My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 963: Meeting of Dharma preachers

"What a huge force..."

Li Fan felt the power he had at this moment. Even with his experience and character, he was dazzled for a moment.

Although the difference between the Immortal Lord and ordinary monks is as vast as the heavens.

But when the number of ants reaches an order of magnitude, it is enough to make up for the gap!

For example, at this moment, Li Fan, who had had a spiritual collision with the ancient Dharma immortal Mo Rubin, was convinced that after all the spiritual consciousness of more than a million monks could be used by him, he would definitely be able to easily crush the Dharma King of the Xuantian Sect. .

Li Fan even had a feeling that if he continued to expand like this, after swallowing up most of the monks in the Xuanhuang Realm...

He may not be able to challenge the pass head-on without defeat.

Once the inner desire arises, it is difficult to suppress it.

Especially the millions of imaginary gods and demons seemed to sense Li Fan's thoughts at this time, and they all uttered murmurs.

Trying to bewitch Li Fan.

Under normal circumstances, few monks can resist the temptation to reach heaven in one step.

The end result must be to lose one's original intention and sink endlessly into eternal expansion.

Until all the monks are destroyed.

At that time, will the initiator of everything be able to become an immortal, or will he follow the world into annihilation...

No one knows what will happen.

But Li Fan is different.

Firstly, he has the Xuanhuang Immortal Heart Curse to protect his body, and secondly, in addition to the millions of demon gods, he also possesses a lot of power of the same level as it.

There is even the existence of [Huan Zhen] that transcends everything.

How could Li Fan abandon his roots and lose his mind to millions of gods and demons?

Not to mention millions, even with the power of tens of millions of gods, demons, or even true immortals, trying to tempt him to give up [Huan Zhen] is all nonsense!

It can be said that "Huan Zhen" is also Li Fan's biggest spiritual anchor, which prevents him from being bewitched by other external objects and forgetting his true heart.

Unless one day, he can meet an existence more powerful than [Huan Zhen]...

At this moment, Li Fan's face was like eternal ice, and the power of the Taoist Stone was operating to the extreme, trying to control every god and demon.

Millions of thoughts have been incarnated, which has put a huge load on the middle-grade Dao Transformation Stone.

However, with the help of Li Fan's own huge spiritual consciousness, he was finally able to maintain basic operation.

"If the number is too large, they can only act instinctively. Without my micro-control, they are just beasts without sanity, and their combat power will be greatly reduced. But it is enough to create chaos."

Within half a day, flames of war broke out in the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance.

Basically all the grassroots forces are paralyzed.

You must know that every spiritual clone has a combat power equivalent to that of the weakest spiritual monk.

And even in the four central states of the Immortal Alliance, the number of god-transforming monks is not too large.

Faced with the overwhelming attack of thousands of gods and demons, they could only choose to avoid the limelight temporarily.

If the spirit is like this, the choice of Hedao will not change.

After all, your life is your own. It is not easy to practice all the way to the realm of harmony.

The enemy's offensive is so fierce. Whoever rushes forward first will inevitably face a siege.

What if you die?

The objective environment of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance has also created almost identical thoughts among the monks.

This also caused the millions of gods and demons controlled by Li Fan to feel that they were in a no-man's land and looked down upon them.

It seems that the ascendant Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance is about to be completely captured.

at the same time.

The headquarters of Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance.

There is no boundary and there is a pale space as far as the eye can see.

As a bolt of lightning exploded from the center of the space, projections of the world appeared one after another, illuminating every corner of the space.

The scenes are different, including rolling mountains hidden under the sea of ​​clouds, boundless green bamboo seas, majestic and luxurious emperor's palaces, and even dreamy scenes with tall buildings standing in a sea of ​​neon lights.

There seems to be a blurry human face in the projection of each world.

Appear in this pale space.

"Jiang, tell me what's going on now." A rather frivolous voice sounded.

From the boundless bamboo world.

Following this, lines of light and shadow emerged one after another in the centers of these world projections.

All of them are pictures of gods and demons wreaking havoc and the Alliance of Ten Thousand Immortals suffering disaster.

"That's it. The appearance of these divine creations is extremely strange. They suddenly broke out without any warning before."

"Except for the core administrative areas of Tiancheng, basically all states have fallen."

A serious voice spoke slowly, introducing the current situation of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance to the practitioners present.

The voice comes from the world of the Emperor's Palace.

"Interesting, so many divine creations...could they be the remnants of Xuanhuang's fallen monks over the years?"

"Waste is waste. Can't even organize a decent counterattack!"

"I don't think it's because I can't, but I don't want to. A bunch of ignorant white-eyed wolves..."

The preachers spoke to each other, and without exception, their tone was very relaxed, without the slightest concern about the fall of the Immortal Alliance.

"Jiang, what do you think?"

All the preachers fell silent suddenly, all looking at an inconspicuous world.

There are no gorgeous buildings or magnificent natural scenery.

There is only nothingness.

A lonely figure sat in the void.

Jiang's eyes were always fixed on the countless pictures in the center of this place, ignoring the inquiries of the preachers.

And those who taught the Dharma seemed to respect the Dharma preacher Jiang very much. They all waited patiently, and no one expressed the slightest dissatisfaction.

After an unknown amount of time, the preacher Jiang said: "Behind these divine creations, there is only one person."

"Find him out and the matter can be resolved."

As soon as these words came out, all the Dharma preachers had strange expressions on their faces.

"To be able to have such power...even ordinary immortals can't do it, right? Who would lower his body and do such a sneaky thing?"

"Wait a minute, when you said that, I seem to have remembered it. Back then, there seemed to be a technique in the Xuanhuang Realm that was very similar to this one."


Regardless of the reactions of other Dharma transmitters, Dharma transmitter Jiang continued his analysis: "As you all said, with your strength reaching this level, you will never do anything meaningless. Release these millions of gods and demons..."

"It should just be some kind of cover-up. To hide his true purpose."

"The real purpose?" Jiang's reasoning was recognized by most of the practitioners. They also began to think.

I don't know what they thought of, but there were subtle expressions on the faces of many of the preachers.

His eyes also swept over the other people in the field.

Jiang, the preacher of the Dharma, did not squint his eyes and continued: "There is no need to be suspicious of each other."

"When your strength reaches this level, the only things you want to covet are those few things."

"Whether we choose to fish in troubled waters or take advantage of others. We just need to solve it from the source."

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