My Sister is the Female Team Leader

Chapter 818, busy and idle

Before receiving the notice from the crew, Bae Xian quickly took care of some non-shooting schedules in Seoul.

Although he was not happy, he still showed up on the set of the pictorial. Since he was pressed for time, he stayed in the gym for more than ten hours cramming before he felt a little satisfied.

Compared to him, Jiang Seulqi was even busier. When she arrived here, she was still wearing her singing uniform. She hurriedly changed out of her clothes and the two of them met each other when they were touching up their makeup.

"You're so busy, what about your trip to Mexico? Can you handle it?" Bae Xian saw that Jiang Seulgi was so busy and couldn't help but ask, "I remember there was a gold record in January, and what about the Seoul Music Awards?" "

"Oppa, everything about the award ceremony is okay. We still have a new album to prepare." Jiang Seqi raised her eyes and looked at Pei Xian, with an indescribable tiredness in her tone.

Another new album?

Pei Xian was stunned for a moment, then complained, "Are you guys open all year round? You're releasing another album."

"But Oppa, what else can we do if we don't release an album?" Kang Seulgi asked the most critical question, "We are idols, and returning more often is a good thing. Have you seen any idols who don't come back?" Good thing”


What she said made sense, and Pei Xian couldn't refute her for a while.

"Ahem, today's shooting, if there is any physical contact, I'm sorry, I will pay attention to it."

Today's pictorial is for a sports magazine. Both of them meet the requirements of the magazine. They are sunny and good-looking, and they look energetic in sportswear. In addition, they are also well-known entertainers. Today is the first time to cooperate.

"It's nothing, but Oppa, have you been to Mexico? Are there a lot of bugs in the woods there? Poisonous bugs, snakes, etc.?" Jiang Seulgi didn't care about any physical contact during the photo shoot, but was curious about it. Asked about this matter.

The program team has not yet revealed the news that they will participate in Kim Byung-wan's "Law of the Jungle", but they have given a specific recording time. The closer it is to this time, she is also worried. Will she go to Mexico? Something.

Pei Xian put down the phone in his hand, looked back at her, and said with a smile, "There is no forest without bugs or snakes. However, if there are many people, these reptiles will not take the initiative to approach, and the program team is not so bold, and will use s.m and yg." Baby artists put in those dangerous places”

Hearing what he said, Jiang Seulqi felt indescribably uncomfortable. She didn't talk about small reptiles, but she was also afraid of them.

During the photo shoot, Kang Seulgi experienced the benefits of having a tall person next to her for the first time, and it was also the first time she was so high above the ground.

"What are you afraid of? I won't throw you away." Pei Xian looked forward with his hands in his pockets. He felt that the person sitting on his left shoulder was shaking all over and couldn't help laughing and teasing her.

"Oppa, why don't you be carried like this? I can't touch your head, it's very unbalanced." Jiang Seulgi glanced at the ground nervously, then regained her composure and looked at the camera with her original calm expression.

Remain true to yourself as a female idol with good virtues, and smile professionally and beautifully in front of the camera.

I don't know which genius came up with the photo-taking position that had her sit on one shoulder of Pei Xian. The key was that there was no place to stabilize her body and she could only rely on her body to balance.

Fortunately, Bae Xian stood firm on his own, which saved Jiang Seulqi some trouble. Except for this shot, the rest of the filming went smoothly.

After the shooting, these four words came out of the photographer's mouth. Jiang Seulgi hurriedly bowed her head to thank the surrounding staff and left quickly.

He came in a hurry and left in a hurry, the speed was frightening.

"Are you so busy?" Pei Xian walked all the way back to the dressing room. Jiang Seulqi could no longer be seen. He blinked and looked around and asked, "They have a lot of schedule today?"

Lin Danni glanced at the current time, nodded and replied, "Today's New Year's Eve, Red Velvet is going to perform at MBC, but OP, you and Seulgi Xi and the others didn't go to the MBC Drama Awards, the TV station Quite angry”

She suddenly told Pei Xian about it. That reality show was very popular and had high ratings. Unfortunately, there was no regular guest to attend the awards ceremony at the end of the year. It was normal for the TV station to be very angry.

So there is no prize for them.

"I know MBC's temper very well. Don't worry about it. The ratings are on the ranking list. They are the ones who are embarrassed." Pei Xian had a relaxed expression on his face. As he spoke, he picked up his phone and took a look at the message records in Kakao.

At this time, he saw the message Jiang Seulgi sent him, saying that she had gone to the Gayo Daejeon.

"I'm really busy, but I should be free during those few days at the beginning of the year, Dani."

"Inside, Oppa"

"What did the crew say?" Pei Xian asked.

Lin Danni nodded and replied, "Director Li Yingfu said that it is the second day after the New Year's Eve. He will have two days for the staff to return to the filming set in Chungcheongnam-do. Oppa, we can go there on the 2nd."

The most comfortable time for domestic artists is probably January 1 every year. Whether they are actors or idols, they can basically take a day off.

"Well, let's go back then"

It’s not good to stay here anymore. Pei Xian packed up his things and said goodbye to the staff he met one by one. Lin Danni was walking behind him with her bag in hand. When she was about to reach the parking lot, Pei Xian Suddenly stopped.

"Huh? Oppa, what's wrong?"

She saw that Pei Xian had been staring to the right. She turned her head curiously and found nothing unusual. She muttered something about not seeing the paparazzi. When she turned around, she saw Pei Xian holding a white envelope in front of her.

"I'll give you more New Year's money this year. Thank you for your hard work. Please do the same next year." Pei Xian smiled and put the thick envelope in her hand. He just deliberately attracted Assistant Kai's attention and took out the New Year's money. give her.

"Mo, Oppa, is it so romantic all of a sudden this year?" Lin Danni accepted the New Year's money in surprise, and joked playfully, "I accepted the fourth New Year's money, and I will work hard next year!"

After tonight, it was the fifth year that the assistant had cooperated with Pei Xian. Lin Danni was very efficient and fast. She could guess what Pei Xian was thinking after being together for so long. She was given this lucky money. It’s also very weighty.

"Oppa, I won't resign next year, don't worry."

"...Ah, am I giving you the lucky money just to stop you from changing jobs?" Pei Xian stared at her speechlessly.

"Isn't it?" Lin Danni clapped the thick envelope in her hand and asked, "If such a good assistant like me goes to another company, Oppa, you will be in trouble."


Pei Xian reached out to open the car door and got in, giving her a hint in his eyes. He didn't think any company's actors could let their assistants take care of their schedules like him, and would pay her such a high salary.

"Oppa, I have nothing to do today. Do you want to go to MBC to watch a show?"

"No, Brother Xujun invited me to have a drink and dinner on New Year's Eve. I won't go to the show. I'll just watch the live TV broadcast."

Park Seo Joon?

Lin Danni was stunned subconsciously and asked speechlessly, "Is it Park Seo Joon Xi again? Oppa, why do you always spend New Year's Eve with him?"

Pei Xian narrowed his eyes and looked at her a little unhappy, "I can't make friends anymore?"

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