My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 964: Everything is like me

"Oh? So, Jiang, are you planning to take action yourself and catch this little boy?"

In the world of neon lights, the voice of a seven or eight-year-old child came, his tone full of admiration.

"It's not preparation. It's already."

The cold voice of the preacher Jiang continued to echo in this pale space.

After hearing this, the shocked expressions on the faces of all the other preachers did not hide at all.


"Brother Jiang actually took action personally?"

"Interesting, it seems that he is really interested in this idea of ​​gods and demons."

"Indeed. Speaking of which, this is probably the first time Jiang has left his [Guixu World] since the creation of the Immortal Alliance."

"Tsk tsk, now the other party is blessed."

"Quick, always pay attention to the latest real-time pictures. I can't wait to see Brother Jiang show off his power!"

Like a boiling pot, it instantly exploded in the pale space.

Those who were originally calm and composed now all had expressions of excitement and anticipation on their faces.

One of them looked like a small world in a mortal city, and the preacher Feng, who was Mo Rubin, couldn't help but feel a shadow in his heart.


Li Fan is controlling millions of gods and demons.

At this time, one of the gods and demons issued a weak reminder.

But Li Fan, who was in control of the overall situation, did not ignore it.

Instead, his expression suddenly became extremely serious.

"This is……"

"Mo Rubin?"

"He did not come forward personally, but secretly warned."

In an instant, Li Fan deduced the possible reasons for the accident.

"An enemy is coming!"

While the alarm bells were ringing in his heart, Li Fan didn't panic at all.

But he was slightly excited.

After all, the power he has at this moment is comparable to that of the Immortal Lord. It would be a pity if he didn't make a big fuss and just dispersed like this!

"Let me see who can make even Xuantian Sect Master so nervous."

Li Fan took a quick step and came to the stone statue of the Faceless Immortal in the Lingmu Realm.

The robbery body, filled with golden wish power, slowly floated out.

It is also covered with a layer of clothes made of golden ropes.

Jie's body elongated, forming a protective shield that enveloped Li Fan himself.

"In this way, I can be said to be invincible."

"If I really lose, I'm afraid the entire Xuanhuang Realm will be buried with me!"

Li Fan narrowed his eyes slightly and sat cross-legged.

Quietly waiting for the place to arrive.

"It should still be like Mo Rubin, who traced back to my sea of ​​consciousness through the gods and demons."

"Now that I have millions of monks to help me, how can I be afraid of him?"


Li Fan thought for a while, and his mind immediately connected to the towering ancient tree in the spirit wood world.

By practicing day and night, Li Fan's mastery of the spirit wood world is nearly complete.

At this time, his mind and the ancient tree were one, as if he were in heaven and earth.

The mind and spirit are intertwined with the world of spirit wood.

At this moment, Li Fan is the Lingmu Realm, and the Lingmu Realm is Li Fan!

"There are millions of monks and a miniature world of immortality."

"Huh, unless the teaching comes in person..."

Li Fan, who was ready for all this, had a cold look in his eyes.


His spiritual consciousness was as clear as watching fire, and not long after, Li Fan keenly noticed a slight movement.

Just as he expected, a certain existence took possession of one of the god and demon clones.

Follow the connection between the network of ideas and trace back in reverse.

Slowly coming towards Li Fan's sea of ​​consciousness.

On Li Fan's side, he has already mobilized the power of all the remaining million demon gods.

As soon as the opponent shows his body, he will give the opponent a thunderous blow.

However, when the enemy in his mind really showed up in Li Fan's sea of ​​consciousness...

Li Fan did not choose to take action!

"Who are you……"

Li Fan squinted his eyes and looked at each other.

The gentle and frail young man still has a trace of elegance that has not disappeared on his face.

The young man's eyes were full of innocence and curiosity, and he looked around.

Li Fan, who had always acted cautiously, still did not take action.

Let the young man look at the scene in his sea of ​​consciousness.

"This feeling……"

An indescribable strange feeling surged into Li Fan's heart.

He looked at the young man in front of him as if he was looking at himself.


It seems that this young man is clearly himself!

My mind felt dizzy, and countless memories suddenly emerged.

Originally a child from an ordinary mortal family, he was lucky enough to meet the Heavenly Master who spreads the Dharma. After receiving his enlightenment, he then voluntarily spread the new law...

This is the memory he lost because of his injury...

"So that's it, I am Jiang, the preacher of the Dharma."

"Do you have any secrets from yourself?"

Thoughts like this suddenly emerged in Li Fan's mind.

Li Fan's guard slowly dropped.

The appearance of the thousands of ferocious demon gods also became softer.

The young man seemed to be wandering around in his own home, strolling leisurely in Li Fan's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Interesting. Every god and demon is transformed into a ray of consciousness."

"It can occupy the body of other monks, and even devour the other's spiritual consciousness to increase its own strength."

The young man nodded and exclaimed.

"The Xuantian Sect's secret method was passed down from the immortal world, so it is extraordinary." Li Fan also said with some pride.

The young man was startled for a moment, then his eyes flashed.

He looked at Li Fan more carefully.

"Yes, the True Immortal Kung Fu is really powerful!" After a moment, the young man sighed and clapped his hands.

"It's a pity that we are still a little short of achieving our goal." The young man said with some regret.

Li Fan also nodded slightly: "Indeed. I don't know what happened to Mo Rubin. It was agreed before that as long as he comes forward to resolve the matter on behalf of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, I will cooperate and sacrifice all these gods and demons. Drop it. Let him make great contributions..."

"This guy hasn't come yet, something must have happened."

"As expected of the Alliance of Ten Thousand Immortals, its foundation is unfathomable."

Li Fan narrowed his eyes, nodded and started thinking.

When the young man heard Li Fan's words, his expression finally changed slightly.

With a trace of solemnity in his eyes, the young man continued: "What should I do?"

"Millions of gods and demons continue to wreak havoc. If it continues like this, there is a risk of losing control. It is better to contact him first and ask for the reason."

Li Fan waved his hand and showed a serious smile: "Haha, it doesn't matter. Even if he is exposed and dies, it will have no impact on me."

"Look, how powerful the power we can control now is! Losing control? That's nothing! It's not worth mentioning at all!"

Li Fan's face was full of confidence: "It would be better if the matter is really out of control and cannot be solved by the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance."

"Given how much the Heavenly Master Chuanfa attaches importance to the Xuanhuang Realm, he might be forced to show up."

"When the time comes, with the power of the spiritual consciousness of millions of monks and the integration of the consciousness of the world in the spirit wood world, I may not be able to challenge him head-on!"

When the young man heard this, he opened his mouth and was finally completely stunned.

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