My Sister is the Female Team Leader

Chapter 806, mama is over

During the middle time of the awards ceremony, the staff came over to remind Bae Xian that he needed to go on stage. At this time, Bae Zhuhyun and the others also appeared at the lift. Kang Seulqi, who had already performed on stage with Kim Hyo-yeon, was going to standby. Run to the other side of the room.

She needed to run back and change her clothes and run back in a few minutes.

"Seulgi's physical strength is really good. Look at her running so fast." Pei Xian watched from a distance as Jiang Seulgi ran away like flying. She disappeared in a few seconds. He sighed and shook his head towards the guest seats on the stage. Go up the stairs.

Slowly walking up the stairs to the stage, he could already see that nct's performance was coming to an end. He simply adjusted the cuffs of his suit. Pei Xian saw that many people in the guest seats were looking at him. He raised his eyes to look at them and smiled slightly. polite.

"Brother, Brother Xian"

Hearing someone calling him, Pei Xian turned his head and saw Do Kyung-soo who was smiling and waving in this direction. He smiled and walked directly towards him. His approach scared the EXO members. When they arrived, they all stood up to say hello and moved away from their seats.

This is a band of idol singers, and suddenly a movie actor joins the group. There is no reason for them to be so nervous.

"Wow, I haven't seen you all day, why did you shave your hair short again?" Pei Xian came closer and looked at Do Kyung-soo's figure, which was even shorter than yesterday, and joked, "Received a new script? Oh, why don't you come to Kim Rong-hwa?" The director’s new crew, why are you going to other crews? What’s wrong with cooperating with me to make another movie? I’m still wronging you.”

Do Kyungsoo smiled and shook her head, "No, it's just arranged by the company."

"Then, if you have time, you can come and make a cameo. S.M. owes me so many favors. Is it possible that I won't let you come?" Pei Xian smiled and sat next to him. He naturally put his arms around his shoulders and patted him. He looked at the audience with his arms, "Your manager is right here. I'll talk to him later. Don't worry, your trip won't be in vain."

Hearing his insistence, Do Kyung-soo nodded and silently agreed. He took a careful look at where the manager was standing and silently moved closer to Pei Xian.

Until Red Velvet appeared, the adapted opening rhythm was very eye-catching. When Do Kyung-soo saw the five of them, he suddenly asked Bae Xian in a low voice, "Brother, the ending song and interlude of the movie directed by Kim Yong-hwa have been confirmed." ?"

"As for the music and soundtrack, the director didn't tell me about this. Why, did he introduce it?" Pei Xian became a little interested.

Do Kyungsoo paused, then turned around and suddenly stared at the big OST player in the team. After the people in the team were quiet for a moment, they suddenly started to look forward to it.

Pei Xian knew who Do Kyung-soo wanted to recommend, and nodded, "I'll go back and ask the director. Now let's watch the performance. I'll read the narration later, so don't mind if I'm on your side."

"Of course I don't mind." Several people shook their heads.

The host was standing just a few steps away. People in the guest seats looked back at him from time to time, and their eyes were a little envious as they glanced at the EXO members.

The conversation they just had was basically audible to the people who were nearby. If you call me brother like this, you will have the opportunity to make a cameo in a famous director's movie. This opportunity is something that others can't get even if they want it.

There were no less than five or six staff members squatting around with cameras. Pei Xian's eyes were fixed on the five people performing in front of him. He didn't care whether the camera was pointed at him. He saw the staff members carrying the cameras and appeared in front. Wei Wei smiles at the camera.

After two performances, only six or seven minutes had passed. Pei Zhuxuan and the others returned to the backstage to freshen up a bit, and then slowly walked to the guest seats and sat down. When they appeared, Pei Xian happened to be reading the narration, and they looked at each other. , Xiaoxiao took it as a greeting.

After the award-giving guests appeared, he stopped, specifically turned to stand next to Red Velvet's seat, and asked them in a low voice whether they were thirsty or not.

"I just drank it in the audience. It's not convenient to drink too much water in this kind of occasion, but it doesn't matter if you stand here?" Pei Zhuxuan said, curiously taking a look at Pei Xian standing in the middle of the guest seats, and noticed Li Taimin and Li Xuanmei on Pei Xian's left side were looking here, nodding quickly and saying hello.

Pei Xian watched them greet each other politely and felt the wind blowing in this direction. He quickly took off his suit and put it on Pei Zhuxuan's legs. He pressed his chin and then stood aside calmly without saying anything.

Pei Zhuxuan touched the suit and noticed that Park Sooyoung was sitting next to him. Suddenly he understood the true meaning of Pei Xian's action. He wordlessly spread the clothes and covered Park Sooyoung's legs in half.

"Am I going to be asked by you again today to be your tool?"

"Unnie, look at the stage. It's really beautiful." Park Xiurong naturally pointed to the direction of the stage, and then whispered, "Unnie, I changed places with you to avoid suspicion."

Bae Joo Hyun "."

Being caught between Pei Xian and Park Xiurong, she felt that this was not a good thing.

The performance on the other side of the stage was still going on. When the camera turned to Pei Xian again, the suit on his body was gone. The red sleeve cuffs were tightly stuck on his arms, and the sleeve net of his shirt was folded several times. He didn't even button the two buttons on the collar.

Such a relaxed look made it difficult for people to tell that he was serving as the host at a large awards ceremony. The two siblings were standing and sitting together, and were captured by the camera in the same frame. There were only sighs outside the camera.

"Wow~ Bro, he's very handsome." Li Taimin looked at Pei Xian's straight body, looked at it carefully from top to bottom, couldn't help but compliment him, and asked, "Brother, so you often go to the gym just to exercise. Buttocks? They’re very perky.”

Pei Xian "???"

He knew it was very embarrassing, but if a younger brother said this, he would be a little embarrassed.

After digesting this shameful question, Pei Xian naturally spread his hands and said with a smile, "If you go there often, you will be better than me."

"You two, shut up." Pei Zhuxuan turned her head and complained to them, "There are so many people here."

Pei Xian shrugged and stood there naturally without speaking, as if the person who just spoke was not him.

The performance on the stage was still going on. Do Kyung-soo and the others stood up and spoke to Bae Xian before going backstage to prepare for the performance. Before they went on stage, there was an interview session during the intermission.

Perhaps Pei Xian's favorite thing about the whole show was interviews. He would interview them one by one. The script emphatically stated that more interviews should be conducted with the two most popular groups.

In order to avoid any public opinion flying on his head, Pei Xian could only add as many scenes as possible. Li Taimin and Li Xuanmei, who had previously agreed, chatted a few more words.

He tried his best to chat as comfortably as possible. The artists in the guest seats all interviewed them one by one, and then he walked to the team in the first row to interview.

After walking around for a while, no one else was tired, but Pei Xian began to cry out in his heart that he shouldn't take this job.

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