My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 960: Three Ancient Veins of the Immortal Alliance

Seeing that "Sun Xingwang" had returned to normal, Mo Rubin couldn't help but feel a little joyful on his face.

But what made him extremely uncomfortable was that Li Fan stopped abruptly in the middle of his words.

The other party's face suddenly looked extremely confused, and his eyes were empty.

After a long time, there was some light, and I subconsciously looked around.

"Are you..." Li Fan stared at Mo Rubin in front of him and asked with some confusion.

The sharp contrast between before and after made Mo Rubin take a deep breath.

Although he knew that the exercises Sun Xingwang practiced were very strange, he was the best among the twelve Dharma Kings.

But it was so bizarre that it still made him feel a little creepy.

"But Brother Xingwang's thoughts coincide with mine."

"Hmm... Sure enough, he deliberately guided the Dharma transmitter [Feng] to the place where I was sleeping that day. He just wanted me to lurk inside the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance."

While Mo Rubin was deep in thought, Li Fan seemed to recognize him.

"It turns out to be Brother Bin."

"Why are we here?"

Li Fan looked around.

Mo Rubin sighed slightly and sighed in his heart: "It's okay, at least you still remember me. It saves me having to waste more words."

Then he briefly introduced to Li Fan the fact that he had replaced the preacher Feng, entered the top ranks of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, and was plotting the Xuantian Mirror.

"The Xuantian Treasure Mirror was the only immortal weapon refined by King Xuantian back then. Although it has been used by the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance in recent years, according to my observation, the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance has not completely gained control over it. Instead, it has achieved some kind of A cooperative relationship.”

"As long as we can regain control of the Xuantian Mirror, we will most likely be able to use it to determine the location of King Xuantian."

While Li Fan was still awake, Mo Rubin spoke concisely and concisely.

"It's useless to know this about my state. What do you need me to do?" Li Fan also asked very cooperatively and with self-awareness.

Mo Rubin was very pleased and said quietly: "In today's Alliance of Ten Thousand Immortals, the lineage of Dharma transmitters and the lineage of Mirror Masters are separated and restrict each other. There is also a lineage of [Huanzhen Sage], hiding in the dark. , as a check and balance.”

Li Fan frowned slightly: "The top management of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance is actually so complicated? And what kind of cameraman, Huanzhen Sage..."

"I've never heard of that before."

Mo Rubin nodded slightly: "I only found out about this when I took over the body of Feng, the transmitter of the law. These three power holders rarely show up, so it is normal for the outside world to not know their truth."

"The so-called Dharma transmitters are the remaining monks who followed behind the Dharma-transmitting Heavenly Lord and preached the new Dharma."

"The Mirror Master, as the name suggests, controls the power of the Xuantian Mirror. Over the years, the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance has never given up its plan to completely possess the Xuantian Mirror. Relying on the methods left by the Heavenly Venerable Chuanfa, it has gradually eroded and intensified Great control over the Xuantian Mirror."

"As for the most mysterious third lineage, the illusory sage..."

"I have rarely had contact with them during this time. But it seems to have something to do with the creation called [Era] and the Emperor Santapir of the Beast Tribe. With the help of the power of supreme deduction and some extremely illusory and real power , enough to turn fiction into reality and summon countless powerful monks out of thin air to fight..."

Mo Rubin shared the currently known information with Li Fan.

After listening, Li Fan waved his hand impatiently: "What is the plan?"

"It seems that even if you are a Dharma transmitter, it is not easy to seek the Xuantian Mirror."

Mo Rubin nodded and did not deny it: "But my plan has begun to bear fruit."

"The Xuantian Mirror has its own spiritual intelligence. Since it is not easy to master it, then we must force it to actively cooperate with us."

"Brother Xingwang, you previously passed the Xuantian Spirit Sealing Formation diagram to the Immortal Alliance through some means. With my help, the line of law transmitters is now ready to move."

"Trying to use the power of Xuantian's sealing spirit to completely master the Tianxuan Mirror. In order to completely crush the lineage of the mirror master..."

"But you and I both know that Xuantian's sealing of spirits is just to force Xuantian Treasure Mirror to execute certain instructions. If you want to truly and completely control Xuantian Treasure Mirror..."

"Hmph, I think except for King Xuantian, no one else in the world can do it!"

"However, Xuantian Baojing is naturally unwilling to be manipulated in this way. When the constraints are deepened step by step, we can try to contact it. In turn, cooperate with it to help it resolve the crisis. The price is to help us find Xuantian. King of Heaven.”

"Of course, if it doesn't want to..."

Mo Rubin's eyes flashed: "Then we might as well let Xuantian seal the spirit one step further."

Li Fan interrupted Mo Rubin: "Xuan Tian Baojing's attitude is unclear. I'm afraid he won't be too enthusiastic about retrieving King Xuantian. He may even hinder it..."

Mo Rubin smiled: "Brother Xingwang, you have forgotten that the Xuantian Mirror was refined by King Xuantian and has been tainted with the path of Xuantian. You cannot make false statements, and you must also practice what you say."

Li Fan narrowed his eyes slightly: "Yeah..."

He looked confused and seemed to have lost his memory again.

Seeing this, Mo Rubin quickly interrupted: "So what Brother Xingwang needs to do now is to cooperate with me inside and outside and gradually improve my prestige."

"Only by gaining the trust of most of the practitioners can we continue to promote Xuantian's sealing of spirits."

"Your God's Avatar will expand as fast as possible within half a month. I will take action after causing panic. Then you will cooperate with me and put on a show. At that time, most of the God's Avatar will be Destroy them all, leaving only a portion for spare use.”

Mo Rubin ordered.

Li Fan nodded repeatedly and agreed immediately.

"By the way, your condition..." Mo Rubin's eyes looked worried.

"It doesn't matter, I have my own way of recording the really important things."

With that said, the faceless immortal stone statue appeared in the sky again.

Li Fan stared at the stone statue and closed his eyes in meditation.

The faint golden light emerged again, covering the whole body of the stone statue.

Then Li Fan opened his eyes and scattered the stone statues.

"That's all it can do."

Li Fan said lightly.

Mo Rubin was thoughtful, but did not continue to talk about this topic.

"Our plan is almost foolproof, the only thing we need to worry about is..."

Mo Rubin paused, and then said: "That's Jiang, the one who preached the law."

There was a rare solemn expression on his face.

"If there is anyone in the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance who can really stir up the revival of the Immortals Alliance, then it is this person."

"Jiang, the preacher of the Dharma..."

"You really have a bit of the demeanor of King Xuantian back then."

Mo Rubin gave the other party a very high evaluation.

"Jiang, the preacher of the Dharma..." Li Fan's heart moved, but he did not ask further questions.

Instead, he pretended not to care.

"I feel relieved to have you in charge. I just need to cooperate with you secretly."

Mo Rubin nodded and said: "It should be so."

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