My Sister is the Female Team Leader

Chapter 815, Oops, I was too busy and forgot to update.

The plan was to return to Seoul on New Year's Eve, but on the first day, Pei Xian was called back by his assistant. Since he was still carrying seafood in his hand, he could not take a plane and could only take a cruise ship.

When they arrived at Incheon Port, Pei Xian took two bags of seafood and looked around, and soon spotted Lin Danni on the roadside.

The main reason is that my car is too conspicuous. Once the color of the body is changed, people can spot it from a long distance.

When Lin Danni saw Pei Xian coming over, she returned the car keys to him and complained, "Oppa, you should drive this car yourself. It's too conspicuous, and when waiting at the red light, someone asked if you were there. Why?" Are you recognized so quickly?"

"Maybe it's because my car looks good?" Pei Xian laughed, put everything in his hands into the trunk, and said, "Brother Jonghyun and I went fishing before. There were a few fish that were okay. Here on the left is Abalone, on the right are fish and shellfish, you can take them home to eat later.”

"Abalone?" Lin Danni became more and more surprised as she listened. She reached out and tried to lift the bag. It was very heavy. It was estimated that there were a lot of abalones in it.

"Oppa, are you rich?"

"No, Jonghyun-hyung gave me a treat. I don't really like abalone, I prefer crabs."

If Kim Jonghyun could hear Bae Xian say this, he might come here from Jeju Island. In the past two days in Jeju Island, they basically lived together and played together. They agreed to eat and drink at Kim Jonghyun's house, but Bae Xian ate all day long. If he didn't move, he would almost be driven crazy.

"Jonghyun hyung saw me returning to Seoul today, and he was so happy that he sang in the room."

"Oppa, whoever sees you eating like this will want to kill you. If you leave early, you will definitely be happy." The assistant hit Pei Xian mercilessly. When he got in the car, he couldn't help but complained, "My first two I bumped into Wendy xi the other day, and I’m talking about you. That night you ate her 100,000 yuan supper, tsk tsk tsk.”

"Is that too much? I just ate more, and I exercised a lot." Pei Xian shrugged disapprovingly and said with a smile, "Didn't I return a favor to her? After a late-night snack, I introduced her to two directors. We know each other, and we even got the OST.”


Lin Danni suddenly felt that the more than 100,000 yuan spent on late-night snacks was worth it, but she just didn't understand how her artist could have such an appetite.

"Wait, two directors?"

Suddenly she realized that something was wrong. Director Li Yingfu was the only one in her mind, so why was there another one?

“Director Kim Yong Hwa’s movie also needs to use interludes.”

"But, can't we introduce Joy xi as well?"

As an actor she has worked with before, Lin Danni felt that Pei Xian was either overzealous or just trying to make ends meet.

There was no change in expression on Pei Xian's face. He blinked and naturally changed the subject, "Where are you going today? What kind of interview?"

"It's an interview for the movie section of Seoul Entertainment Magazine. Oppa, didn't you read carefully what I sent you last night?"

"Well, I was shoveling snow, so..."

Putting the blame on herself for not reading the news carefully, Lin Danni resisted the urge to curse and patiently told Pei Xian about today's interview in words again.

The interview took place in a studio in Seoul. Several leading actors from the film crew, the Hell Trio, Cha Tae Hyun, Do Kyung Soo and Kim Dong Wook were all present. Exactly one week has passed since the movie was released, and the box office has been so popular that it has broken the previous box office. line record.

Since he was either on the set or in Jeju Island before, Pei Xian was too lazy to watch the news, so he didn't pay much attention to the movie. He only found out about it when he got here today and was reminded by his assistant.

The movie's box office has exceeded records.

"Some professionals say that the box office attendance of "Along with the Gods" will exceed 10 million within two weeks." Lin Danni whispered to Pei Xian, took out her phone and opened the current box office rankings, and asked him to wait. Pay a little more attention during the interview Q\u0026A.

The others sat in their seats with peace of mind. They couldn't help but feel curious when they saw Pei Xian writing down the information in such a hurry.

"Brother, I haven't seen you in the past few days. Where were you before?" Do Kyung-soo looked at Pei Xian's panicked look curiously and asked, "Have you been on the set all along?"

"Ah, I just went home after the crew came back and was a little busy." It was hard to say that he had a great time in Jeju Island, so Pei Xian naturally found a more euphemistic excuse for himself.

Whether they believed it or not was no longer of concern to him.

Without two minutes to wait, the person responsible for interviewing the magazine arrived and asked a lot of questions about the movie in a normal manner. In addition, he asked about their other itinerary plans, such as albums, TV series, etc.

Lin Danni stood not far away from them, paying attention to the situation here while browsing the news. The topics and news posts about movies were basically in a good direction.

Basically, apart from the movie, the next thing is the messy schedule.

While Pei Xian was being interviewed, Lin Danni pulled out Pei Xian's schedule for January and looked at it. Apart from the necessary TV series filming, there was not much else in the schedule.

"Golden record, luckily not much, I still plan to go to Europe"

Song Kanghao's film will soon participate in film festivals in Europe. At the same time, Pei Xian will also go to Mexico to participate in a program.

"Wild survival training course, ha, why is it like this again?"

The forest danger index in Mexico is not low, and the program team of Kim Byung-man’s Jungle Jungle specializes in finding places with few people. Lin Danni thought of Seulgi and Lisa who would be participating together, and felt nervous with them.

"Why does Seulgi always meet this kind of program group who likes to go to the wild? Wilderness Survival Beans? How many reality shows is this?"

Seeing Park Soo-young, Lin Danni remembered how Kang Seul-gi, as a female idol, participated in reality shows of this type. It was the same when she went to the island last time, and it was the same when she went to Mexico this time.


While she was complaining in her mind about the Sima family not caring about their daughter, she suddenly heard Pei Xian's voice and quickly came back to her senses and looked over, "Huh?"

"It's over, let's go to dinner." Pei Xian greeted her and handed her his car keys. "I may have a drink at the end of the day. You can drive the car back and take your things with you."

"What about you, Oppa?" Lin Danni asked subconsciously.

Then she saw Pu Xiurong appear behind Pei Xian, smiling at her face, and she understood the meaning instantly.

"Guilty...I know..."

This interview was a public celebration of the box office success. Several leading actors even stood together and took photos for publicity. There are many benefits to a movie, and at least Park Soo Young and Do Kyung Soo are the ones who benefit the most.

The people of this Sima family probably wake up laughing at night.

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