The crew had not eaten for a while when two people left first. Bae Xian, Che, Tae Hyun, and Zhu Ji Hoon were sitting together, still watching the promotional video on the TV.

Tonight was the Song Festival, hosted by Bae Zhuhyun, and the five of them performed again. Park Sooyoung was taken away by her manager before she even had time to eat.

Do Kyung Soo didn't even eat the delicious food and was forcibly taken away by his manager. Pei Xian couldn't stand it and kindly brought him a bottle of drink to quench his thirst. At least he wouldn't be hungry.

"Do the idols have to rehearse all day long? Are they so busy?" Zhu Zhixun looked at the idol performance promotional video played on the TV, which included scenes of the idols rehearsing.

"Well, the wait in line may take longer, and you have to watch the rehearsals several times. I went to Pingchang before and saw them like this. They rehearsed twice during the day and performed at night." Pei Xian explained, but there were various emotions in his tone. uncertain.

He doesn't understand the idol industry. According to what he has seen, it is exactly what he said.

"The situation is better now. In the past, idols had a harder time. They would leave for rehearsals in the early morning and then go on stage in the morning. They would line up in groups and it would take a long time just to wait." Cha Taehyun added a few words and added He said, "At that time, the idols had to come over one by one to say hello to the staff, which was more time consuming."

After careful comparison, today's artists are already considered very good, but the description of "death journey" is getting lower and lower now.

"Pei Xian," Zhu Zhixun suddenly called Pei Xian while watching the TV.

"Huh?" Pei Xian responded and turned around. Seeing the two eldest brothers staring at him, he asked doubtfully, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

The two stared at Pei Xian for a while and asked questions at the same time.

"Have you bought a house in Jeju Island?"

"Are you dating Joy?"


To put it bluntly, why do you want to ask at the same time?

Pei Xian was silent for a moment, then nodded and responded, "Well, I bought a house, and... yes, I'm dating her. Brother, how did you know?"

If it was about dating, Pei Xian wouldn't be surprised. After all, some people he knew well knew what was going on, but he didn't understand the matter about the house in Jeju Island.

Who said that?

Zhu Zhixun shook his head and said, "Someone said so, saying that they saw you looking at a house in Jeju Island and took photos of it."

The reason is very real.

Pei Xian thought about it for a moment. He should have been photographed when he and Kim Jonghyun went to Jeju Island before, but why was he the only one who was discovered?

"Well, I have the idea of ​​settling in Jeju Island. The scenery there is good, no one disturbs me, and most importantly, there are many natural scenery."

Various conditions allowed Pei Xian to buy the house there. He was not a high-profile person, and he also tended to enjoy the good scenery of nature.

Both Zhu Zhixun and Cha Taehyun understood his idea and were a little curious about his new house, so they discussed it with him while drinking.

It wasn't until late at night that I finished watching the Song Festival. It was nearing the end of the year and there were many people on the street. They drank and couldn't drive, so they walked around the street.

"Walking from Hongdae to Sejong-ro, brother, you can really walk with me for so long."

It can be said that he lost track of time along the way. Pei Xian looked at the apartment building in front of him, looked back at the two eldest brothers following him, and asked, "How about you stay here tonight?"

"You live here? Don't you live in the west gate?" Zhu Zhixun looked at the ten-story building in front of him, a little surprised.

Pei Xian walked forward, opened the door and explained to them, "This is where my parents live. I also have an apartment opposite them. Come in."

Cha Taixian followed Pei Xian in out of curiosity and saw that there were mint candies on the bench outside the elevator. He took one and said with a smile, "Your house also has one here? It's very good. There are also candies."

"My dad felt that the house in Daegu was not enough for him to live in, so he ran away to Seoul. The teahouse downstairs also belongs to him. You are welcome to come to my house for tea at any time." Pei Xian advertised to them and took one more look at the small door before entering the elevator.

The door is closed. Judging from the time, Pei Zhuhyun and the others should be back. Have they gone back to the dormitory to rest?

The elevator went up to the first floor of his home. Pei Xian opened the door and let them in to rest. He planned to go back to his parents' place to sleep for the night.

"Brother, there is food and drink in the refrigerator. The guest room is on the right hand side. There are two guest rooms, and there is a change of clothes in the cabinet in the bathroom. They are all clean and unworn. Remember to wash the clothes and dry them on the balcony. The wireless password is my birthday"

After a while of instructions, Pei Xian said good night to them and went out.

"Strange, they didn't send me a message tonight."

All day today, he didn't receive a message from Park Soo-young or Bae Zhu-hyun. He always thought he was too busy and had no time. Even though he was back, he should send a message to report that he was safe.

Muttering to himself, he opened the door to the apartment opposite and walked in. Afraid of disturbing his parents, he didn't even change into slippers and stepped in with bare feet.

In the living room, Pei Xian walked in and found Pei Zhuhyun sleeping on the sofa he usually loved. The dark blanket was half covered on her body. If she moved, it might fall off.

She was sleeping so deeply that she didn't even hear the door close.

"Why isn't this girl in the dormitory?"

It wasn't until Pei Xian picked up the blanket and covered her with it that she slowly opened her eyes and turned to look at Pei Xian in surprise.

"When did you come back?"

“Just now”

Pei Xian paused his arms. He also wanted to take Pei Zhuxuan back to her room so that she could sleep well.

Now that she had woken up, this idea was automatically abandoned. He sat on the small sofa next to him and looked at her quietly, waiting for the next step.

Pei Zhuxuan opened her mouth to ask why she came back so late, but she thought it might be because she had too many meals or she was busy with filming, so she held back the question.

There was no light on in the living room, and it was pitch dark. When she sat up, she could only see Pei Xian's dark eyes looking at her, and suddenly stretched out her hand to cover his short hair.

"It's getting late, go and have a rest. I'm not feeling well. If I'm hungry, I'll go get some hot food by myself."

"I smell like drunk now. You are the one who came back from dinner. Go back to your room." Pei Xian did not refuse her touch on the head. He spoke softly, stood up and made way for her.

He didn't ask why Pei Zhuhyun was here. He only noticed the second half of the sentence.

"If you feel uncomfortable, go back to your room and do whatever you want to do on the sofa. I'll make you some soup."

After urging, Pei Xian watched Pei Zhuhyun nod and slowly walked to her room. He quickly took out his mobile phone and looked at today's date.

"This girl isn't feeling well, yet she still has the nerve to host it. It's so cold outside, don't give her a stomachache again."

After muttering dissatisfied words to her, Pei Xian looked back at the door to her room, which happened to be closed. He quickly walked into the kitchen with bare feet, intending to make a bowl of ginger soup for her.

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