My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 962: Alliance of Gods, Demons and Immortals

Originally, deep down in the hearts of the monks in Luo Yanzhou, there was a backlog of dissatisfaction and despair.

At this moment, being deliberately induced by Li Fan, it was like a volcano about to erupt, which might explode at any time.

At this time, Li Fan gave them another outlet and hope.

A supreme secret method that can completely suppress those high-ranking and wealthy disciples even without practicing it!

"Beyond all realms, in the vast void, there is a supreme compassionate and true immortal who makes everyone suffer in life."

"Although he is in purgatory, suppressing endless gods and demons, he still cares about the common people."

"Therefore, the secret method is lowered so that everyone is equal and has a chance to fight..."

In the murmur, the mysterious veil of the secret method of [God's Presence] was unveiled in front of the monks.

Practitioners are doubtful, but some people have the idea of ​​giving it a try and not suffering any loss after practicing for a period of time.

He actually summoned an incarnation of gods and demons that could rival the Nascent Soul and the God-Transformation monks!

No matter how unbelievable it is, the facts are before us.

In the blink of an eye, you can achieve a leap in strength that you may not have been able to achieve in your previous life. How many people can resist this temptation.

Even some people know that this may be some kind of trap.

But they were still happy with it and swallowed the poison resolutely.

Because in their view, once you master powerful strength, you can do many things that you wanted to do but could not do before.

But what they didn’t know and couldn’t predict was…

Once the Cultivation God appears and summons the clones of gods and demons, what they think and think is completely out of their control.

Under Li Fan's hint and guidance, these good monks from Luo Yanzhou who originally had their own goals temporarily put their wishes behind them.

Quietly leaving Luoyan Prefecture, he went to various remote states that he might never have thought of setting foot in before.

It seemed as if something was waiting for them there.

The Dharma preacher came to Luoyan Prefecture, and the vigilance was at its highest.

But under the instructions of the preacher not to disturb the people too much and to keep a low profile, all defensive measures were targeted.

Therefore, Luo Yanzhou was not completely blocked, and the monks' departure was not blocked in any way.

Although, it is indeed a bit strange that so many monks left together in such a short period of time.

Normally, it would definitely arouse the vigilance of the Luoyan Prefecture Immortal Alliance organization.

But at this moment, the preacher is here.

What could be more important than entertaining this great man with care?

If the reception was not good and the preacher blamed them in anger, even Jicheng Immortal Lord might not be able to protect them and would have to cut off their tails to survive.

Hundreds of years of business in Luoyan Prefecture will be wiped out in an instant.

They simply cannot bear this kind of consequences.

Therefore, entertaining those who teach the Dharma well now trumps everything else in Luoyan Prefecture.

Therefore, the investigation and handling of the mass exodus of these monks have been put on hold for the time being.

When they had all quietly transferred and spread, the preacher who had had enough fun then left.

Before leaving, a group of monks in black destroyed part of the information on the grounds that they wanted to strictly protect the whereabouts and confidentiality of the preacher.

After everything returned to normal in the turbulent Luo Yanzhou, the monks in Luo Yanzhou checked and found nothing wrong.

It is no different from Luo Yanzhou in the past.

The monks of the Luoyan Prefecture Immortal Alliance, who have returned to the right track, have begun to imagine how they will flourish and advance even further in the future after being favored by the preacher.

However, they did not know that a terrible catastrophe had inadvertently flowed out of their hands.

"It's time to start."

Thirty days later, the monks who spread from Luo Yanzhou, after a period of hard work, increased the number of bewitched monks by an order of magnitude.

Mo Rubin, who felt that it was almost done, contacted Li Fan through the god and demon clone.

Li Fan, on the other hand, looked at the map of the entire Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance states in front of him.

And the countless red dots densely packed on the map, smiling slightly.

The gloomy ghosts in the sea of ​​consciousness were all gone in an instant.

All the demon gods have disappeared, becoming empty and sunny.

At this moment, countless ancient gods and demons imagined and fabricated by Li Fan descended on the Xuanhuang Realm!

Those monks who practiced physical presence have all lost their ability to think.

He just became a puppet of powerful gods and demons, acting according to Li Fan's intentions.

The gods and demons simultaneously launched attacks on the Celestial City in various parts of the Immortal Alliance.

Even though it is now rotated every three months, Tiancheng's defensive array is useless in front of Li Fan.

Countless gods and demons easily bypassed the defensive formation as if they saw nothing.

Invaded into each heavenly city.

Compared with the interior of the Wulaohui, the Tiancheng in the various states of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance is the real place of peace.

Even if the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance and the Five Elders fight, it will only be limited to those border states. For most monks, they only have a chance to catch a glimpse of the so-called war through the Tianxuan Mirror.

It is still quite far away from real life.

They never thought that being attacked would happen to them one day!

The moment the Demon God broke through the protection and entered the Celestial City, most of the cultivators of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance chose to escape.

Rather than confronting the enemy head-on.

"The Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance is your Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, not mine."

Almost all the monks who escaped had this thought in their minds.

Only a handful of martial arts monks who still had passion in their hearts and the complicated security work came to their senses and faced off.

Fighting with thousands of gods and demons in one place.

But the manipulator behind these gods and demons is Li Fan.

Although there are too many separate thoughts, it is impossible to perfectly control every demon god.

But just relying on the huge group of gods and demons formed by absorbing the spiritual thoughts of many monks can easily crush these resisters.

after all……

Li Fan is really not fighting alone at this moment.

Instead, it controls the spirits and thoughts of hundreds of thousands of monks.

Coupled with the fact that Li Fan's fighting consciousness was far beyond that of ordinary monks, the general protection of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance was quickly defeated and fell one after another.

Li Fan, who knew the existence of Immortal Ruins, did not choose to kill.

Instead, they split into gods and demons one after another, and forced their way into the minds of those monks from the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance who had lost the ability to resist.

Become the physical nourishment for spiritual practice.

However, after a long time, these bodies that have lost their autonomous consciousness will involuntarily summon the demon clones again.

Fight to feed war and continue to divide.

In just a short time, the clones of gods and demons controlled by Li Fan had reached an extremely terrifying level.

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