"You are busy with your studies, can you promise to update? Judging from the content of the first volume, the story is still very long. What is your expected length?"

"I have enough time to write the manuscript. A total of..." Hanabi thought for a moment, "About twelve volumes."

The old thief Fushimi has the final say.

Yuanzi asked another question about the character, outline, and plot direction, and Hanabi's clear answers made her very satisfied. It can be seen that this boy's writing is not done on a whim. If the novel is cheated after it has achieved results, it will cause losses to both parties. She must be cautious.

"As for the treatment, the royalties are 10%, and I estimate that the number of copies printed for the first time can be set at 10,000," Yuanzi said.

Hanabi has already done some research and found out that Japan’s writer’s royalty is 10%, which is stipulated in relevant legal provisions and leaves no room for bargaining. How much money an author makes depends on how many copies he can sell. The highest first printing record is 510,000 copies of "Haruhi Suzumiya", which is a bit shabby in comparison.

Hanabi knows how to be happy when she is satisfied, and she is lucky enough to be able to make her debut without having to go through the Novel Awards all the way. Just as he was about to speak, Kasumigaoka kicked him under the table.

"My student's debut cannot be too shabby." Kasumigaoka stretched out a hand and said, "This number, otherwise there is no need to talk."

"You..." Yuanzi was speechless for a moment.

A publishing house cannot take risks for a new author, otherwise the losses will be borne by her. Yuanzi almost walked away, thinking of her friendship with Shiyu. The success of "Metronome of Love" pushed her to the position of deputy editor. If you want to stay secure in the company, you must hold on to the cash cow that is Kasumi Shiko.

Yuanzi gritted his teeth and said: "Thirty thousand volumes, this number is my limit."

"Deal." Kasumigaoka replied very simply, not like bargaining at all.

Numerous Fukuzawa Yukichi appeared in Hanabi's mind, and Kasumigaoka's words tripled his income. This cheap master is quite useful.

Yuanzi said gently to Hanabi: "It's too late today. If you don't have any objections, come and sign the contract tomorrow. Specific matters can be discussed later."

"Okay, sorry for bothering you, Machida-san." Hanabi thanked her.

Yuanzi suddenly remembered that he was a newcomer and added: "By the way, the one issued is the Wenku version."

"Of course I know that."

The novels published in Japan can be divided into two types: single volumes and library volumes. The price of a single volume is as high as 1,600 yen, while the library volume is only a cheap 500 or 600 yen.

Compared with the status of best-sellers, light novels are like online novels and traditional literature in the previous life. Generally, light novels are sold very cheaply and are not qualified to be published as stand-alone books. Only a strong person like Nishio Ishin of the "Monogatari Series" has the confidence to publish unlimited single books.

Stop it, you are not a real light novelist at all!

Everyone is happy and congratulations.

Yuanzi turned to say: "So, Miss Kasumigaoka, let's get down to business, right? How are you preparing your new book?"

After "Metronome of Love" became a hit, countless readers wrote in asking for a sequel.

Xia Zhiqiu said casually: "Died young."

"Wait, have you been playing tricks on me since just now?" Yuanzi said angrily.

She only agreed to such harsh conditions in order to win over Shiyu. The number of reprints of a novel that could easily reach hundreds of thousands of copies was suddenly told that she would stop writing?

"What can I do if I don't have inspiration? The relationship between the male and female protagonists comes naturally. Do you want me to write about getting married and having children in the next book?"

Hanabi understands very well that marriage is the grave of love.

Kasumigaoka blocked her mouth first and said: "In short, we will wait until my disciple debuts."

Hanabi complained in her heart: So you are using me as a shield, no wonder you are so enthusiastic!

Machida Enko was unhappy.

Hanabi stood up and said: "Senior, actually I brought you here for another reason. I am a part-time pianist here. It's working time, please wait a moment."

Hanabi said hello to the maids and went into the kitchen. When she reappeared, Hanabi was dressed in a stiff butler's uniform, which perfectly matched the maid uniforms around her. He looked at the two of them with a smile, then sat down in front of the piano.

The maid cafe is a paradise for otakus, so not many people would pay attention to the handsome pianist. Hanabi was very popular. Apart from a few chirping little maids, there were regular customers who raised their glasses to say hello.

"Ayase, let's sing "Castle in the Sky"."

"Copy that." Hanabi made an OK gesture. Take a deep breath, discard distracting thoughts, and press the first key.

There is no need for pianos in maid cafes. The reason why Hanabi is able to occupy a place is because he does what he likes and plays all the famous songs in the otaku circle. Even a layman could hear the superb skills, and the entire cafe became much quieter in an instant.

Kasumigaoka remembered that Tonya's introduction to Hanabi - a top-notch pianist - turned out to be no exaggeration. The cheap disciple brought unexpected joy, and her eyes were full of brilliance.

Yuanzi smiled and said: "Shiyu, you are not interested in that boy, are you? This junior of yours is quite powerful. He is handsome, has good literary talent, and can play the piano. He has started making money at this age. I was at his age. All the time, my mind is filled with love.”

"Boring." Kasumigaoka began to shake her legs unconsciously.

(I also tried to like someone. But it was over before it even started.)

She didn't realize that her good feelings towards Ethical Lord were gradually cooling down.

The author has something to say:

Life in this world depends entirely on the word water.

Chapter 009 The moment of youth

Hanabi officially signed a contract with Fusukawa Bookstore. Text entry, printing and distribution are all left to the publishing house. He, a new author, has no say. As for the overt and covert struggle between the two editors Yuanzi and Tanaka, it was not something he could understand.

Returning to the peaceful campus life, the only difference is that there is an extra email address on the phone. Hanabi occasionally lay in bed and exchanged emails with her senior sister.

Kasumigaoka: Even though he has this kind of writing style, he is just watching Ethical Lord exhausted from his work.

Hanabi asked: If I ghostwrite the plan, will you agree?

Kasumigaoka (without thinking): I will tear it up and expel you from the school.

Hanabi was ashamed.

Lun Ye, you wish for much happiness. I don’t want Kasumigaoka and Sawamura to work together to make things difficult for me. You should enjoy the Shura Field by yourself.

Hanabi is curious about whether Master Cheap Master's masterpiece is really so good-looking, and even turns Ren into an avid fan of "Metronome of Love".

I accidentally let it slip, and the phone suddenly went silent. The rush of anger can be felt across the screen.

Kasumigaoka's fingertips were typing quickly, and after half-writing, he deleted it and dialed the phone directly: "I can't believe it, I haven't even read my master's masterpiece, copy it a hundred times for me and then go to hell! "

Hanabi heard her senpai getting angry. No matter how I send the email, it seems like nothing happens. I once wondered if I had been blocked by the other party.

The next day, just after class, Kasumigaoka came to the door aggressively. The whole class whispered.

"Hanabi-kun, come out for a moment." Kasumigaoka showed a kind smile.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Hanabi. He resisted the pressure and walked out of the door quickly.


"It's teacher." Kasumigaoka smiled and said the word "teacher" in a nice and cold voice.

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