My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1000 The Origin of Tianxuan Mirror

The clone of Tianxuanjing heard the words, and after thinking for a while, he stretched his right hand into his body.

He took out a light ball that flickered on and off, as if it was breathing, and handed it over.

"If you carry this thing with you, you can represent me." The Tianxuan Mirror clone said solemnly.

"What is this?" Li Fan wanted to take the ball of light, but came up empty.

"This is the origin of the mirror, which was born together with my body. It neither increases nor decreases, neither birth nor death. Outsiders cannot contact or absorb it. Only I can call and control it."

The clone of Tianxuan Mirror said, and with one finger in the air, he drove the origin of the mirror into Li Fan's body.

"Brother, you can't use the origin of this mirror to spy on me, right?" Li Fan raised his eyebrows and asked immediately.

A hint of distrustful anger suddenly appeared on the face of the Tianxuan Mirror clone: ​​"This is just the origin mark that comes with my body. Without the blessing of other powers, how can I achieve monitoring?"

"Besides, if you are really worried, you can seal this mass of origin in your body. As long as it is in your body, it can represent me..."

Before the Tianxuan Mirror clone finished speaking, he realized that Li Fan had indeed sealed the origin in an instant.

Only that vague connection shows the existence of the origin.

The Tianxuan Mirror clone's face suddenly stiffened.

However, looking at Li Fan's expression as usual, he still took a deep breath to calm down.

After a while, he warned again: "With this origin, you can completely trust the cameraman Cang."

"Huh, but it's not that this person is loyal. Instead, he has a different intention during the long years of monitoring me. He wants to use secret methods to further gain control over me. In this way, he can surpass all those who hold the camera..."

"It's a pity that his little thoughts could not be hidden from me. I pretended to fall into the trap step by step, but at the last moment I counterattacked and turned him into my mirror slave..."

"Otherwise, my human body wouldn't have come so easily." The Tianxuan Mirror clone said proudly.

"Oh? Is there such a thing? That's really great! The success rate of my plan has increased by 50%!" Li Fan said with admiration.

"Without further delay, I'll set off right away." Li Fan cupped his hands and finally disappeared from the sight of the Tianxuan Mirror clone.

The mortal city that was originally stagnant suddenly became noisy and lively again.

"I hope he can succeed." Tianxuanjing's clone murmured to himself.

In fact, he didn't have much trust in Li Fan, but he just gave it a try.

As Li Fan said, cooperation will continue to be strengthened as it deepens.

If the other party can really make some noise, he wouldn't mind adding another boost.

If the plan fails halfway...

He had nothing to lose anyway.

The origin of the mirror cannot be taken away by anyone. And what about the other great array of all souls returning to their numbers, the mirror-bearer Cang...

To him, it's not worth mentioning at all.

With this thought in mind, Tianxuanjing's clone hummed a tune and began to play the role of a busy waiter again.

Over Weidu.

The three people from Tianyang were a little puzzled as they watched Li Fan return.

They only saw Li Fan and the suspected target of the mission, face to face, and they didn't know what they said.

Then he didn't choose to kill him and left directly.

"Sir, this is..." Taoist Baihua asked cautiously.

"Things have changed. There is no need to take action anymore. You can go back to the spirit wood world directly. I still have things to do." Li Fan did not explain too much.

Although this matter seemed a bit anticlimactic, Tianyang and the others did not dare to ask too many questions.

After separation, Li Fan first went to the hidden cave in Tianchen State and got in touch with Mo Rubin.

He said that although he found the Tianxuan Mirror clone, he was unable to kill it, and then he turned to seek cooperation.

Even the fact that he obtained the Return of All Souls Formation and the Origin of the Mirror was truthfully explained.

Hidden in the cave, Mo Rubin's face floated in the air and fell into silence.

Not long after, he began to praise: "Brother Xingwang is very resourceful and has handled the situation almost perfectly. No wonder King Xuan Tian always consulted Brother Xingwang for your opinion before making any major decisions..."

Li Fan tilted his head and interrupted directly: "Really? Maybe. I have no impression."

Mo Rubin smiled and no longer dwelled on the matter. Instead, he quickly changed the topic and analyzed: "According to your plan, brother, cooperating with Tianxuan Mirror is indeed the best plan at the moment."

"Judging from your description, Xuantian Treasure Mirror seems to have undergone great changes compared to the past."

"However, it should still be trustworthy."

Mo Rubin judged.

"For nearly ten thousand years, if I hadn't been in a coma all the time, who could guarantee that my personality wouldn't change drastically?" Li Fan laughed a few times and pointed out something.

"As for the Xuantian Mirror, it's not a question of whether we believe it or not. If we want to find King Xuantian, we can only count on it at the moment."

Mo Rubin was speechless by Li Fan's words.

"By the way, if you want to deduce and break the forbidden formation left by the Heavenly Master, the Inanimate Formation Crown is not enough. Didn't you say before that there is another treasure that can be divided into nine parts to deduce the formation? As soon as possible Bring it here, and I'll see if I can find a way to speed up its integration." Li Fan said casually again.

This was just a small matter, and Mo Rubin agreed immediately.

Then the two exchanged some details about the execution of the plan, and then Li Fan left.

Go straight to Xuan Sushang's Zhuhai Cave.

He quietly escaped into it and came to the outside of the bamboo building where the two girls were.

Through the surrounding formation restrictions, Li Fan faintly heard the groaning sound coming from within.

Without changing his expression, Li Fan ducked into the bamboo building.

Xuan Sushang was holding up the golden whip and punishing Lu Xichan severely.

Lu Xichan's face was flushed and her eyes were blurred.

The face showed both pain and enjoyment.

When the two girls were having fun, Li Fan coughed violently.

Xuan Sushang and Lu Xichan's bodies suddenly froze.

They suddenly looked at Li Fan who suddenly appeared.

The originally blushing face instantly turned pale.

He stood up quickly and bowed his head to greet him.

Xuan Sushang stammered and hurriedly explained: "Lu Xichan is slacking off again. I will punish her as much as you want..."

Lu Xichan lowered her head to the lowest point and did not dare to say a word.

Li Fan snorted coldly, but then did not scold him.

Then he said to Xuan Sushang: "Ask your father to meet here as soon as possible."

Xuan Sushang was stunned for a moment, and then a trace of fear flashed in his eyes: "This..."

But soon, she thought of something: "Did you..."

Li Fan explained calmly: "Things are a bit complicated. In short, the crisis has been resolved now. I am the only clone of Tianxuan Mirror in the world."

"If you let Cang come here to see me, he will understand."

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