My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 967: Slowly ameliorating the crisis (Monthly Pay Off Debt 1/37)

My Simulation of the Road to Immortality Text Volume Chapter 967 Slowly Reducing the Danger The Dharma Master Jiang pondered for a moment, and without any hesitation, he still left the Immortal Alliance headquarters and went straight to the people who were raging in the world.

Even though he knew that death might still be waiting for him next, he did not hesitate at all.

After all, as the first preacher of the law, he has already "died" countless times.

Fortunately, there are means left by the old man Chuanfa Tianzun.

As long as Xuanhuang is immortal and Tianzun's theorem is not easy to change, he, as an existence dependent on Tianzun, will never be destroyed.

The state will always be fixed at the original point in time. As long as he wants, he can [return to the original state] at any time.

Not only him, but also the Guixu world where he is located.

This is a piece of insurance left by the Dharma Master for the Xuanhuang Realm.

This allows him to solve various problems that may arise in the Xuanhuang Realm without fear of life and death, and as he continues to die, his coping abilities and experience will continue to improve. Handling affairs becomes more and more comfortable.

And if you encounter something that you really can't handle, use your body as a basket to bring it back to the ruin world.

Use the forced state restoration during [Return] to completely clear it.

The power of "Returning to the Origin" in the Guixu Realm was realized after the Heavenly Lord Chuanfa attained enlightenment, wandered around the world for nearly a thousand years, and reestablished the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance.

Tianzun once told him that even the dangers of real immortal seal characters can be resolved through [returning to the original] again and again.

"No information was even left. This has only happened twice in the past."

"It seems that behind this turmoil, there is either the same real immortal seal script, or..."

The preacher Jiang glanced towards the eastern border of Xuanhuang Realm.

He snorted coldly and continued on his way.

Encountering a raging one, Dharma Master Jiang immediately controlled it.

Then a ray of spiritual consciousness penetrated into it.

After a moment, the ferocious-looking statue exploded.

Jiang, the preacher of the law, frowned slightly: "There is only an empty shell left? He ran so fast."

Next, Jiang, the preacher of the law, tested it on more than ten statues.

All of them.

"Obviously I won, but I'm still so cautious..."

"What exactly is the purpose?"

This unknown opponent made the Dharma transmitter Jiang feel a little pressure that he had not seen for a long time.

He seemed to see a thick dark cloud slowly coming from the horizon.

To cover the entire sky of Xuanhuang Realm.

"That's all, let's deal with these foreign objects in front of us first."

"When they show their flaws again, we will deal with them in a targeted manner."

"If there is really no other way..."

"Then we can only ask Tianzun for help."

Jiang, the preacher of the Dharma, thought so and crushed another statue to pieces.

Next, he did not continue to take action on his own, but returned to the Guixu Realm and issued an order to the Immortal League headquarters to completely eliminate foreign objects everywhere.

The flood caused a disaster, and almost all the grassroots defense forces of the Immortal League were paralyzed.

If we want to resolve the trouble completely as soon as possible, we need a strong and heavyweight figure to lead the matter.

As the first preacher of the law, Jiang would naturally not come forward in person.

After asking around among the other preachers, only a few were willing to take on this drudgery.

In the end, after some deliberation, Dharma transmitter Jiang Rang decided to let Dharma transmitter Feng take charge of the matter.

First of all, the impression that the Dharma transmitter Feng left on him was not bad. Secondly, Jiang believed that this relatively young Dharma transmitter needed to be given more opportunities for experience.

"If the second Guixu Realm is built, he may not be considered as the successor. As long as he can pass the trial." Jiang, the preacher, thought so.

After receiving the order, Feng, the Dharma King of Xuantian Sect and Mo Rubin, began to issue orders one by one.

With the official order from the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, those Transformation Gods and Hedao monks who had been cowering and only caring about their own lives had to stand up at this moment and take the initiative to clean up the raging demons.

Cooperating with the black monks from the era, millions of people who lost control and whose combat power was greatly reduced were slowly destroyed.

The so-called disease comes like a mountain falling, and the sick area is like a thread.

From the sudden outbreak to the disaster affecting the entire Immortal Alliance, it only took most of a day for the Demon God's Disaster.

However, it will take more than half a month for the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance to slowly eliminate these demon gods.

When all the incarnations were eliminated, the real problem emerged.

What should those monks who have been bewitched by their sanity deal with?

With the incarnations destroyed, almost all of these monks became mindless idiots.

Logically speaking, as long as all these monks are slaughtered, this disaster can be successfully solved.

However, the order from the highest decision-making level of the Immortal Alliance stated that no one was allowed to harm the lives of these monks without authorization.

Those who vented their anger and killed some monks were also severely punished.

"Even if they are guilty, they are still members of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance until they are pronounced guilty."

"To harm them is to break the laws of the Immortal Alliance."

Having said this to this extent, naturally there will be no monks risking their own grievances to kill those demented monks who have no ability to resist at all.

Just following the order, all of them were escorted to the headquarters of the Immortal League and awaited their fate.

This process lasted for more than ten days.

The disaster finally subsided completely.

The surviving monks all lamented the benevolence and righteousness of the Immortal Alliance.

As a reward for the monks who contributed in quelling the disaster, the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance actually generously rewarded them with considerable contributions.

The values ​​are far beyond ordinary tasks, and the breadth of rewards is beyond everyone’s expectations.

There is no need to actually fight, even those who have provided location information will receive a large amount of contribution points.

This made the monks who had previously chosen to sit on the sidelines stamp their feet, beat their chests, and regret endlessly.

The monks who had received the reward and suddenly became arrogant entered the Tianxuan Mirror one after another and selected what they needed.

At this time, the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance issued another announcement, stating that it had found out the cause of the previous disaster.

Those monks were basically all resentful because the exercises were too expensive and they couldn't afford to buy their favorite exercises.

Over time, he was finally bewitched by an evil ancient god and became its lackey.

In order to prevent this kind of tragedy from happening again, the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance has learned from the pain, reflected on itself, and decided that starting from today, all the exercises sold in Tianxuan Mirror will be reduced by one-third.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused huge waves.

You know, a one-third price reduction is really not a small amount of money.

Especially the more expensive the technique, the more contribution it will have left.

At this time, the monks who suddenly became rich suddenly went crazy.

He stopped looking at ordinary supplies and focused all his attention on the countless techniques.

My simulated path to immortality

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