My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 965 It’s really exposed

Chapter 965 of the text volume of My Simulation of the Road to Immortality reveals the truth: "The Heavenly Master who has been teaching the Dharma has been enlightened for many years, and his strength is unfathomable. It is better not to be careless."

"Not to mention millions of monks, even if the entire Xuanhuang Realm monks are put together, they may not be able to beat the teachings."

After being surprised, the shy young man quickly regained his composure. He coughed lightly and reminded him kindly.


"There is some truth to it. After all, it is an existence that has suppressed the entire Xuanhuang Realm for thousands of years..."

As if convinced by the young man, the arrogant look on Li Fan's face disappeared and slowly became serious.

"But don't be too afraid of him."

"If you really push me into a hurry, the worst possible outcome is that I will trigger the [Hungry] Immortal of the Immortal Ruins, and everyone will die together!"

To the young man's surprise, Li Fan only calmed down for a moment, then changed the topic and said coldly.

And the content of the words made the preacher's expression change even more.

In the Xuanhuang Realm, there are very few monks who know about the existence of Immortal Ruins.

There are even fewer monks who know that there is a true immortal sitting in the Immortal Ruins.

He didn't know anything about the Five Elders Association. At least among the Dharma preachers in the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, he was the only one who knew about it.

It was the Heavenly Venerable who spread the law who told him personally back then.

And now...

Jiang, the preacher of the Dharma, stared at the unattractive monk in front of him, his thoughts turning sharply, and he speculated on the origin of the other person.

"Anyone who knows such a secret must have been in contact with a power above the Immortal Realm."

"The Xuantian secret method is inherited from the immortal world. It should be the remnants of the Xuantian sect who cannot be wrong."

"I didn't expect that after so long, the Xuantian Sect is still lingering. And it may have penetrated into the upper echelons of the Immortal Alliance..."

While thinking, the preacher Jiang induced Li Fan: "Unless it is absolutely necessary, it is better not to choose to die together."

"After all, it is not easy to reach this situation. It would be a pity to give up so easily!"

Li Fan also nodded in agreement: "If I just give up my plans for more than seven years in this life, I would be really reluctant to give up."

The preacher Jiang was shocked again: "This matter has been planned for more than seven years?"

"Only seven years?"

"How can it be?!"

"When did our Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance become so easily infiltrated?"

Jiang, the preacher of the law, was furious, and at the same time he looked at the Xuantian cultivator in front of him again.

"Or is he deliberately pretending to deceive me?"

Jiang, the preacher of the Dharma, couldn't help but think so.

But after observing for a while, the preacher Jiang secretly shook his head and denied his guess.

"Everything is like me" is not some kind of skill or magical power. It is his innate supreme characteristic.

Any creature that comes into contact with him face to face will recognize him as "himself".

Wariness, secrecy, and precautions, all of which are emotions that only arise towards others, will not arise when facing Jiang, the preacher of the Dharma.

If his life is threatened, he will instinctively protect his life as well as his own.

After thousands of years in the Xuanhuang Realm, Jiang, the transmitter of the law, has never seen an existence that is immune to this characteristic.

Even the Dharma-transmitting Heavenly Lord back then was like this!

Otherwise, how could he maintain his position as the number one preacher with his modest strength and talent?

This ability is indeed extremely powerful. For him, there is no enemy in the world. He could even see into everyone else's secrets if he wanted to.

If there is any shortcoming, it is that it is only at the "like me" level.

Rather than "for me".

It is true that almost all living beings are not wary of "themselves".

But if there is doubt about the authenticity of the "I" played by the preacher Jiang, he will also be attacked.

This is how the Heavenly Venerate who spread the law saw through him back then.

So I can only slowly use various methods to talk. If you directly ask questions that your "self" considers common sense, you may be seen through.

Despite such a restriction, over the years, he has still been able to achieve success by relying on this incredible trait. The monks who can really see through him can only be counted with one palm.

Other preachers are aware of his ability. Even if you are prepared, you can't resist it.

You can only stay away from him.

For the sake of the overall order of the group of preachers, he also exiled himself in the empty small world of [Guixu]. Remotely control many matters of the Immortal League.

Although the monk in front of me is strange and unpredictable. But obviously, he has not escaped the influence of his own characteristics.

"Everything he said should be true."

Jiang, the preacher who made such a judgment, not only did not breathe a sigh of relief, but his heart became increasingly heavy.

"Seven years, seven years..."

The preacher Jiang quickly sifted through all the events that had happened in the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance in the past seven years in his mind, trying to find the mole named Mo Rubin.

But the other party had obviously changed his name and had no clue at all.

"It seems we still have to find a solution from this person."

Jiang SiNian, the preacher, suddenly changed his mind and agreed: "Yes, the seven years it took is nothing. But if you miss this opportunity and want to start over, you don't know how long you will have to wait."

"Haha, it doesn't matter. With [Reality] in hand, as long as it is achieved once, it can be repeated countless times..." Li Fan was talking confidently, but suddenly his words stopped.

He stared at the preacher Jiang, his expression did not seem to change at all.

But Jiang, the preacher, was keenly aware that the surrounding atmosphere was somewhat different!

"Huh? Where did the flaw show up?"

"[Is it true] that with your hands in hand, you can reproduce the strategies that have been realized countless times?"

"What kind of treasure is [really]?"

"Could it be an immortal weapon left behind by the Xuantian Sect?"

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through the mind of Dharma transmitter Jiang.

However, he also understood that he seemed to be exposed, so he simply did not hide it. Taking advantage of the last moment when his instinct was still taking effect, he tried to ask: "What is [really]?"

"What is [really]?"

These words continued to echo in Li Fan's sea of ​​consciousness.

A gaze without any emotion was locked on Jiang, the preacher of the law.

Then, all the millions who were wreaking havoc and destroying in the Xuanhuang Realm returned in an instant.

The evil spirits are soaring into the sky, and the ghosts are coming again!

The face of the Dharma transmitter Jiang changed slightly, and he wanted to disconnect and retreat from this sea of ​​consciousness.

But it was too late.

Millions of people, all of them roared earth-shakingly towards Jiang, the preacher of the law.

The roars were like huge waves, gathering in one place.

With the momentum of destroying everything, he pressed down on Jiang Dangtou, the preacher of the law!

And under the cover of the millions of offensives, a subtle, inconspicuous colorful divine light also flew out.

Collide with the thoughts of Dharma transmitter Jiang.

At the moment of contact, the seven-colored divine light quietly dissolved, injecting a trace of gray mold into the mind of Jiang, the transmitter of the law.


There are still two chapters to be updated before 1:30, so there will be no shortage of them.

My simulated path to immortality

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