The two-dimensional Guanxi, a high-profile partner in "Stinking Work".

Chapter 034 Game Planning

The game production team does not have the treatment of the idol club and can only hold meetings in an empty classroom. Hanabi was the last to arrive and glanced at her. Kasumigaoka and Eiri are fighting openly and secretly; Kato Megumi seems to be indifferent to the world, staying alone in the corner.

Hanabi sat next to Kato without hesitation, smiling and saying hello. Although Kato still has a three-no expression, it can be seen from the conversation that she is in a good mood. Others couldn't help but wonder, when did the relationship between these two people become so good?

On the stage, An Yilun also spoke passionately, but everyone showed little interest.

"That's it, our goal is Winter Comic!" Lun Ye slapped the blank board. There is a timeline drawn on it and small annotations. From spring to winter, they prepare to play games for most of the year.

Lun also once wanted to complete it in Xia Comic, but now it seems that it is a fantasy. A game that takes several hours to complete can take months to complete. It takes time to fill in a large amount of text and CG. Not to mention that the script has not been finalized yet.

Kato asked weakly: "Could it be that the whole summer vacation was wasted?"

"I don't have a problem with that," Hanabi said.

"Rejected, I still have a lot to do." Kasumigaoka walked quickly onto the stage, erased the date, and moved the entire timeline back one month. She clapped her hands with satisfaction and said, "That's pretty much it."

Yinglili rarely agreed: "That's right."

The two creators are busy people.

Lun was about to burst into tears and said, "Aren't you completely late for the Winter Comic Con?"

"Is this something you have to consider?"

Lun also vaguely noticed that the senior sister's attitude was getting colder and colder. This is not an illusion. Kasumigaoka's senses are very bad. Why is An Yilun a man who only talks nice words but has no responsibility? Now, Kasumigaoka is still willing to continue this boring project just for the sake of a hot-headed promise and repayment of kindness.

"If Mr. Kasumi Shiko and Sawamura-senpai can create the text and CG first, it will be no problem for us to rush the follow-up work." Hanabi came up with a compromise.

Kasumigaoka's complexion improved slightly. Hanabi is nominally her disciple, so he will definitely be on her side.

"I suggest making games on the krkr platform. Lunya and I are responsible for designing the UI and program parts. I am relatively good at this aspect and can learn with Lunya." This is the result of Hanabi and Lunya's private discussion. Krkr is a fan game production software, most suitable for amateurs like them.

"Then what can I do?" Kato Megumi asked.

Hanabi smiled and said: "You are the template for a heroine, so be a good model and let the two seniors draw their inspiration."

"Hanabi has plenty of experience in love. He can teach you... all kinds of things." Ren also pushed up his glasses, with a faint tone in his tone.

Kato showed a troubled expression and said, "That sounds bad."

"Director Sang, I must remind you. The cost of making a game is huge, at least several million. So, do you have any plans to attract sponsorship?" Kasumigaoka said rationally.

Lun Ye was shocked and said: "How many... how many millions? There is no way any student can afford so much money!"

"It's a pity that my income from drawing doujins in a quarter is as much as XX." Ying Lili was instantly slapped in the face.

"The sales volume of the entire "Metronome of Love" can give me XX income." Kasumigaoka made a final blow.

Lunya looked at Hanabi as if grasping the last straw, and said hopefully: "My best friend, you work part-time like me, you don't know how to..."

"Thanks to Teacher Kasumi Shiko, I still bought some money for the book I wrote. I have already quit my part-time job." Hanabi scratched her head.

Lun Ye was instantly petrified and said again: "By the way, can the student union allocate funds?"

"Impossible, there's no reason to pay for a club that doesn't do its job like making games, right?" Hanabi spoke righteously, as if she was infected by her sister's words. He didn't want to cause trouble to Eri.

[Blessing software] fell into economic crisis from the beginning.

Kasumigaoka glanced at Renye and sighed inwardly.

(You can’t solve this problem. Let me help you one last time, Ethics Lord.)

"I can use the money from writing the book to finance it." Hanabi said first.

Kasumigaoka looked at him in surprise. This was exactly what she wanted to say. At this point, she felt unworthy of the cheap disciple and said in confusion: "Hanabi, there is no reason for you to do this."

Hanabi smiled calmly: "Everyone can't do anything well if they are timid."

"You are truly a dear friend." Lun Ye said with emotion.

"Don't be too happy too early. I also have conditions. In this way, I will be considered an investor. Director-san, can you consider my opinion to a certain extent?" Hanabi said to Renya with a smile. In fact, it was just a rhetoric. The two of them were the initiators of the project and had the same hobbies, so there would be almost no disagreements.

The framework of the association is beginning to take shape.

After the meeting, Hanabi and Kasumigaoka walked together.

Kasumigaoka complained: "Next time, ask my opinion before taking action, you stupid apprentice."

Hanabi burst into laughter. The senior seemed to be getting more and more accustomed to her role as a master. Maybe it was because she loved him so much. This was her kind intention, and Hanabi patiently endured the venom. The manuscript fee that I just received has to be spent before I can cover it up, and my money becomes tight again. I would have known better not to quit my part-time job at the coffee shop, but Hanabi has no regrets.

"That...Ayase!" A voice stopped them, and when they turned around, they saw it was Eiri.

"Sawamura-senpai, what's the matter?" Hanabi asked strangely. This should be the first time Sawamura took the initiative to talk to him since he was trapped in the closet last time. When the two met, they felt a little embarrassed when they remembered the ambiguity at that time.

"It's a bet, it's a bet!" Eirili pretended to be calm, "Didn't you successfully convince Mr. Saito to be a consultant?"

Having said that, that little kitten doesn't care at all.

"I... will agree to your request. Let's agree first and don't go too far!" Ying Lili looked at him warily. I've always been confused before. Most boys must have sperm in their brains, right?

"Forget it, I just said it casually."

For Lun Ye's sake, it was impossible to embarrass his childhood sweetheart.

"That's not possible. Alas, Sawamura-san isn't someone who breaks his word, right?" Kasumigaoka smiled slyly and caught her.

"Kasumigaoka Shiyu! I never meant to deny it!" Ying Lili gritted her teeth.

Kasumigaoka said: "Hanabi, are you preparing the second volume of your novel?"

Hanabi nodded.

"If the first volume sells well, the publishing house will praise you. Now is not the time to have a try mentality. Cooperation with excellent illustrators should also be put on the agenda. Although there is an allocation on the Immortal River, there happens to be a waste in front of you. Take advantage of the opportunity." Kasumigaoka smiled brightly.

Yinglili went crazy: "Who are you calling a waste?"

"Ah, could it be that Sawamura only knows how to draw meat-selling characters without clothes?"

"Of course I... can draw the best character!" Ying Lili easily fell into the trap.

Illustrations are an important part of light novels. Of course, simple words cannot fully describe the characters, but illustrations can leave a deep-rooted impression on readers. There are even many excellent animation works, and some people will compare them with illustrations to see if they match the character design. There are also some magical works in the industry that "buy illustrations and get toilet paper free", such as the wall of masterpieces "IS".

The cheap master was once again very helpful.

Hanabi was overjoyed. It's not that he hasn't considered it, but Yinglili already has eroge and game CG tasks, so I'm afraid she will be very busy. It's not his style to embarrass a girl.

The matter was settled like that, Hanabi left first.

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