My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1001 The Fate of the Mirror Slave

After hearing this, the two women immediately looked at Li Fan, with surprise and joy in their eyes.

After all, after the transformation, Li Fan now plays a very important role in their consciousness.

After thinking for a while, Xuan Sushang immediately agreed. In front of Li Fan, she began to contact her father and cameraman [Cang].

Instead of using some communication talisman, he took out a small Tianxuan mirror that he had with him and muttered something.

After a moment, a black figure with an unclear face was projected into the air from the small mirror.

"Nian'er, what do you want from me?"

Cang's voice sounded like a kind middle-aged uncle, with a very gentle tone. As for [Nian Nian], it is Xuan Sushang’s nickname.

Cang has always called Xuan Sushang this way, which is enough to show his doting on his daughter.

Xuan Sushang told the whole story of the matter and Li Fan's request with some anxiety.

At this time, Cang Fang noticed Li Fan who had been standing silently beside his daughter.

The two eyes collided and intertwined in space.

Li Fan, who had the origin of Tianxuan Mirror, only then understood what Tianxuan Mirror meant by "Mirror Slave".

In order to verify his guess, Li Fan imagined in his mind the scene of holding the cameraman Cang with his hand.

At the same time, Cang's blurry figure began to shake violently.

But under Li Fan's intentional control, Cang He was unable to make even the slightest sound of pain.

"Father, what's wrong with you?" Xuan Sushang quickly noticed Cang's abnormality and was a little confused.

And sensing the pleading message from Cang, Li Fan then let go of the invisible hand he imagined.

Cang was finally relieved from the boundless pain.

His acting skills were also very up to standard, and his tone did not fluctuate at all: "It's okay. It's just that we took some protective measures to isolate Xiaoxiao from prying eyes. You and Lu Xichan should step aside for now, as fathers have important matters and..."

"Your Excellency, please discuss." Cang paused and said very seriously.

Xuan Sushang and Lu Xichan glanced at Li Fan subconsciously. After getting his approval, Xuan Sushang helped Lu Xichan and slowly left the bamboo building.

Li Fan casually set up a formation to isolate the inside and outside.

"Old slave has met the master." Cang showed his true appearance at this time and slowly knelt down to worship.

His face was full of fear, and there was no trace of him being the cameraman who stood at the top of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance's power.

Cang and Xuan Sushang, father and daughter, have somewhat similar looks.

They all have "young" characteristics that are inconsistent with their voices.

Cang's voice sounded like that of a middle-aged man, but he actually looked like a handsome boy in his twenties.

Li Fan remained silent and observed Cang.

But Cang never dared to raise his head and kept kneeling.

"Mirror slave..." Feeling the various emotions constantly coming from Cang's body, Li Fan had a deeper understanding of these two words.

With the help of the Tianxuan Mirror's origin, in Li Fan's perception, Cang He was completely attached to the Tianxuan Mirror's vassal existence.

His soul, body, thoughts, and everything he possesses, the cornerstone of his existence is the Tianxuan Mirror.

Even if it is not a real Tianxuan Mirror, it just contains a trace of the mirror's origin.

He could only let Li Fan flatten and round him, without any room for resistance.

Even Li Fan can completely erase Cang from the world with just one thought.

"It's a vicious and desperate method. In comparison, the methods of subjugation spread in the Xuanhuang world are simply incomprehensible."

"Worthy of being a true treasure of the Immortal Family."

Li Fan was quite shocked when he saw the former high-ranking cameraman crouching tremblingly in front of him.

At the same time, I am yearning for it.

"Get up."

After a short period of absence, Li Fan quickly returned to his indifference.

I briefly talked about the plan to escape the Tianxuan Mirror body.

"Master, don't worry, I will definitely do everything possible to promote the formation." Cang quickly expressed his loyalty.

"Preacher Feng, this person is also my ally now. You can find an opportunity to contact him on your own. I believe that if you two join forces, many problems should be solved." Li Fan said calmly.

Cang also nodded in agreement.

After that, there was no excessive communication between Li Fan and Cang, and they called back Xuan Suchang's children.

After Cang repeatedly told Xuan Sushang to absolutely obey Li Fan's orders, his figure disappeared from the mirror.

He was originally afraid of Li Fan, but now he got his father's orders.

Xuan Sushang was even more embarrassed in front of Li Fan.

"Becoming a mirror slave, although you have to be controlled by the Tianxuan Mirror for the rest of your life, you have also gained considerable benefits." Li Fan thought as he stared at the mirror where Cang disappeared.

Actually becoming a part of Tianxuan Mirror, Cang can now travel freely with the help of various Tianxuan Mirror mirrors. And can master certain abilities rewarded by Tianxuan Mirror.

For example, deduction, observation, extensive knowledge, etc.

Of course, this is all with the permission of Tianxuan Mirror.

And as long as the Tianxuan Mirror exists, he himself will always be immortal. Outsiders cannot eliminate it.

Even the means of sealing and suppressing it have little effect.

Because the Tianxuan Mirror can erase the suppressed mirror slaves at any time and then regenerate them.

"I'm afraid only immortal weapons can do this."

"It's not a particularly humiliating thing. Being able to be a slave to an immortal weapon..."

"If it is publicized, willing people from the Xuanhuang Realm will probably have to line up all the way from Tianquan Prefecture to Cong Yunhai."

Li Fan shook his head slightly, reached out and took the small Tianxuan mirror on the ground in his hand.

Since the mirror slaves all have some incredible abilities, and Li Fan possesses the origin of the Tianxuan Mirror, he naturally has previously unimaginable benefits.

Just like this moment...

After the spiritual consciousness enters the Tianxuan Mirror, it does not connect as an ordinary monk.

Instead, he obtained the identity of [Tianxuan Storyboard] with almost all permissions and all unlocked.

Although he is not able to conduct free transactions and issue tasks like ordinary monks.

But just general browsing and observation are unobstructed.

Most of the monks' information in the Tianxuan Mirror includes the records of their cultivation techniques, items, and contributions.

Records of his speeches in various sections of Tianxuan Mirror...

Wait, wait, all at a glance.

In front of Li Fan today, there are no secrets at all.

Except for some very special identities, which are not revealed, this is the case for everyone else.

The only pity is that Li Fan can only read it but cannot modify it.

Even if you want to use the computing power of the Tianxuan Mirror itself, you can't do it.

But this is understandable, Li Fan is not the real Tianxuan Mirror after all.

It's just a trace of the origin that was given as a gift.

"But even so, it is extremely remarkable."

Even in Li Fan's city, he was feeling a little uncontrollably excited at this moment.

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