She couldn't help but thrust a copy of "Metronome of Love" into Hanabi's hands, which was a hardcover single volume.

"Go back and take a good look. I'll check it tomorrow."

Hanabi flipped through it roughly and said, "If it is a task assigned by the teacher, I have no objection. However, I finished reading it last night. The emotional scenes are very delicately written, and they are indeed amazing."

Hanabi was in high spirits and didn't look like she stayed up late reading.

Kasumigaoka said suspiciously: "Really? Let me test you. How many times have the hero and heroine quarreled in total? What was their first encounter and first kiss like?"

Hanabi responded fluently. In just a few minutes, he memorized the entire book with [complete memory]. It would be too much trouble to tangle with a little girl.

Kasumigaoka's eyes gradually softened, and the depression in her heart disappeared. The two people leaned on the railing and chatted wordlessly. Hanabi glanced out of the corner of her eye and saw the girl's long hair blowing slightly in the wind, revealing her beautiful profile. As they gradually got along casually, Hanabi almost forgot that the senior who exuded a bookish scent was a famous beautiful girl.

Kasumigaoka asked: "Hanabi-kun, have you decided on a pen name?"

For example, Xia Shizi, a poetic pen name can add a lot of color to the author.


"Setsuna's...Hanabi?" Kasumigaoka muttered.

Hanabi in Japanese means "fireworks", and the meaning of "moment" is self-evident. Ayase Hanabi is a very nice name.

Kasumigaoka was more concerned about the flash of beautiful but dim smile on Hanabi's face, like fireworks. She thought: This is a boy with a story.

Life is just a moment of youth.

Kasumigaoka smiled and stretched out her hand, saying, "I am Kasumigaoka, please give me your advice."

Hanabi looked at her senpai and held her hand gently.

From this moment on, the two became true friends.

Hanabi returned to the classroom.

Lun Ye said in surprise: "I can't tell, when did you get together with the senior? She is not easy to deal with."

Hanabi felt the same way and said, "Various situations happened."

"It's hard for you too." Lun Ye sympathized.

Three-dimensional women mean trouble. The two home friends reached a consensus.

Lun Ye pushed up his glasses and said, "My dear friend, I have a difficult task to entrust you with. Looking back, it has been more than a year since I brought you into my home."

No, you were not born when I moved into the house.

"You can't always let me preach alone. I have to be busy writing plans, and the task of letting Kato Megumi understand Galgame is left to you. It's best to make her feel the charm of the game and sincerely join us."

The more Hanabi heard, the more something was wrong.

Isn't this the plot of the original work? Thinking carefully about my appearance, yellow turns out that my hidden attribute is NTR! Lun Ye, could your attribute be a divine assist?

"Wait..." Hanabi was about to refuse.

Lun Ye blocked the way out with one sentence: "I know you are best at dealing with girls, please!"

Although Hanabi has experienced many battles, she rarely takes the initiative to ask girls out. The result was unexpectedly smooth. It seemed that the impression left on Kato was good.

On a sunny Saturday, Kato Megumi dressed up and stood in front of the fireworks. Sanwu's expression makes it difficult to read his thoughts. She was actually nervous about dating a boy for the first time.

"Ayase-kun, where are we going?"

Hanabi said: "My home."

"'Is the progress going too fast?' Ordinary girls would say shyly. Although you can probably guess, I would venture to ask, Ayase-kun didn't plan to go on a normal date from the beginning, right?"

"That's right, the place I want to take you to is - the new world!"

Hanabi's eyes burst into a brilliance that was impossible to look directly into. If Kato Megumi knew a little bit about the world of otaku, he would know that this is called chuuni.

"Don't worry, my sister and I are both at home today." Hanabi said with relief.

"Should I be grateful that I'm safe, or should I regret that I'm so ordinary that Ayase-kun can't even think of a promotion?"

Hanabi smiled and said: "Kato always talks about being ordinary, but if you look closely, she is actually a cute girl."

This is the first time Kato has received praise from a boy. Before that, her thin sense of existence prevented her from taking a closer look.

"Thank you. Ayase-kun is known to please girls as rumored, so I'll take it as the truth."

"Ha ha."

Hanabi opened the door to her house with her key and shouted, "I'm back."

Eri and Arisa said without looking back: "Welcome back."

The sisters were engrossed in watching soap operas. When tears come to your eyes, grab a tissue to wipe away your tears. Hanabi was speechless, said hello casually, and led Kato up to the second floor to his room.

The only words left in the living room were the lines about life and death on the TV. At half pay, Arisa said, "Just now, Onii-chan seemed to have brought his classmates back."

"Yeah, the one wearing a skirt..." Eri remembered that Hanabi had a good friend named Renya.

The two suddenly looked at each other and exclaimed: "Wait, a skirt?!"

(Although my brother lives a disorderly life and changes girlfriends faster than he changes clothes, he never brings girls home. Is he serious this time?)

Alarms sounded in Arisa's mind.

The author has something to say:

I only knew that there was a delay, but I didn't know that there was an outbreak.

Chapter 010 Galgame

Ayase Hanabi's room is clean and bright, without the rotten smell of a dead house at all. Thanks to Arisa who comes to clean the room every week and always complains about Hanabi's smelly socks. Having a sweet, well-educated, and versatile baby sister is Hanabi's greatest happiness in her life.

My sister is high!

Comics and novels are neatly arranged on the bookshelf, and all kinds of lifelike figures occupy most of the space. The walls are covered with animated posters, and the ceiling is thankfully spared. The single bed was placed in a corner of the room, as if the living space was being squeezed out by televisions and game consoles. Hua Huo's part-time salary is not only used to spend money on women, but also to buy spiritual food.

I don’t have a PC at home yet. When "My Sister" is released and you have more money, you can consider it. Writing novels secretly in class all the time is not an option. When the time comes, buy notebooks for Eri and Arisa first, they will be very happy.

Hanabi has no pursuits, she just wants her family to live a good life. This is the remaining wish from the previous life.

In his previous life, he gave up on himself and dragged down his sister's personal happiness. When he suddenly realized that he wanted to repay, there was no chance.

Kato Megumi looked around and marveled in his heart.

(It turns out this is the otaku’s room.)

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