My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 966: Return to Ruins Restoration Point

My Simulated Road to Immortality Text Volume Chapter 966: Return to Ruins and Restoration Point "If you want to pry into my secrets, you must be mentally prepared to pay a heavy price."

Not to mention the "like me" ability that makes people who first meet him unable to guard against it, Jiang's actual combat power is not as strong as Li Fan imagined.

At the very least, there are still many back-ups that have not been used. Li Fan easily defeated them just by relying on the millions of divine thoughts gathered together!

"Even if you don't die, you are still seriously injured!"

What's more important is the gray mold that was sent into the opponent's mind!

The small splintered mildew that was previously cultivated by Li Fan using the flesh and blood of alien beasts and sealed with colorful divine light was finally used by Li Fan as a world-destroying weapon.

That's right, Li Fan did indeed fall into the trap unknowingly before!

He really regarded himself as the preacher of the Dharma.

Fortunately, he always likes to be secretive and vague when speaking. Therefore, in the process of being talked into by the other party, many of one's own secrets were indeed exposed.

But not much was exposed.

The fact that he was in the spirit wood world was exposed. But Lingmu Realm is the name Li Fan himself gave to this small world, and it is not known to the outside world.

There are countless small black and yellow worlds, which one is the spiritual wood world?

Millions, although it was brought about by the [Three Disasters and Hundreds of Calamities Mingshen Law] derived from the practice of Yanfa Jue, it was just a deformation. Its basic prototype is "Three Dangerous Ghosts and Gods". Therefore, it is not wrong to say that it is Xuantian's secret technique and is inherited from the immortal world.

It exposed the fact that Mo Rubin had infiltrated the top management of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, but the other party only knew the name Mo Rubin.

As for who Mo Rubin is...

Anyway, there are so many people in the Xian League headquarters, let’s guess one by one.

It was revealed that he knew the existence of the Hungry Immortal in the Immortal Ruins, and knew that he had the ability to drag the Xuanhuang Realm to be buried with him...

This is not a bad thing. On the contrary, it is an invisible deterrent.

What was really fatal was that Li Fan exposed the existence of [Huan Zhen].

This is why Li Fan immediately released the gray mold that had been sealed for a long time as a counterattack after he woke up.

And the reason why I didn't do it immediately...

Li Fan looked back at the other party's reaction carefully again.

"Mostly doubts, no shock or surprise."

"I only know that I have [Huan Zhen], but I don't know its specific use."

"Of course, we don't rule out the possibility that he will wake up soon."

"The premise is that he can persist in living."

Li Fan pondered for a long time, but decided to wait and see the changes first and see the specific development of Xuanhuang Realm.

After all, his mind is now one with the world of Lingmu Realm. If a powerful enemy really comes knocking on his doorstep, he will have plenty of time to calmly [really].

"As for those million thoughts, I really can't have them anymore."

Faced with this extremely powerful force, Li Fan did not hesitate and issued a recall order.

Silver threads flew out from countless demon gods in the sea of ​​consciousness. That represents the energy of thought that dominates and controls these.

After Li Fan pulled it out, all that was left was an empty shell.

Although he still has the combat power that can barely be regarded as a god, he is ignorant and acts entirely on instinct, and there is no instruction from Li Fan to expand and multiply.

Although it still takes a lot of effort for the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance to suppress them, the cost is not that high.

At the last moment, Li Fan told Mo Rubin about his decision.

Then completely disconnect from these.

"With the sea of ​​consciousness of millions of monks as a breeding ground, the intensity of my consciousness has almost doubled in a short period of time."

After taking back his mental energy, Li Fan checked it and couldn't help but sigh slightly.

"It is indeed a wonderful method, but it is a pity that it cannot be commonly used."

"Next, let me see how the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance will respond to the remaining and deadly gray mold."

"Hopefully they can give it a few more years."

Li Fan sat still in the Lingmu Realm, but closely monitored the changes in the Xuanhuang Realm through the followers of the Mercy True Immortal in the world.

The headquarters of the Immortal Alliance is in the Gui Xu Realm.

Jiang, the preacher who was defeated by Li Fan, reappeared.

His image at this moment is completely different from the young man before.

There were cracks on his face like cracked earth.

The hair also became full of gray.

What's even more terrifying is that part of his flesh and blood has become a little blurry.

As it squirmed, it disappeared into the world out of thin air.

Even though he had tried his best to support him, Jiang, the preacher, was almost riddled with holes.

But Dharma preacher Jiang did not seek help from other Dharma preachers.

Because he knew that the gray mold that caused all this was extremely contagious.

If it weren't for his own cage, he would have to use all the strength in his body to restrain it. If it weren't for the fact that this was the realm of Guixu, the surroundings would be complete nothingness except for him. This gray mold has no way of spreading...

I am afraid that at this moment, the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance and even the Xuanhuang Realm are in ruins.

Life is about to come to an end, but for some reason there is no trace of fear on the face of the preacher Jiang.

Still analyzing very calmly: "The structure of the Xian family's seal script is very similar to that of [Lan]. It should be from the same sect and origin..."

"Is it possible that the disaster back then was related to the Xuantian Sect? It's impossible..."

There were too many doubts and puzzlements on the face of the preacher Jiang.

Soon after, Jiang, the preacher of the Dharma, was completely swallowed up by the gray mold.

Only a large squirming gray-yellow shadow was left, trying to spread towards the surroundings.

But in the realm of Guixu, there is only complete nothingness.

So the gray mold is trapped in this small part of the world.

He hesitated to move forward.

I do not know how long it has been.

A tyrannical wave swept through the Guixu Realm at a certain constant speed.

The gray mold spots seemed to sense something and started churning like water being boiled.

Then it rapidly expanded towards the surrounding area.

It seems to have formed a huge gray-yellow white paper, trying to occupy the entire Guixu Realm.

But something strange happened.

Wherever the fluctuation passed, the gray mold spots of unknown origin, which might have destroyed the entire world of immortality, and which made Li Fan feel very afraid, actually disappeared inch by inch in an instant!

The Guixu Realm also returned to its previous state of nothingness.


In addition to nothingness, there is another existence in Guixu Realm.

Without any warning, the Dharma transmitter Jiang, who was supposed to be dead, actually reappeared in the Guixu Realm!

Jiang, the preacher, did not seem surprised that he had returned from the dead.

But he looked around, with a hint of surprise on his face: "This time [Return to Origin], there is no information left?"

"What exactly happened?"

"Can even the information itself be contaminated?"

As the preacher Jiang murmured to himself, many things that happened in the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance now and recorded before all appeared in his mind.

"If you fail to pursue the murderer, you will be killed instead."



There is still one chapter left, and I guess it will be too late at 1:30. It's about two o'clock, brothers, let's go to bed first.

My simulated path to immortality

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