The two enemies were alone, and Yinglili's expression turned cold. She was not an idiot. She quickly understood Kasumigaoka's intention and said, "Why are you so close to Ayase? It turns out you are not K...Run, Lunya..."

"It's nothing, I just think fireworks are more interesting. When did you have the illusion that I like Aki?" Kasumigaoka answered accurately.

Yinglili said bitterly: "Bi..." After all, she couldn't pronounce the word.

"Miss Sawamura, you should pay more attention to yourself. In the eyes of your childhood sweetheart, there is only the shadow of Megumi Kato." Bystanders clearly saw that Kasumigaoka saw through the intricate relationships in this society.

(Isn’t it very interesting?)

It’s just like...a great source of inspiration!

When they were young, Yinglili and Lun also had a falling out because of something, and their relationship never eased. Until Kasumigaoka left as a winner, Eiri stood alone, at a loss.

The author has something to say:

Thanks for the support, I won’t say who it is. Otherwise, there will be too many people to thank. Old viewers all know that new viewers may not understand that Salted Fish Writers are not on the shelves. We will try our best to stabilize daily updates in the future, but you may consider adding updates occasionally, otherwise you won’t get recommendations. Without recommendations, there is no food... Without money to buy plug-ins, you can't play "MapleStory", you can't live, and you can't update it~

Chapter 035 Autograph Session

From then on, Ayase Hanabi was known as the "idiot disciple". On the weekend, there was a book signing in Kasumigaoka, which showed the hard work of the budding bishoujo writers. In order to make up for the delay in releasing new books and retain the popularity of "Metronome of Love", Ms. Yuanzi also took great pains, but unfortunately someone did not appreciate it.

Just because of this incident, Kasumigaoka complained many times in emails.

"You have to get up and get ready at 6 o'clock."

Hanabi joked, "With the teacher's schedule, I'm afraid it will be very difficult."

Kasumigaoka is famous for sleeping in class, and she probably often stays up late to work on manuscripts. There was suddenly no movement on the other end of the email, as if the senior sister was gnashing her teeth and fighting with her phone, saying: "Get up early, come and call me."

"Am I a humanoid self-propelled alarm clock?"

"This is your right as a teacher. Do you have any dissatisfaction?"

"Just because you are dissatisfied that I can sleep in, you want to drag me down!"


The woman shamelessly admitted it!

No matter how mature and sophisticated Kasumigaoka Shiyu is, she is still just a girl. Hanabi couldn't bear to let her go to an unfamiliar place alone and face the staff and fans with a fake smile. The two of them are colleagues with a close relationship, so it was appropriate for them to help in the past.

In the early morning of that day, Hanabi was waiting downstairs for her, and then they went to the venue in Akihabara together, borrowing the second floor of Fusukawa's bookstore. The door was closed, and there were already many book lovers waiting in line. The two quietly slipped into the employee passage.

Hanabi teased: "As expected of Kasumi Shiko-sensei, countless fans are looking forward to it without sleeping and eating."

"You have a good vocabulary. Go back and copy the dictionary again." Kasumigaoka counterattacked sharply.

"It will kill people!"

Seeing Hanabi's defeat, Kasumigaoka said proudly, "I'm just kidding."

Ha, she is really a senior who refuses to take any advantage of her words.

The bookstore has prepared a small number of small gifts, such as bookmarks signed by Kasumigaoka. After three times, five and two, she said: "I'm sleepy. Call me again when you start."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu fell asleep lying on the table. Hanabi was lucky enough to see her senior sister's sleeping face, a sight that only third-year students in her class could see. The long straight black hair is like a waterfall pouring on the table, like a flower bud blooming. Hanabi had the urge to try it out, but was immediately frightened by her bold idea. The tiger's head cannot be touched.

The girl was restless in her sleep and knocked the pen off.

Hanabi shook her head helplessly and bent down to pick it up. Originally, Hanabi had moved a chair to sit in front of Kasumigaoka, but this move caused a big problem, thus proving a difficult problem in the world of gentlemen. How can you tell the difference between pantyhose and stockings that cover your thighs completely without being able to lift up your skirt?

The king of black stockings!

When Kasumigaoka woke up and rubbed her eyes drowsily, Hanabi whispered to her to pay attention to her sitting posture. In the country of neon, public figures, especially good-looking women of working age, are high-risk groups.

Kasumigaoka felt the coolness under her skirt. She couldn't help but tighten her legs and asked, "Did you see it?"

It turns out that this guy also has moments of shame and embarrassment?

"Well, the door is about to open, aren't you nervous, teacher?" Hanabi changed the subject guiltily.

"I'll take care of you when I get back."

Hanabi complained: "I'm risking my life to say it, not for your own good."

Kasumigaoka admitted that Hanabi was like a reliable little agent at this moment. If it were him, I wouldn't hate it. I didn't realize that I had begun to trust the "idiot disciple" I spoke of, so I turned my head away without saying a word and ignored him. Hanabi wisely walked away and asked Staff for a pass to fish in troubled waters.

When the time came, the door opened and the crowd poured in. Fans lined up their numbers in an orderly manner, looking at the beautiful and intellectual teacher Kasumi Shiko from a distance, and they jumped for joy. Of course it was Kasumigaoka Shiu who took out the small dressing mirror and tidied it up. Hanabi remembered how embarrassed she was when she just woke up.

The book signing is agreed upon, and you can buy books on site or bring your own. Hanabi disguised herself as an employee and stood not far away to maintain order. I saw that Kasumigaoka's pen was like a dragon and snake, and his signature handwriting was beautiful. It was obvious that he had specially practiced his signature. She always maintains an approachable smile and can chat with every fan.

Hanabi snickered, guessing the psychological activity behind Kasumigaoka's gradually stiffening smile - complaining about why her parents gave her such a long name.

At this time, an accident happened.

Generally speaking, no one will bring irrelevant books to ask for autographs, and the signature will naturally be refused. When the signing was halfway through, Kasumigaoka's smile disappeared when she saw the book in front of her. Just by looking at the name, you can tell that this is a sensual novel. The scene suddenly became quiet, and even the book fans behind who didn't know the truth felt strange.

"Sir, you may have gone to the wrong place." Kasumigaoka's face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost.

"You're right, Teacher Kasumi Shiko, I like your work very much. But, with all due respect, "Metronome of Love" is too conservative. Without the description of 'LOVE', how can it be called 'love'? I hope Teacher Xia Shizi can study more..." the strange man said maliciously.

This has risen to the level of sexual harassment.

She is obviously surrounded by fans who admire her, and the staff all respect her as "Teacher Kasumi Shiko". Kasumigaoka showed a rare expression of helplessness, because the work he had devoted all his efforts to was trampled on. Worried about her image in front of others, she couldn't even get angry.

"Are you a sex-minded bug? Then don't be an eyesore here and crawl out of here!" Someone had fully learned Kasumigaoka's "venomous tongue" and scolded them mercilessly. He is her idiot disciple.

Kasumigaoka's eyes regained their luster.

(I didn’t learn any of the advantages and quickly fell into bad habits. What a fool!)

Hanabi clamped the man's neck and said with a smile: "Let me talk to you."

"Who do you think you are? Let me go!"

From an angle that no one could see, Hanabi punched him hard in the stomach. His eyes widened, and he staggered out. Kasumigaoka witnessed this scene completely and lamented that Hanabi looked harmless to humans and animals, but was actually ruthless.

Very relieved!

In a dark alley, Hanabi threw the guy to the ground. The latter regained his breath and assumed a ferocious posture as if he was risking his life. Hanabi's body is on the thin side and looks weak, so she is no match for the bigger Ichigo.

"I can't fight. But..."

"The response was pretty good."

[Super-fast reaction], it only takes a few seconds to resolve the battle. On the young man's face, the light and darkness intersected, and his cold eyes were frightening. Hanabi wiped the blood on her hands with the book, then threw it in the face of the man who fell to the ground with disgust, and walked away.

Kasumigaoka didn't ask what Hanabi was doing. Because of this accident, the people at Fusigawa Bookstore took the initiative to apologize, saying they had mismanaged it. Later, book fans were selected on the spot to ask questions and give out gifts. At Hua Huo's strong request, he replaced the host to avoid uncontrollable things happening again.

Kasumigaoka silently felt this sense of security.

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