My Sister is the Female Team Leader

Chapter 808, Returning to China

The next day, almost all the artists who came to Hong Kong, China to participate in the trip went back, and the popularity on the Internet continued to heat up. Pei Xian did not expect that he and Pei Zhuhyun could be on the top of the hot search list. The reason was the two at the award ceremony. A hug.

Just after returning to Seoul, Lin Danni took her mobile phone to read a round of hot searches and said, "Oppa, there are still many people searching for you and Irene Xi. Why don't you strike while the iron is hot? It's a good opportunity to promote the TV series."

"It's still a long time before it's broadcast, don't worry." Pei Xian shook his head and leaned on his seat without even opening his eyes.

"Where's the movie?"

"Brother Kang Hao wants to go abroad to promote, so he doesn't need me."

"Oppa, if you think so, senior Song Kanghao will be beaten if he finds out."

After complaining about Pei Xian, Lin Danni continued to browse the messages on her phone. In fact, if Pei Xian didn't say anything, it was considered propaganda. After all, TV series and movies are all linked to him, and now these hot searches are promoting him in disguise. .

When he returned to Seoul, he only gave Pei Xian an hour or two to rest and recuperate. This time was enough for him to go back home to see Xiaotuanzi and report to his parents that he was safe. He couldn't even finish a meal before he was called out.

"Are you so busy?" Father Pei stood on the balcony holding Xiaotuanzi, watching the car drive away. He muttered something and then looked into the house and asked, "Is Zhuxun back today?"

"Well, I also cooked some more food and asked them to eat here at night." Mother Pei nodded, her voice cheering as she spoke, and she seemed to be in a good mood.

"I don't know where they are, and I didn't even call them." Father Pei muttered dissatisfiedly. He looked at the little dumpling in his arms and suddenly remembered that his daughter didn't even call him when she returned to China. He was so angry that he wanted to He left the dog with her.

The missed Bae Zhuhyun is still standing in the company's practice room at this moment. This time I went to Hong Kong, China, and the harvest was pretty good. It's just that the hot searches were a bit unexpected. I thought that after one night, the hot searches would go down. The result is still the first place.

"Unnie, the photos look great." Sun Shengwan stood on his toes and looked at the photos on his phone, then praised them.

"What's so cool? This guy just followed me and took advantage of someone, okay? You're so rude in front of a large audience." Pei Zhuxuan narrowed her eyes in displeasure, glanced at Park Soo-young, and then returned the phone in disgust. "Next Take care of your Pei Xian this time and don’t let him treat me as a tool, really."

Others may have seen the scene and thought that the relationship between the two siblings was really good, but in fact, after that, Bae Xian used Bae Zhuhyun as a shield and went to whisper to Park Sooyoung. No one else could see it, only Bae Zhuhyun could see it. very clear.

Pu Xiurong took the phone back in embarrassment and said with a smile, "Unnie, this is not what I said. I just chatted for two or three sentences, two or three sentences."

"It's not good to stay in the hot search for too long now." The more the agent looked at the hot search on his mobile phone, the more headache he felt. Just stay on the hot search for a while, but the longer it lasts, the more people will gossip.

But soon, his mind changed. Looking at the piles of advertising invitation contracts sent to the company, the four agents laughed from ear to ear and gathered together to discuss which endorsement was suitable for the members.

After the practice, the five people walked to the rest room opposite and happened to see the agents looking at these contracts. Curious, they went over to look at them. All they saw were words. Those who were too lazy to read had already given up, that is, Pei Zhuxuan would take them one by one. Make comparisons.

Park Xiurong checked the time. She has been busy in the practice room since returning to China, and did not notice anyone in Kakao sending her a message. Before Bae Zhuhyun came back, she directly called Pei Xian.

"Have you eaten? Auntie called us to eat today."

After she finished speaking, she heard a very noisy voice coming from the phone, and then she heard a familiar voice.

"I know, my mother bought a lot of pork ribs today. Knowing that you like to eat them, I guess she will need at least two pots to start with."

As soon as he heard this, Pu Xiurong's ears moved subconsciously, and he felt saliva secreting in his mouth. He quickly stopped thinking about the stewed pork ribs, coughed lightly, and asked in a low voice, "My dear, do you want to go on a date?"

The person on the other end of the phone paused, walked a few steps into the corner, and replied, "I think so too, but... I'm currently at the filming location in Chungcheongnam-do, and I'm in a hurry for the filming. It seems like it will take two days to go back."

"Really? I won't be free in those two days," Park Xiurong said in an unhappy tone.




Pei Xian took a breath and asked, "I helped you get an extra trophy, why don't you give me some reward?"

"Isn't dating a reward?" Park Soo-young asked.

As soon as these words came out, Pei Xian was stunned for no less than ten seconds. After he reacted, his voice suddenly became gentle, "Then, is it okay for you to do it yourself?"

Why does this sentence sound so wrong?

"The date will be at home, see you in the evening," Pei Xian said calmly. When he heard a location assistant calling him outside, he told Park Xiurong that he was going back to the filming, and then hung up the phone.

Park Xiurong didn't even have time to ask what time he would be back. She put down her phone and looked up to see the three sisters staring at her.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Sun Shengwan said, "Why don't you go to dinner? There are only a few people, so we can order more ribs."

Jin Yelin: "That's right, Unnie, don't come back. You can drive anyway, so drive to Oppa Bae Xian. Don't come back."

Kang Seulgi “We can eat more”

These three consecutive words made Park Soo-young feel even more depressed. After getting rid of the question mark on his head, he complained to Jiang Seulqi speechlessly, "Unnie, are you embarrassed to tell me this?"

"." Jiang Seulqi deliberately turned her head away from looking at her, letting Park Xiurong's eyes stare at her fiercely.

In the past ten minutes or so, Pei Zhuhyun walked over with two endorsement advertising contracts, followed by two agents. As soon as she returned to the team, the agent explained to them.

It's a good thing to have endorsements, and the ones selected are ones with good contract conditions so far. This is the first thing.

The second thing is their performances at the end of the year.

"KBS has confirmed Joo Hyun as one of the hosts this year. Before that, it may be necessary to confirm the commercial shooting. Also, after Walking with the Gods is released, it must be well promoted. There will be several activities by then. join"

After the manager finished speaking, he looked at Jiang Seulgi again, and continued, "Although this news is a bit sudden, Seulgi, you have to take an outdoor survival course with us tomorrow. Although you have participated in real-person training before, Xiu has learned it before, but this time it’s a little... different.”

Mentioning this matter, Jiang Seulqi suddenly remembered that she had another show that she had not participated in.

Kim Byung Man’s Law of the Jungle…

"If I go to Mexico, will I get a serious tan?"

the soul asks.

The four members looked at Jiang Seulqi calmly and nodded in agreement, "Definitely."

Jiang Seulgi "..."

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