My Sister is the Female Team Leader

Chapter 807, today is also the day when the title is lost

At midnight, the award ceremony had ended. Pei Xian told the organizer about the work of hosting today. The artists backstage walked away and dispersed, and it became quite deserted for a while.

The organizer had arranged hotel rooms, and Pei Xian also had one. He specifically told them that it was very late, and then rushed back to the hotel.

Lin Danni held two large bags in her hands and handed one of them to Pei Xian before pressing the elevator button.

"With so much to eat, aren't you talking about losing weight?" Pei Xian couldn't help but tease her when he saw the steaming takeout boxes in the bag. But when he saw the assistant's murderous gaze, his expression immediately returned to its original state and he smiled. Say "Eat more, you have worked hard today, eat more, the company is treating you anyway"

The assistant stared at Pei Xian for a few seconds, then walked into the elevator with a huff, "Oppa, you should have a good late-night snack with Joy Xi. The fans in the audience took pictures of your reaction today. You are so serious." Not shying away from suspicion”

When red velvet won the award for the first time tonight, Pei Xian was right next to them. His reaction was more excited than the five of them. He hugged them one by one. Fortunately, he also knew that in front of the camera, except for Pei Zhuhyun, the others None of the members will hold them tightly.

Otherwise fans will start fighting.

When I won the award for the second time...

"Oppa, didn't you notice that you were laughing so hard that you were late reading the narration? This is a major stage accident, and Irene xi didn't stop you."

Lin Danni took out her mobile phone to show Pei Xian the photos taken at the scene. They all said that photos taken with rice are the best. This sentence is true at all. It is rare to see Pei Zhuhyun hugging Pei Xian so intimately in public. Yes, I rarely saw it today.

"Why can't I see that I can still smile so beautifully?" Pei Xianzai looked at the photo carefully and suddenly smiled, "Looks like Zhuhyun is very short in this photo. Look, she's just to my chest"

Lin Danni “???”

You can't say she's short just because her head happened to be on your chest when you hugged her!

"Oppa, just be glad that Irene Xi is not here now. The elevator is here. Let's go. Then go to bed early tonight. I'm leaving too."

"Well, see you tomorrow"

Carrying a bag of late-night snacks and his backpack, Pei Xian slowly walked in according to the room door number, found his own room, reached out and pressed the doorbell.

The key card was not with him, but was given to Park Soo-young.

In less than half a minute, the door was opened from the inside. Before Pu Xiurong could say hello, he smelled the aroma of food and immediately took the bag and ran inside in surprise.

"Mo, there are so many delicious things, fish balls, is this Chezi noodles? This squid is delicious and there is a lot of meat. What kind of meat is this?"

"That's barbecued pork. It's made of pork. There's soup underneath to relieve the greasiness, and there's rice." Pei Xian explained to her, but found that Pu Xiurong didn't listen very carefully at all, and only saw the food on the table, so he had to give up and take off his clothes. He walked to the bathroom with his shoes first, "I'm going to take a shower first."

The only response to him was a certain Park's voice exclaiming that the food was delicious.

After Pei Xian took a shower, he came out and saw the extra petals on the aisle. He raised his eyebrows and saw Pu Xiurong in the living room. He saw her scattering petals while eating shrimp dumplings. When she finished scattering the petals in her hand, she He sat down on the blanket on the floor.

As he got closer, Pei Xian realized where the petals at the door of the bathroom came from. He took a look at the air conditioner that was still blowing strong wind, and found that Pu Xiurong had scattered a lot of colorful petals in the living room. It seemed that more than one flower had suffered.

"These flowers are."

"It's a gift from the hotel, Oppa. I also want some fish balls." Pu Xiurong looked up at him. After Pei Xian came closer, he stretched out his hand again. "Throwing flower petals is also a laborious task. I'm tired."

What you are saying is that I usually practice dancing for several hours without feeling tired, but this time Sa Sa Hua Petal feels tired even while eating?

Pu Xiurong was hugged up as she wished. She smelled the fragrance of shower gel on Pei Xian, leaned her head on his chest, and whispered, "Hey, rose petals, I just saw several bouquets of flowers on the bed in the bedroom. Why are you here?" There are more than me there, something is wrong.”

"What's wrong? Sit down and eat first."

When Pei Xian spoke, his ear was close to his chest, and his words shook him. Pu Xiurong was put on the chair by the dining table. Pei Xian was about to let go of his hand, but she hugged him and refused to let go.

"It's very tiring for me to half-squat like this." Pei Xian kept his knees bent, glanced at the food on the table, and asked softly, "Don't you want to have midnight snack?"

"It's okay to eat you," Park Xiurong teased him in a sweet voice, and immediately let go of his hand.

Just now I looked like I didn’t want to have a midnight snack, but now I’m eating it right away.

Pei Xian sighed in his heart, unable to convince her, so he sat next to him and started eating.

"Oppa, are these delicious? I also learned how to make kimchi fried rice from Juhyun Unnie. Do you have any ideas?"


No need to.

Pei Xian carefully recalled Park Xiurong's cooking skills.

In the past few years since he met her, judging from Pu Xiurong's cuisine, there has never been a dish that was quite satisfactory. It was either bitter, sour, sweet, half-cooked, or burnt.

Maybe you don’t have any talent in this area?

Otherwise, he wouldn't have banned her from the kitchen.

"I think the kimchi fried rice is a bit sour. As for carbohydrates, I have to eat less recently because I have to join the crew."

After finding a very reasonable reason, Pei Xian turned his head and looked into Pu Xiurong's eyes, speaking sincerely and sincerely.


Park Xiurong felt that he was denying herself and looking for excuses. She narrowed her eyes and complained, "Do you dislike my cooking?"

Hearing this, Pei Xian shook his head calmly, "How could it be? Work is important, otherwise how would you make money?"

It seems even stranger.

Park Xiurong didn't know for a moment whether he was looking for reasons and excuses, or whether he disliked his food.

Sure enough, after dating for a long time, men would dislike their girlfriends. She was confused. Pei Xian clearly obeyed her words in the past and was particularly good at saying nice things. Why did it suddenly become like this now?

Sure enough, plastic companion.

"Then if you put it this way, should I go out and hold a concert now? The concert will pay more dividends."

"I think it can't be done, it would be too tiring." Pei Xian shook his head and said more seriously.

Just say it, why are you so sincere?

He twisted Pei Xian's arm hard and saw that the place where he had grabbed her was red. Pu Xiurong sighed and let go, "I'm hungry and want to eat. Don't take my food."

Pei Xian didn't say anything more to her. He leaned against the dining table and watched her eat. Seeing that she had eaten too much, he even brought a water cup to feed her.

The two people here were happily eating late-night snacks. There was no space between two rooms on the same floor. Pei Zhuxuan and the others lived in the room here.

Although the two of them were sharing a room, they were a little tired, but the maknae was chosen by lot, and now Bae Zhuhyun is still packing her things.

There was a burst of music coming from the bathroom. She turned around and couldn't see anything. She sighed and shouted, "Yilin, turn off your stereo. It's too noisy. You haven't washed it yet, okay?"

"Onie, you need to take a shower and wash yourself thoroughly. It smells good."


Fortunately, Kim Ye-rim didn't keep Bae Zhuhyun waiting for too long. When she came out, she even lamented the benefits of sleeping in separate rooms by drawing lots, "It's great to have a schedule with Oppa Bae Heon. Sooyoung and Unnie passed by, and we happened to be two against two, right, Unnie."

Bae Zhuhyun gasped in her heart and almost fainted with her eyes rolled. She stared at the maknae speechlessly and said, "Please let me worry about it. Some hotels have more than one bedroom. Seungwan and Seulgi are together, and they don't know how lively it is at night." Well, they are all people who refuse to go to bed early."

Son Seungwan and Kang Seulgi were roommates in the dormitory, and they were still roommates outside. It was possible that they were up in the middle of the night singing, but how could they fall asleep so early.

"I won two awards today, I thought I would only win one." Jin Yelin looked at the two trophies on the table, suddenly curious, and asked, "Unnie, I remember the number of votes was not so high."

"This award ceremony is all about dividing the pork, don't you know?" Pei Zhuxuan said softly, taking a look at the two trophies, with an expression of unspeakable disgust on his face.

Everyone is well aware of the 'traditional virtues' of this award ceremony. The pork is divided clearly. Pei Zhuxuan feels that she can get these two pieces of pork. The reason why Pei Xian is hosting tonight is indispensable.

Maybe it was just like this that they unexpectedly got the second piece of pork.

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