My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 946: All realms take shape

After listening to Qing's introduction, Li Fan carefully observed the complete operation process of the hourglass.

I couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Under the pressure of national subjugation and genocide, the people of the Empire indeed burst into unimaginable potential.

Li Fan didn't expect that they could create such a perfect device.

Even with Li Fan's current critical eye, it is difficult to find the shortcomings of this device.

"This strange beast, as well as the hourglass device, still have no name."

"Senior, please give me your name."

After Qing finished speaking, his eyes indicated. The emperor's daughter bowed and saluted, and then spoke softly.

"Haha..." Li Fan smiled.

Even if he knew the other party's little thoughts, Li Fan would still be extremely useful at this moment.

After pondering for a moment, Li Fan had the answer in his mind.

"The so-called heaven and earth first opened, dividing Yin and Yang into two parts."

"Yin and Yang combine to evolve all things."

"It is also said that Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things..."

"This strange beast can be called [Dao Yizhong]."

"This device..."

Li Fan paused for a moment, and then said loudly: "It's called [Heaven and Earth Oven]!"

The three imperial ladies looked at each other, their eyes full of surprise.

"Thank you, senior, for the name!" they said in unison.

Next, Li Fan learned more details about the [Heaven and Earth Oven].

The forging of the oven itself was not a difficult task.

With sufficient resources, it is no problem to produce more than ten thousand dings per day.

You only need to introduce a part of [Daoyi Chong] into a new blank oven, inject nutrients and wait for ten days.

The Heaven and Earth Oven can continuously produce spiritual energy.

"The only possible hidden danger is that the Dao Yizhong will mutate during its self-proliferation."

"The probability of a mutation is extremely small, and the direction is uncertain. But no matter what, it will cause the heaven and earth oven to malfunction."

"Furthermore, since the Dao Yizhong has been directed and bred to the point where its structure is extremely simple, it is not competitive with any of its mutants. Therefore, they will always be replaced by those new mutants."

"In order to ensure that Dao Yizhong always maintains the best spiritual energy production state, as soon as any mutated individuals are found in the oven, they must be completely exterminated."

"At the same time, it is recommended to do more backup and culture of the Daoyi worm primitive body to avoid large-scale mutation and extinction events."

It has to be said that there is no perfect thing in the world.

Even after hundreds of generations of improvements, this shortcoming of Dao Yizhong has never been eliminated.

But then again, these disadvantages are almost negligible compared to the benefits they can bring.

It's just that the heaven and earth oven needs to be replaced every once in a while.

"It can't even be considered a shortcoming."

"The oven is sealed with a secret method so that outsiders cannot open it. Every time, the oven will fail. If you want to use it again, you have to find a new oven..."

"Isn't this the perfect restraint method?"

"Even if it is extended to the small world of the universe, the risk of losing control can be greatly reduced."

In an instant, Li Fan deduced various possible results, and his joy became more and more intense.

But there was no expression on the face.

Putting away several ovens of heaven and earth, Li Fan looked at the three daughters of the empire.

After a suffocating silence.

"very good!"

"I'm very satisfied with your performance this time!"

"We, the Federation of All Realms, have always made clear rewards and punishments. You have made great achievements this time, how can you not reward them?"

"From today on, your empire will officially become a member of the Federation of All Realms."

As he spoke, the shadow of a faceless stone statue appeared in front of the three women.

After leading them to complete the oath in front of the stone statue, Li Fan taught them the method of [God's presence].

"With the blessing of the devil, it is enough to deal with all kinds of crises that may occur in your empire."

The three women all had excellent talents. Under the witness of Li Fan, within a moment, they each summoned their own gods and demons.

Feeling the powerful aura of the gods and demons, the three of them couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

"This is just the most basic reward. After I go back and report on this harvest, the Federation will distribute many more rewards."

"Including but not limited to, the improvement of your cultivation. As well as material support to the empire, etc."

"If possible, you will also have the honor to go to the federation headquarters."

Li Fan painted the pie lightly.

"By the way, as the small world that developed the Heaven and Earth Oven, the Federation allows you to popularize it in your own small world first. And when there are Heaven and Earth Ovens placed in other small worlds, you will also receive corresponding rewards. Divide.”

"The corresponding reward materials will be settled every ten years and delivered to you uniformly."

"Although the proportion will not be too large, it is definitely enough to build and upgrade your small world here."

This was a completely unexpected gain, and the three people in the empire were even more delighted.

"Remember, our federation will never treat our own people badly."

"Anyone who contributes to the federation will be rewarded a thousandfold."

As if to prove this, Li Fan gave another storage ring to the three daughters of the empire.

When Qing saw clearly the materials contained in the storage ring, his pupils could not help but shrink.

He quickly bowed to express his gratitude to Li Fan.

Li Fan waved his hand and didn't take it seriously.

"Your performance this time was even better than I expected."

"Next, I still have a task to give you."

Li Fan took out the sky survey arrow from the storage ring whose surface formation had been wiped away, leaving only the core dormant living thing.

"Let's see if we can study the characteristics of this beast and achieve large-scale breeding of it."

"If you can do this, the Federation will reward you greatly!"

Li Fan said in a deep voice.

His expression and tone showed the importance he attached to this thing.

Qing took the sky survey arrow solemnly and observed it, with a look of surprise on his face.

However, he quickly expressed his position: "I will definitely live up to the trust of my seniors!"

Afterwards, he explained some relevant matters, and Li Fan left another jade talisman, indicating that he could communicate at any time.

Quietly left the small world of the empire.

In the imperial palace.

Hong frowned slightly and looked at Xiao Qing: "Qing, this thing seems a bit familiar?"

Qing shook his head: "It is indeed a bit similar to the thing in the sect back then. But it is not certain yet. It needs more research."

After a moment of silence, Hong asked again: "The Federation of All Realms... what do you think?"

"People are like swordsmen and I am like fish and meat. What can I do? I can only take one step and watch one step."

"And judging from their current performance, the other party is not a very vicious person."

The imperial palace became a little quieter again.

As if remembering something, Qinghu said: "By the way, the demon god given by senior..."

"Don't use it unless absolutely necessary."

"I always feel a little weird."

Hong and the emperor's daughter both nodded silently.

Li Fan, who had returned to the Xuanhuang Realm, sensed the conversation between the women through the incarnation of the devil's mind.

Li Fan smiled coldly.

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