My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 961: One Thought Gu Ten Thousand Cultivation

"I will borrow this body for now and hide it first. When I need to contact you in the future, I will still use this method." Mo Rubin finally said.

Li Fan also nodded in agreement.

The two of them had made a detailed agreement on various matters that needed to be paid attention to in the subsequent cooperation, but Li Fan did not ask Mo Rubin to inquire about the secrets of the Immortal Alliance. It is said that if you want to take something, you must give it first. In Li Fan's view, Mo Rubin's line is still in the development stage and is far from harvest time.

"After this time I help him further his status among the Dharma preachers of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, maybe I can make a small request."

After Mo Rubin's spiritual thoughts completely disappeared into the sea of ​​consciousness, he thought so.

In the next ten days, all the monks who practiced [God's Presence], under Li Fan's hint, all gathered towards Luo Yanzhou.

According to Mo Rubin's plan, he will visit Luoyan Prefecture as a preacher in the near future.

Officials from all levels of the Ten Thousand Immortals League in Luoyan Prefecture will definitely treat this matter with the highest standards.

In addition, Mo Rubin will also attract the attention of all supervisory forces, which will create a hotbed for Li Fan to spread the presence of God in Luoyan Prefecture.

For a month, Li Fan wanted to seduce as many monks as possible during this period.

These monks were then spread throughout the Immortal Alliance, waiting for Mo Rubin to complete his inspection and return to the Immortal Alliance headquarters soon after.

Then they all exploded.

After the situation got out of hand, Mo Rubin took the initiative to ask for help and took over the task of completely killing these rebels.

With Li Fan as the mastermind, it will be easy to solve this matter perfectly.

That's the rough plan.

Of course, in actual implementation, you are likely to encounter various unexpected changes. Mo Rubin has already made various plans.

It really feels like you are strategizing and winning a victory thousands of miles away.

Of course, compared to Li Fan, we still have to find something a little better.

Soon, more than 30,000 god-appearing monks were prompted by Li Fan.

Each went to Luoyan Prefecture.

In order to prevent the sudden increase in the flow of people from alerting relevant parties in the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, under Li Fan's control, some of the group of people passed through the teleportation array, while others escaped through the air.

In batches, they went to various places in Luoyan Prefecture and lurked within ten days.

And began to observe the monks around and look for suitable candidates.

Although Luoyan Prefecture is not as prosperous as the four central prefectures of the Immortal League, it is still a first-class big prefecture.

The commander-in-chief of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance's garrison, Jicheng Xianzun, was from Luoyan Prefecture.

After he took over the power, he helped his hometown a lot.

The children of many families in Luoyan Prefecture were able to work at the headquarters of the Immortal Alliance, and over the years, they returned to support their hometown.

After years of hard work, the network of relationships has become intricate and unfathomable.

It is only the existence of the Dharma transmitter at this level that makes everyone in Luo Yanzhou treat him with such caution.

In Li Fan's sea of ​​knowledge, the map of Luo Yanzhou slowly unfolded.

Red dots representing spiritual monks are scattered throughout Luoyan Prefecture.

Sensing the information sent back by his subordinates, Li Fan couldn't help but nod secretly: "There are outstanding people in the land. Even if we exclude the children of big families, the quality of the overall monks is much better than that of Cong Yunhai, a remote place."


"Everything is in place, just waiting for Mo Rubin."

Li Fan first arranged for his subordinates to contact and establish good relationships with the good targets he was looking for.

Don’t rush to make the first move, but gradually gain the target’s trust.

The conversation scene of thirty thousand people was all attributed to Li Fan's sea of ​​knowledge.

Li Fan sits in the center, relying on his powerful spiritual consciousness and extremely high emotional intelligence to always give the best answer.

Moreover, not all of these more than 30,000 divine monks act alone.

For those with lower abilities, Li Fan deliberately arranged them together. With your words and my words, the efficiency of bewitching is even higher than that of monks who fight alone.

Soon, in just a few days, there were tens of thousands of pairs of "best friends" in Luoyan Prefecture.

Li Fan looked at the tens of thousands of different pictures floating in front of him with an indifferent expression.

For him, the so-called getting acquainted, chatting, and gaining trust are just multiple-choice questions.

With Li Fan's current experience and thoughts, it is not difficult to find the optimal solution among countless choices.

And often unemotional and absolutely rational choices can better promote the relationship between the two parties.

"When we first make acquaintance, the relationship is the hottest. We still need to strike while the iron is hot..." He thought silently.

Only one day later than the agreed time, on this day, there seemed to be an unusual atmosphere hanging over Luo Yanzhou.

Among the 30,000 pictures, countless discussions flew into Li Fan's ears.

"Eh? Why haven't you seen Mr. Cai recently? Could it be that he has found some new trick?"

"Strange to say, I haven't met Brother Zhang for several days."

"Damn it, I went to do business in Luo Yantian City today, and I was actually stopped. I didn't give any reason, I just refused to let in! Bah!"

"Those guys in the martial arts hall have been much more diligent recently. But how do I see it, why do they seem to be just taking advantage of the situation?"


The combination of various strange behaviors made the monks in Luo Yanzhou react quickly.

A big shot has come to Luoyan Prefecture.

As for how big it is and what its true identity is, they have no way of knowing.

However, the smart people have decided to stay in seclusion in the Tianxuan Mirror for a while and not go out.

Otherwise, he might disappear inexplicably for some reason.

In Luoyan Prefecture, everything is calm.

Many monks were able to carry it cleanly and did not dare to make mistakes.

Just getting together with friends and discussing in private.

At this time, it was finally Li Fan's turn to show his power.

How to stir up the emotions of the target monks and arouse their resonance is actually very simple.

Most of these monks have no background and have only relied on their own efforts to reach this point.

Basically, they are all in the foundation-building realm, and the golden elixir monks also account for a small amount.

Nascent Souls are even rarer, not even one in a thousand.

Li Fan's bewitching voice echoed in their ears.

"Hmph, these families control Luo Yanzhou, and we lowly cultivators will probably never have anyone who can stand out."

"Yes, no good things can happen to us. We are not even qualified to know what happened..."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's a good life."

"How high can one reach by cultivating on their own without resources? Without the Cave Heaven, even a peerless genius would still be trapped in the Nascent Soul. I don't think those children from big families are necessarily better than me. For example, Mr. Cai lacks everything, but he is still in the late stage of Jindan. He is really a complete waste! If it were me..."

Anger and unwillingness spread in the hearts of the lower-level monks.

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