My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 945: Dao Yisheng’s spiritual energy

Li Fan galloped through the space channel, and before he was about to reach the small world of the empire, the final dissociation disk had already absorbed, transformed, and cracked all the 100,000 formations on the sky survey arrow.

Li Fan paused slightly, and his eyes shot out a silver light, which instantly completely erased the formations attached to the surface of the sky surveying arrow.

These 100,000 formations not only have functions such as acceleration, positioning, and amplification, but also form a layer of armor when stacked layer by layer. The hardness of the sky survey arrow itself reached an incredible level.

However, as these formations disappeared at this moment, the Sky Surveying Arrow revealed the original core material inside.

Only then did Li Fan realize that this sky survey arrow seemed to be a living creature!

Under a layer of hard horniness, there were subtle fluctuations of consciousness. The amplitude of the fluctuations is extremely weak. If it weren't for the fact that Li Fan's soul strength was still higher than that of ordinary Hedao monks, his induction would be extremely sharp. Almost ignore it!

"What is this……"

Li Fan couldn't help but become interested.

He separated out a similarly small ray of consciousness and tried to communicate with the Sky Surveying Arrow. But the Sky Surveying Arrow seemed to be frightened. It almost instantly restrained its consciousness fluctuations, and there was no sign of any living thing.

This scene is like a frightened turtle quickly retracting into its shell.

After that, no matter how much Li Fan tried, the Sky Surveying Arrow showed no signs of life.

In desperation, Li Fan had no choice but to put it into his cave for the time being, leaving a ray of consciousness to observe at all times. Wait until it lets down its guard.

"No wonder the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance was able to achieve coverage with thousands of sky survey arrows in a short period of time. It turned out to be just unknown living creatures, superimposed with a composite formation..."

"Well, there should be a general control hub to coordinate all survey arrows."

Li Fan thought to himself as he recalled the scene of the giant net formed by the sky-scanning arrows in the previous battle between the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance and the Five Elders Association.

"Now I have completely cracked the composite formation. If I can further analyze the nature of this living creature..."

"I can also mass-produce sky survey arrows!"

"Whether it is for personal use or selling the secret to the Five Elders Association, it will be of great benefit."

Li Fan was in a good mood, but he didn't get carried away.

Looking at the small world of the empire not far away, no figure appeared directly.

Instead, he first searched carefully with his spiritual consciousness to ensure that the empire had not laid any traps before activating his power.

With the blessing of the Burning Soul Art, five rounds of strange blood moon descended on the sky of the small world of the empire in an instant.

Darkness falls and the original sun is blocked.

Terrifying gods and demons flew out of the blood moon. Soon they occupied various positions in the empire.

The most gloomy and dark aura emanating from them made even the minds of mortals in the empire freeze.

There was not even a thought of fear, but everything was frozen in place.

Ghosts descended on the empire, and Li Fan's indifferent voice continued to echo.

"The three-year period has come to an end. How is the matter that was handed over to you?"

The sound was like thunder, spreading throughout the entire empire.

At this moment, everyone in the empire was in extreme fear. It was as if I had witnessed countless gods and demons tearing the empire apart easily.

After a while, three rays of light, Qing, Hong, and the emperor's daughter, flew to Li Fan.

"I've met senior."

Compared with the last time, Li Fan's aura was much stronger.

The three of them could barely maintain their freedom of movement.

"Fortunately, we have lived up to our mission. In the past three years, we have devoted all our efforts across the country and finally completed the upgrade of the spiritual energy synthesis technology." Finally, he bravely replied.

Li Fan's eyes locked, making Qing's heart freeze.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Very good! Take me to see it." But after a moment, Li Fan's laughter made her sigh in relief.

All the way to the treasure house of the Imperial Palace, where the [All Forms Furnace] was originally located, a huge machine was placed.

It looks like an hourglass, and you can even hear something dripping from the top of the hourglass to the bottom.

"Senior, please take a look." Qing pressed a button on the hourglass device.

The ticking sound became more rapid.

When it reached a certain point, the hourglass below suddenly opened a small opening.

Then a stream of pure spiritual energy spurted out from the small mouth.

Due to the extremely high concentration of spiritual energy, a "spiritual rain" was even formed initially. Then it slowly turned into white mist and dissipated in the air.

Li Fan stretched out his hand and caught a ray of spiritual energy.

Except for the slight smell of blood that is still mixed in, it is almost indistinguishable from natural spiritual energy.

But even so, compared with the previous spiritual energy catalyzed by the flesh and blood of alien beasts, the quality is much stronger.

After a burst of spiritual energy was emitted, the ticking sound of the metal hourglass almost disappeared.

It took a long time for the low voice to appear.

But Li Fan noticed that as time went by, the frequency of ticking sounds became higher and higher.

Thinking about it, as long as it reaches the previous speed, new spiritual energy will spurt out.

After his spiritual consciousness penetrated the metal hourglass and entered the inside, Li Fan found that the upper part of the hourglass was filled with countless tiny flesh and blood tissues.

No, it looks more like a collection of fungi than flesh and blood.

Qi and blood are very weak, and even self-awareness does not exist. Its only mission is to absorb nutrients and reproduce itself.


Qing observed the words and explained to Li Fan appropriately at this time: "Previously, spiritual energy could only be produced from the beast core in the body of a specific alien beast. From birth to the birth of the crystal core, the alien beast probably takes at least half a year. "

"This is despite us compressing the reproductive cycle to the extreme."

"But even so, the efficiency of generating aura is still too low. So we changed our thinking and carried out directed evolution cultivation of those strange beasts."

"Degenerate all other functions, leaving only the functional part that produces beast cores."

"Incorporate the characteristics of the fastest-growing fungi and alien beasts..."

"After hundreds of generations of iterative cultivation, we finally got this almost perfect creation."

Qing's tone was calm, but when it came to their research results, there was still uncontrollable excitement in her eyes.

"As seniors have seen, this strange beast has started to reproduce itself since its birth."

"The process of [reproduction] is omitted, and it can reproduce infinitely by relying entirely on self-replication. And the nutrients it needs are only the same as ordinary fungi, such as water and sunlight."

"After the crystal nucleus is born in the body, this strange beast will die of itself, and the physical body will be separated from the crystal nucleus."

"The crystal nuclei are concentrated and stored in the funnel below, while the corpses of the alien beasts are decomposed and turned into nutrients again, and are absorbed by their kind."

"Such a cycle. This device only needs to add a small amount of nutrients for a fixed period of time to continuously produce spiritual energy."

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