Sect, and the Hedao monk Yang Nichang. The end was approaching, and he failed to break through to the realm of immortality, so he sat in a retreat cave.

Huo Jingtong was personally selected and brought up by Yang Nichang from Shanxia.

The two of them can be said to have the same affection as mother and daughter.

Yang Nishang's death was a huge blow to Huo Jingtong.

Even when teaching Taoism to his disciples, he would suddenly become confused.

But it happened that at this time, the Great Dao Sect Nine Meridians and Seventy-Two Peaks Competition began.

The ranking in the sect competition is not only related to the allocation of resources within the sect for the next hundred years. It is also closely related to the granting of immortality.

You must know that even in the Dao Sect, one of the ten immortal sects, the position of immortality is extremely scarce and requires many Hedao people to compete for it.

Yang Nichang's ranking was lowered precisely because the Yuehua lineage fell behind in the competition in the past hundred years.

Therefore, until she died at the end of her life span, she did not wait for the day when it would be her turn to achieve immortality.

This matter has become a knot in Huo Jingtong's heart, so she is extremely eager to get good results in the competition, so as to comfort her master's spirit in heaven.

It's a pity that the strength of Yuehua's lineage is at the bottom among the nine lines. Among the younger disciples, Zhao Ruoxi, who has the most potential and talent, has only been practicing for a short period of time. It is still difficult to take on a big responsibility.

So this big competition ended with the worst result in the history of Yuehua lineage.

Li Qing, who appears to have only foundation-building skills, is not qualified to participate in the competition. So it's not his fault.

But after the competition, the oppressive atmosphere in the Yuehua lineage from top to bottom really affected him.

As the saying goes, knowing one's shame and then being brave, the Yuehua nuns stopped playing around. They all concentrated on practicing hard and tried to save their face in the next competition.

The family tradition has been cleared, and Li Qing's sweet words are somewhat inappropriate and inconvenient to use.

Huo Jingtong's temperament has also changed drastically. The factor in liking his disciples has gradually shifted from focusing on appearance to focusing more on cultivation qualifications.

So of course, she gradually became indifferent to Li Qing, whose superficial cultivation had been stagnant.

But Li Qing was not worried at all.

He knew that although there were many female cultivators on Liuyue Peak, there were also many talented ones. But there is no truly peerless genius like Senior Sister Zhao who can shoulder the important task of rising a lineage.

Therefore, Li Qing has full confidence that when he shows his true cultivation, he will completely change Huo Jingtong's perception of him.

"But it's not the best moment yet. Just wait."

It was exactly as Li Qing expected.

The cultivation progress of the female cultivators at Liuyue Peak could not meet Huo Jingtong's requirements.

Her temper became increasingly violent, and she often scolded and scolded.

The disciples did not dare to refute and could only bow their heads and accept the punishment.

Blind punishment cannot change the status quo.

The atmosphere on Liuyue Peak became increasingly depressing.

Under tremendous psychological pressure, Zheng Keyin, the direct disciple who had high hopes for Huo Jingtong, failed to break through the Nascent Soul, which damaged the foundation of his practice and made him hopeless.

This incident made Huo Jingtong, who was already emotionally unstable, completely lose his temper.

He didn't even say a word of comfort to his former beloved disciple. As cold as ice, he walked away.

The indifference in his eyes made Zheng Keyin feel despair.

All the disciples also felt a sense of sadness in their hearts.

After a long period of silence, Li Qing knew that the best time he had been waiting for had finally arrived.

First, he helped the seriously injured Zheng Keyin back, and then spent three full days to heal her broken Taoist heart.

With the help of the pure Yuan Yin Qi in the opponent's body, he broke through to the middle stage of the golden elixir in one fell swoop.

Then I waited patiently for another half month.

When he was sure that Huo Jingtong had almost given up on his disciples and was about to go down the mountain to recruit another disciple.

That night, Li Qing secretly knocked on Huo Jingtong's door.

The restriction on the door was lifted, and Huo Jingtong's cold voice came from inside.

"It's so late, why are you here?"

"Master... I have some questions about my practice that I would like to ask you for advice." Li Qing lowered her head and said with fear.

Huo Jingtong was silent for a moment, but did not open the door, but said, "You can go find any senior sister. They should be able to answer your questions."

Li Qing did not walk away.

Just when Huo Jingtong felt a little impatient.

Li Qing suddenly spoke again: "Master, I'm afraid Senior Sister and the others can't answer the doubts in my heart."

As he spoke, Li Qing radiated a hint of his mid-stage Golden Core cultivation.


The door suddenly opened, and Huo Jingtong appeared in front of Li Qing in an instant, looking at him with shock on her face.

Huo Jingtong paid little attention to this young apprentice with unusually handsome appearance since the competition ended.

After all, his cultivation level is too low and his qualifications are mediocre.

never thought

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